
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · Fantasy
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43 Chs


When I felt shoes on my chest waking me up "what are you doing slave?" Billy asked.

"I must've fallen asleep out here Sir," I said when he let up on my chest.

"Why aren't you in your room?" Billy asked.

"I was punished, Sir whipped me until I passed out, I woke up in my blood, had a shower and came out here," I said. When I felt something was wrong.

"Go inside slave and hide," Billy said, taking his gun out when all Masters men ran out of the warehouse, so I got up and ran inside, but instead of hiding I broke into Master's office as I heard gunshots, I found a rifle so I grabbed it, ran out back and to the trees with the rifle on my back. When I was in the trees I climbed the trees and went to a tree where I could see two gangs, both sides had bodies on the ground so I loaded the rifle, balanced myself and aimed before firing. The person I hit went down, and I quickly grabbed another bullet into the chamber and fired again. I ended up hitting and killing five people, while Masters men were looking around after they were all dead wondering who the mystery shooter was. I climbed down from the tree and walked back to them. They looked at me with surprise and horror.

"What are you doing, slave?" Jorge snapped.

"You were outnumbered, there would be no way you could've beat them, and I could tell before I went in that you were outnumbered so I was going to do everything in my power to make sure no more of my Master's men died. I may be a slave but I've been trained to protect and protecting outweighs any command from anyone other than from my Master" I said.

"Pass the gun slave," Jorge said, so I took the gun off my back and passed it to him.

"You knew they were there," Billy stated.

"Instincts, my father has conditioned me to listen to them, that they'll tell me when there is danger nearby, it's why I feel so guilty for the attack last time, I knew there was something off, Hunter set me off on it, and I didn't think it was humans because we're so far from normal civilization, so I just thought it was a wild animal so we bolted to protect Hunter. So when I felt something wrong this time I had to make up for it, and I knew Master had a rifle in his office, I've seen it every day I went in, and I've used that specific model so I knew I could get at least one of them and each one I got meant less danger for you and less risk of you dying" I said.

"How good at shooting are you?" Jorge asked.

"I'd say well enough to know what I'm doing," I said.

"Follow me, slave, everyone else get back to work," Jorge said, everyone dispersed and I followed Jorge. I was nervous but he didn't go into the warehouse, but to one of the off buildings around the property, when he got a phone call, "Ok I'll send Billy" Jorge said before hanging up, he got on his radio. "Billy number 1," Jorge said.

"Roger that" I could hear Billy's distorted voice over the radio.

When we went into the building. It was a gun range, with multiple targets on one side. "Now here's a line of different guns, you'll pick a different gun for a different target," Jorge said, I nodded and went to pick up a gun. I aimed it at a target and fired, I went through nine other guns and fired each of them. When all the targets were shot all of them moved towards us, Jorge went and looked at the targets.

"What do you think you're doing slave?" Master asked. I turned and faced him, gun in hand and all the blood drained from my face.

"Boss come look at this," Jorge said, and Master looked from me to Jorge but walked over to him, they looked at all ten targets.

"Did she do this?" Master asked.

"Yes, all different guns as well," Jorge said.

"Who taught you to shoot slave?" Master asked, coming in front of me.

"My father, Master," I said.

"The one from the military?" Master asked.

"Yes, Master," I said.

"What's his name, slave?" Master asked.

"Jerome Green Master," I said, and they both paled.

"You don't think?" Jorge asked.

"I wouldn't doubt it," Master said, I grew nervous wondering what they're talking about. "Slave, your father wasn't in the military, he's the most feared gang leader in the country," Master said.

"You're lying, he wouldn't go behind our back and do something like this to us," I said.

"Put the gun down slave, and you can call him and ask, or we can show you a picture of him if you don't believe us," Master said, when I came to my senses I noticed I had the gun pointed at Master.

"I'm sorry," I said, lowering the gun. When Master took out his phone and was scrolling before showing me a picture of my father, he had the same scar above his right eyebrow and his wrinkle lines from laughing with us, but instead of the familiar smile and light eyes, his eyes were dark, cold, with a scowl on his face, he looked the same yet so different.

"We need to give you back to him," Master said.

"What?! No!" I screamed.

"He's after you slave, it's why we've been targeted twice in the same month," Master said.

"Please Master, if I can get him to back off please allow me to stay or even sell me, I don't want to be free Master, please" I pleaded.

"I'm taking you into town and giving you back to him slave," Master said, I felt tears fall down my face. "I need to protect my gang slave, and you're a liability," Master said.

"Yes Master," I said, and Jorge passed me a dress and I put it on, Master held his hand out for the gun and I gave it to him.

"When we get into town you will call him and tell him where we are," Master said, and I nodded my head.