
My overpowered chaotic hero system

" I wonder how it feels to be strong", Miles a weak 18 years old boy from the village of liegae in the kingdom of brinshelm have always had the dream of being an adventurer and exploring the world but all that is a pipe dream because he is so weak even to the standards of those younger then him he is even given the name wick bones because he was so wick . But all that changes when in a forest he is suddenly confronted by a boar who almost killed him,But before he dies all movement seems to slow down even the leafs of the tree moving to the rhythm of the wind comes to a complete halt,He suddenly hears a voice who gives him the mysterious and overpowered abilities of a hero. All of a sudden miles suddenly possess unimaginable powers,He then takes a step to venture out of his village into the unknown.

Afro_Grooves · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 11 the journey the city

Miles was in a carriage going to the city , The journey to the city was a stressful one because of the amount of monster on the way from the village to the city a group of five adventurer were always hired to protect the travelers, although they were low level beast but due to there unusual high numbers the hired adventurer where finding it hard to keep up.

Dammit why are their so many monsters they are at least ten times more beast than before, one of the adventurers complained.

At this rate we are not going to last till we get to the city, The second adventurer said.

From the look of their equipment and the way the fought Miles could tell that they are low rank adventurers.

"The Monsters are low level and it wouldn't be a problem but the adventurers are also low rank adventurers from the look of how they fight although they are stronger than the Monsters but the monsters are just to much for them", Miles thought.

Out of all five adventurers their was a girl that stood out from them she didn't have any weapon or any armour like the rest and she stayed at the back while the others attacked the monsters , she seemed to be providing support to the other adventurers, She was very pretty with big black eyes long black hair which reached all the way to her waist, She wore a long white and blue robe which looked like a priestess gown, and she seemed to be in her mid twenties.

More monsters are coming this way ,one of the adventurers said.

The ground started to tremble due to the tremors caused by the amount of monsters coming their way , the monster seemed to be more than 50 in number been lead by a gorilla .

The adventurers seeing this immediately felt like all hope was lost for them.

What the heck is this nobody told me this was a suicide quest if I knew I would have never accepted the quest, One of the adventurers said with fear in his face.

Dammit , dammit , dammit , will I die a virgin , the youngest looking adventurer couldn't help but say as he burst in tears.

While their leader was trying to give his team mate the courage they need.

No we don't need to kill all of them all we need to do is to take out their leader and without a leader they will retreat , The leader stated trying to sound brave.

Miles feeling concerned about them decided to check the monsters Might.


[Assessing information]


Might = 78


Might = 687


Might = 361


Different animals information was displayed .

" I don't get it they are so weak why are the adventurers afraid, is it because of their leader ?" , Miles thought and checked the gorilla's Might

Forest ape

Might = 2781

" I don't get it he is also weak so why are they all afraid , or could it be they are all weak no it can't " ,Miles thought and scanned the adventurers.

Carlen kain ( ranged )

Might = 1268

Morgan grey ( Tank )

Might = 1511

lilly Silva ( Healer )

Might = 209

karnel beage ( Main Attacker )

Might = 1467

brean leonel ( Main Attacker )

Might = 1433

"Why are they so weak I thought all adventurers are supposed to be strong ,or am I just too strong ?" , Miles thought.

The travels seeing the Monsters were already praying while some were just to scared to do anything.

The monsters came close enough for the ranged attacker to attack he placed arrows after arrows into his bow as he fired them at the monsters.

He had managed to kill some of the monsters but they where showing no sign of slowing down.

They finally came withing fighting distance of the rest adventurers and they immediately charged at the monsters.

Swoosh , Bang , thud , Haaaa

Different sounds could be heard as the adventurers fought the monsters it was pretty obvious that they where over run by the amount of monsters even with the healing abilities of lilly , But what surprised them all was that the gorilla just stood watching the fight .


Carlen the youngest and inexperienced adventurerer got hit by a bear , their was a deep claw mark in his stomach and it was clear if he did not get heal immediately he will die from loss of blood.


Lilly used are healing magic to take care of him but it was clear he was out of the fight.

More shouts could be heard as the adventurers where getting injured , lilly was trying her best to heal them but she couldn't keep up with the task she was only one person after all.

Miles seeing this decided to interfere.

He came out of the carriage .

the adventurers seeing this tried to get him back inside.

Do you have a death wish get back , Lilly said trying to send him back inside.

Miles simply ignored her and moved forward .

One of the boars came charging at Miles .

I hate boars , Miles said remembering when he almost died in the forest

He kicked the boar sending it flying .


It landed right in the front of the gorilla , the gorilla spoke in a language which Miles couldn't understand but it looked like the Monsters understood and charged at Miles.

looks like I got your attention , Miles said .

As he charged at the monsters killing them in one punch.

How can a boy like that be so fast and strong , Lily thought as she watched Miles take the Monsters out one by one.

Who is this boy how come I can't follow his movement , Morgan the leader thought.

A Monster seeing an opening tried to attack Miles but .

Void jump.

Miles disappeared and appeared at the back of the monsters one punch was enough to kill it.

Who is this mysterious boy , Lilly couldn't help but think as her cheeks turned bright red.

In seconds Miles had already killed most of the animals alone the adventurers couldn't help but think he was a beast.

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