
My overpowered chaotic hero system

" I wonder how it feels to be strong", Miles a weak 18 years old boy from the village of liegae in the kingdom of brinshelm have always had the dream of being an adventurer and exploring the world but all that is a pipe dream because he is so weak even to the standards of those younger then him he is even given the name wick bones because he was so wick . But all that changes when in a forest he is suddenly confronted by a boar who almost killed him,But before he dies all movement seems to slow down even the leafs of the tree moving to the rhythm of the wind comes to a complete halt,He suddenly hears a voice who gives him the mysterious and overpowered abilities of a hero. All of a sudden miles suddenly possess unimaginable powers,He then takes a step to venture out of his village into the unknown.

Afro_Grooves · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 9 The effect of the stat

It was the next day after the flame festival , and the villagers had gone back to it's calm and peaceful state , Miles was in his room still thinking about the what happened after the flame parade.

"I still can't believe what happened yesterday" Miles said as his face went bright red when remembering what took place in Sheila's house.

After Miles got into Sheila's house , He faced opposite Sheila so as not to feel awkward and he was hit with a train load of thought.

" What am I even doing here , was she saying the truth when she said she loved me , how do I break this awkward silence , what am I even supposed to say" .Miles Panicked as he thought of a way out.

Miles do you really hate me ? Sheila asked.

How do you expect me not to , you rejected me when I told you I loved you and you kept treating me like trash , Miles said angrily.

Sheila started to take of her clothes one after the other.

Yeah I know I did that but do you hate me .

Miles turned to face her but was greeted by Sheila's half Naked body.

She had taken of all her clothe leaving only her underwear.

Miles face turned red as he took in the sight.

I ..... I ..... I , Miles stuttered as he tried to reply.

Sheila came closer to Miles to a point where they could feel each other's breathe on their face.

So tell me do you hate me.

"I have never seen this much of a ladies body before , her boobs are so huge and her shape is so sexy, she is so close to me I can smell her fragrance , no wait get it together she is trying to play with your mind I must remain strong I can't let her have her way with me" , Miles thought as he tried to calm himself down.

Listen Sheila I don't thi.....

Before Miles could complete his sentence Sheila had already kissed him not allowing him to say another word .

Unlike the first one this one was longer.

"No this isn't good I shouldn't be doing this but it feels so good" .

Sheila finally broke the kiss and the but of them gasped greedily for air.

Sheila I think we shouldn't do th...

Before Miles could finish his sentence Sheila dragged him into her room.

A couple of seconds later erotic voices could be heard leaving Sheila's room .

"Who would have thought I would have done that with her " Miles thought still blushing.

"And she said she even loved me to , wait a minute she said she noticed it after I fought with Brenn which was when I got that new stat , I have been wandering what it is used for could it be it is the cause of this".

Guardian what is the use of the new stats .

[Stat CHARM causes attraction of the opposite sex towards the user]

[ I thought you already knew this since it was in effect yesterday]

" I knew it there was no way she could have loved me it was just a Stat attribute " , Miles thought .

Wait did you say opposite sex like any girl.

[The stats level is to low to work on all ]

[ It can't affect girls with strong mental fortitude until it levels up to lv10 ]

Okay so how do I level it up .

[ Just like all your stats with experience it will level up ]

just because I can't get every girl doesn't mean I can't get any . Miles said as he let out a smile.

Well I better test it out .

Miles went out of his house and took a stroll around the village to check out the effect of the stat.

As Miles passed by he could see the attention he was gaining from the females , it felt like something in his body were attracting them to him but it didn't work for all.

Miles was smiling on the inside at the attention he was gaining.

"it works they are all looking at me " Miles thought.

Hmmm excuse me .

Miles turn around to see who the voice was coming from.

He turned around and met a girl who was about the same age as his sister , he was a head taller than her , she had blue short hair which reached her neck gorgeous blue eyes and a great body.

Are you talking to me ? Miles asked her.

Ye... yes I was wandering if you could talk to me in private.

Miles followed her till they reached a back alley that was deserted.

So what do you want to tell me ?

I... I... I want you to be my boyfriend.


When I saw you fight yesterday I couldn't help but admire your strength , you where so amazing I couldn't help but fall in love with you.

"well at least I know it is working well maybe to well " Miles thought.

Am sorry but I have to reject , Miles said as he turned to leave.

What you are rejecting me am I not pretty enough for you or don't you like me ? .

No it is non of that it's just that you are to young maybe in the next two years .

Okay I understand.

Miles was almost out of the alley when she called him back.

My name is Lilla please don't forget it.

I won't forget , Miles replied.


Two hours later and Miles had already turned two more girls down.

"Men it works like magic too bad I don't want a girlfriend now , well I better head home before someone else propose".

Back at home Miles got an unexpected visitor, Sheila had come to look for him while he was away and had waited till he came back , and of course never seeing their son with any girl before his parent's where treating her like a daughter this only made everything more awkward for Miles.

Miles you didn't tell me you and sheila were already an item , Eliasa asked .

We are not an item , Miles replied angrily.

What we are not , after everything you did to me yesterday. Sheila replied with a sad face.

Oh my? Miles how could you , Dening the fact after everything you have done to this poor girl, don't worry dear he is going to be yours whether he likes it or not , His mother stated.

Hey don't I get a say in this , Miles asked.

A man must learn to accept his responsibility , Gregin stated .

" Great I have been betrayed by my own family" Miles thought.