
My overpowered chaotic hero system

" I wonder how it feels to be strong", Miles a weak 18 years old boy from the village of liegae in the kingdom of brinshelm have always had the dream of being an adventurer and exploring the world but all that is a pipe dream because he is so weak even to the standards of those younger then him he is even given the name wick bones because he was so wick . But all that changes when in a forest he is suddenly confronted by a boar who almost killed him,But before he dies all movement seems to slow down even the leafs of the tree moving to the rhythm of the wind comes to a complete halt,He suddenly hears a voice who gives him the mysterious and overpowered abilities of a hero. All of a sudden miles suddenly possess unimaginable powers,He then takes a step to venture out of his village into the unknown.

Afro_Grooves · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 10. Preparations to leave the village

Miles had taken Sheila to his room to have a talk with her away from his family.

So listen Sheila I have been meaning to talk to you about what happened yesterday ,Miles said trying to break the awkward silence.

"Yes me to ", I haven't been able to stop thinking about you after what we well u know did it yesterday , you are always in my mind , and I came here to let you know that I want to get married to you , Sheila stated.

Wait what , No please listen to what I have to say , I don't want to get married now I want to go out of this village I want to be an adventurer, so I can't get married to you , it's not you it's me , Miles said trying to cheer Sheila up.

Why Miles ? Why can't I be with you ? Do you find me irritating ? Or am I ugly to you , sheila said as she slowly came closer to Miles.

Miles I need to know , Do you still love me ? Sheila asked .

Sheila you are beautiful and any man will be happy to have you but I.... I..... I like you as a friend .

Tears could be seen dropping from Sheila's eyes but she tried to hide it by facing the door.

I understand how you feel Miles but am not going to leave you for another woman you are mine and I will be the one you eventually marry , Sheila said as she banged the door behind her.

" Dammit I tried to break it down easily I hope she doesn't think about it to much , Am sorry Sheila but I just can't get married not until I have explored this world" , Miles thought as he laid down on his bed.

Guardian show me my stats.

[Accessing information]

LEVEL = 44

MIGHT = 9756

HP = 7611

ATK = 975


MANA = 0


Effect : release a powerful sword slice to the intended target ATK increased by 200%


Effect : unknown


Effect : Transfers the user to a location been viewed by the user

Special Effect : Transfers the user to a place already visited by the user


Rank : B

Effect : Summons a concentrated form of energy in the shape of a ball , can be fired at will

MANA Cost : 100


[Holy Sword

Rank = A

Effect = Sword deals Extreme damage to unholy beast or creatures with dark energy.

Special Effect = Capable of purging unholy souls or spirit.]

"Well I guess I am strong enough to be an adventurer I think , well it's time I told everyone about my plan".


During the families dinner Miles decided to tell his family about his plan , but he did not how they will take the news , he had already told them before he became a hero and they immediately denied him but now he was strong so he was hoping for a positive answer.

Mom Dad I have an announcement to make .

Miles cleared his throat to reveal his plans.

I would like to go into the city to become an adventurer as soon as I possibly can , Miles stated.

I was wandering when you where going to bring up this matter again , when I saw you fight in the contest I knew you were no longer the little weak fragile boy any more , you have my full support , Gregin stated.

What are you talking about no son of mine is going to the city to fight dangerous beast, Miles mom shouted angrily.

He is a grown man and he is capable of taken care of himself , Gregin said trying to convince his wife.

No am not going to watch my son become an adventurer when am still alive.

The argument went on for a while before Gregin finally convinced his wife but even still she had her doubts , it was decided that Miles will leave for the village in three days time, so Miles just went around living his boring life and turning down girls who where unfortunate to fall for the charm stat and asked him to be their boyfriend, until the day finally came.


Before Miles left the village he first went to met the village chief with his father to tell him about his son plan.

The village chief was in his house alone as usual when the but of them came in.

Darkish how have you been doing , Gregin asked has he gave the village chief a hug.

"I didn't know they where that close to hug each other " , Miles thought.

Well I have been slowly rotting away , the village is peaceful now and there is no need for men like us to protect the village , Darkish said.

Well what brings you to my home you are usually to busy hunting to come here , Darkish asked.

Well it is my son he will be going to the city to become a hunter so I wanted him to receive your blessing's.

Darkish looked at Miles who was staying behind his father.

Yes you raised a fine strong young man , i saw him in the contest and could not help but be amazed by his strength.

Very well he shall have my blessings as the village chief, Darkish said.

Miles was now kneeling down at the front of Darkish while he placed his hand on Miles's head .

"I wander how the strong he his to be the village chief " , Miles thought


[Assessing information]

Darkish illoe

Might = 4671

" I thought he was going to be stronger than that or maybe I am just to strong" , Miles thought.

Darkish closed his eyes and a bright light could be seen coming from his hands.

[Warning External influence detected do you which to accept Y/N]


[Attribute received BLESSING OF MOTHER EARTH]

[ Defence attribute increased by 16%]

[ New stats available Defence]

"A attribute boost and a new stats can this day get any better " , Miles thought.

Darkish removed his hand from Miles head.

May you find favour and grace , and grow to do great things , Darkish said .

Miles was given a bag full of coins , some food a jar of water and some other essentials before he left, and of course his mother and sister didn't want him to go but they couldn't stop him from going and with that Miles left the village for the city.

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