
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · Fantasy
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43 Chs


Each night of the last month I prayed I wouldn't wake but each morning I would open my eyes, but I wouldn't kill myself, Master's last order was not to and I didn't want to disobey him. Each day I cleaned the house sometimes multiple times to have some form of happiness, and I would only drink smoothies in a bowl. I kept to myself, I didn't speak to anyone and I spent all my free time kneeling at my chair in my room, wishing Master was sitting in it. But I made sure to get some sunlight so I would spend an hour or two in the backyard in the grass.

"Princess come here" I heard dad call out, so I stood up from the grass and headed inside. There I saw Master standing by my father, and I looked from Master to my father wondering what is going on.

"Your father has agreed to make an exchange. Each week I give an update on how you are doing, not to sell you, and to allow him to see you at least once a month, and you get to come back with me" Master said.

"You're not joking with me, are you?" I asked.

"No, Jess, as long as he keeps his terms you can stay with him," dad said. I smiled, I ran over and hugged him.

"Thank you dad," I whispered.

"Your welcome princess," dad said when I pulled back. "You're just like your mother princess, the only time she was happy was while she submitted to me, and I could see that the only time you were happy was when you cleaned, you got your spark back in your eyes," dad said.

"I got something for you, little slave," Master said, I looked at him, and he held out my cuffs and collar. I walked over to him and allowed him to lock them back in their place.

"Take care of my little girl," dad said, holding his hand out to Master and he shook it.

"Yes Sir," Master said, and I was looking up at him with a smile on my face. I missed him, the way his arm tenses the look of determination on his face, the way he controlled me with just his words. When Master looked at me I looked away.

"Just like your mother" dad murmured.

"Can we go home, Master?" I asked, Master chuckled.

"Of course, little slave," Master said.

"See you, princess," dad said.

"See you, dad," I said when Master took my hand in his and I smiled.

"Let's go," Master said, and I nodded.

We left the house and went to his car, "I missed you Master" I said.

"I missed you too slave," Master said, then we got in his car.

"Master, may I ask a question?" I asked as he started driving.

"Sure slave," Master said.

"Do you still plan to punish me since you weren't able to when you came back?" I asked.

"No slave, Jorge went hard enough on you," Master said.

"Ok Master," I said and then we didn't speak as he drove home.

"I'm glad you didn't try to kill yourself, slave," Master said when he pulled onto the off-road leading to the warehouse.

"I didn't want to disobey, but that was the only thing I was able to do, I couldn't be happy being free, and I couldn't forget what I've been taught," I said.

"It's okay slave, I didn't think you would be able to, the main one was for you to stay alive," Master said.

"I will admit, I did think about it a few times, and I prayed I wouldn't wake up each night. But I didn't do anything that would cause me not to" I said, Master shook his head but didn't say anything.

"You'll give me your clothes so whenever your father comes you'll have something to wear but do not forget your place just because you're wearing clothes, slave," Master said.

"I won't Master, clothes or no clothes I am a slave," I said.

"Yes, just a helpless slave," Master said. When he stopped the car we got out and I took the dress off and passed it to him.

"I'm glad to be home Master," I said, as I followed him inside.

"I am to slave, I missed you," Master said, and my heart sped up, knowing he missed me.

"Hey slave," Jorge said.

"Hello Sir," I said.

"Who's she?" A girl asked.

"She's boss' slave," Jorge said.

"Is she new?" She asked.

"No, she's been here for a while on and off over the course of the year," Master said before he headed up to his office and I followed after him. "Slave, did you break into my office?" Master asked as he sat down.

"Yes Master," I said, looking down.

"Why?" Master asked.

"To get the rifle Master. I knew I could help them and didn't know where else I could get a gun and I didn't want to waste time looking" I said.

"Thank you for protecting my men slave," Master said.

"I couldn't let you lose even more Master, and if I did nothing then they would've all died so I had to do something," I said.

"I'll put a gun in a box near the back door, if we are in a shoot out you will help us, hide so they can't see you and shoot them down," Master said.

"Yes Master," I said, I felt pride that he trusted me enough to help him protect his gang.

"Be careful with it, slave, I'm trusting you" Master said.

"I will Master," I said.

"The other slaves won't know it's there and do not tell them," Master said.

"I won't Master," I said.

"Now come bend over the desk slave, I've missed you and your perfect little body," Master said, I could hear the lust in his voice and I shivered but I did as was ordered. I spread my legs, as I felt him when he started to thrust. I screamed out in pleasure, missing his touch. "Such a responsive little slut" Master groaned.

"No mercy Master please no mercy" I whimpered.

"You're like a bitch in heat, slave," Master said, as he sped up.

"Yes Master" I panted, when I felt hands in my hair pulling me back with another at the small of my back pushing it down, I arched my back as much as I could getting his silent order.

"Such a good slut" Master praised.

"Thank you, Master, I just wish to be pleasing" I whimpered, and I felt his lips at my ear.

"And you are little slave," Master whispered, before nibbling my ear and I shivered. When his hand-rolled my nipple between his fingers.

"Please Master," I whimpered.

"What do you want slave?" Master asked.

"Please" I whimpered.

"You have to tell me what you want slave or I can't give it to you," Master said.

"Please" I whimpered, I wasn't able to focus on anything, not able to say another word. "Please Master please" I whimpered.

"I think I broke you, little slave," Master said, amused.

"Please Master," I whimpered. He started to suck and nibble at my neck and I moaned out. When he bit down, "Master!" I screamed out as my belly convulsed as I came, I was panting as I calmed down, when Master held himself and came deep into my belly. He stayed there for a few seconds breathing heavily.

"You are mine slave, never forget that," Master said, as he pulled out and did up his jeans.

"Yours Master," I said as he sat down.

"The others will no longer have permission to use you, you are only to follow nonsexual orders from them, only I can use your body, you belong to me slave," Master said.

"Yes Master," I said, kneeling in my spot and his hand reached down and petted my hair.

"Good slave," Master said, I smiled up at him. "I'll cherish you forever little slave," Master said.

"I'm glad, Master," I said.

"So tell me about your parents' slave, Jerome said you remind him of your mother tell me about it," Master said.

"I don't know much Master, I can only say what he told me," I said, and Master nodded. "So, from what I was told, my mother was his slave for three years until he caught feelings for her, he fell for his slave and to protect them both he freed her, married her and made her his queen to rule by his side. But she wasn't happy so while in the house with no one around she was still his slave, but to everyone else, she was his queen. Dad must've seen how unhappy I was being free, he saw my mother in me, how unhappy she was, and to make me happy contacted you. He knew deep down that I wouldn't be happy, but I think he figured with time I would come back, be the happy kid I was growing up, and when he noticed that I wouldn't that I was a slave and that being a slave is what makes me happy he allowed me to come back" I said.

"Why does he think you're more like your mother than he thought?" Master asked.

"It may be because of how much I care about you Master, he saw I was willing to give up my life to protect you. He saw how the second I saw you the spark that was missing came back, that just seeing you made me happy" I said, Master nodded.

"Would you give up being a slave for me?" Master asked.

"If it pleases you, I would, but I don't know if I'd be happy, but if it makes you happy I would because your happiness is the most important thing to me," I said.

"Well I don't think I wish for you to be unhappy slave," Master said.

"My happiness means nothing Master, I just wish to be pleasing, I'm just a slave, property to be owned," I said.

"Yes you are little slave" Master said before he started working and I stayed at his feet.