
My Omni-Ability System in a Parallel World

I'll be rewriting this book all over. There are lots of mistakes in it. The next few chapters that I'll be uploading is to complete the plot I made for the new story. Please ignore this book and check out my second book. Xin, a sixteen year old kid who is the rightful heir to the throne of Erica kingdom, faced an unexpected predicament as he was on his way to save his father and mother, who were the king and queen respectively, from being killed by his father's cousin. On his way to rescue his father and mother, Xin discovered that he had been transported to a parallel world where abilities were being used and a world crisis of alien invasion was occuring presently in their world. Xin is a smart genius who spends all of his time proving formulas and theories that scientists of the past had discovered. Of all discoveries, he tend to love the discovery of a parallel world and he had read millions of books that proves the existence of parallel worlds. But what surprised him was that his parallel self whose name is also Xin, used to exist in the parallel world he's in, but scientifically, he also might have been transported to Xin's world. The 'Xin' was said to have been in a month Coma but upon seeing the real Xin, everyone thought that 'Xin' had woken from Coma. And Xin had no other option but to pretend to be the previous 'Xin'. But there's a war going on in this world, A war between Aliens and Humans. And every human had been told to learn an ability inorder to win against the savaging beasts. Surprisingly, Xin got a system which was activated by the Omnitrix (a watch created by his father and said to be able to store different types of abilities), and with this system, Xin would learn how to control many types of abilities, and the tide of war would shift in favour of all humans. But still, there is an enemy that Xin had to defeat. That is his father's cousin, the controller of time and worlds.

CSManga · แฟนตาซี
126 Chs

Chapter Twenty five: The man on the phone.

Megalon and a few of his gangs had stood up from where they were siting and had went to sit beside Xin and the other students. Megalon was seated opposite Xin and a sinister smile was on his face.

Megalon was also under general Hank's command but he has someone else that he's working for. It was someone far stronger and popular than general Hank himself.

"We meet again buddy. Why are you ignoring us? Are you doing this because you think that you're better than us?" Megalon said. The sinister smile was still on his face.

"Why must I sit with you guys, it's not like I'm strong. I don't have a good ability, so why are you chasing me all around?" Xin asked.

"I guess you don't know me. I see something in you that would be of a great help to me and my men. Your aura, your strength, your capabilities are just nothing compared to the ones I've been seeing before now. We need you in our gang, Xin."

Xin immediately rose up from his seat, stared down at the huge Megalon.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested." He picked up his dishes and headed outside the canteen. Xinny and the two other students had also did the same.

They all left Megalon seated on his chair. And while Megalon was still seated, a call had reached to him through a phone like device. No one was allowed to bring in phones but Megalon was able to create this phone like device so he could contact whosoever he wants to contact.

Man on the phone: Are you able to convince him to your side?

"No sir. He seems so determined not to associate himself with us. What should I do next sir!" Megalon replied.

Man: Punish him, bully him and his friends until he comes to your side.

"Yes sir. But permit me to ask this, why do you need him so badly. My ability shows me that he doesn't have that much Mana. Meaning he's a weak guy."

Man: You wouldn't understand this but if you keep on watching him for a month, you'll see how strong he would have been. And for why I need him so badly, the watch that is in his hands is mine, his father stole it from me and I want to collect it back.

"Sir, I'll make sure I collect it back for you at all cost." Megalon said, bowing down. His men were just looking at him, wondering who he was talking to on the phone.

After the call ended, Megalon signalled for the master bully to come and he had quickly answered him.

"Here's a mission for you. Bully that spoilt brat and his friends till they decide to join us."

"Yes sir, I'll surely do as you wish." The master bully bowed downwards to Megalon. He would not only bully Xin but he would make sure he have his revenge on him.

' Xin, you're dead.' The master bully smiled.


After leaving the canteen, Xin had told his friends that he'll be heading towards the library and Michelle had requested for Xin's dorm room number.

"Don't be too late, I have a surprise for you." Michelle said but Xin was distracted by Xinny's crazy craps again.

"My Romeo, let's get going. You have defeated the silly Xin. We are the winner, so let's celebrate." Xinny said, her arms were crossed around Chris' back.

"Disgusting fellow." Xin snickered at Xinny before turning to look at Michelle who was smiling. "I won't be late, you should get going."

"Sure, bye!"

Xin had finally reached the four storey building, where the first floor belongs to students from level 0 to level three. The second floor dedicated to students from level four to level seven. While students from level eight to ten are allowed to enter the third floor. And lastly, the fourth floor is for the teachers and military personnel only.

Xin entered the library and proceeded in searching for some books on the first floor. He's trying to see if he could get an information on what his watch could do or who is family was. But he could see none in all the books that he read.

After scheming through all the books that he thought could relate to the watch or his family, but found none, Xin decided to go to the second floor.

But as he approached the elevator, he was told to confirm if he was ranged level four to seven by a robot.

After confirming that he was a level four ability user, the elevator was opened and Xin was allowed to go through.

He had arrived at the second floor and it was more crowded than the previous floor. Students were busy reading while some are searching for books to read.

Xin quickly got to work as he started searching for books related to his watch but he couldn't find anything.

He looked at the elevator leading to the third floor and wondered if he could scam the robot and enter the elevator but he knew that only after confirming that he was someone with that ability range will he be allowed to go into the elevator. So he quickly dismissed the thought of scamming the robot and exited the library. But as he was about to leave the library, the system notified him with messages.

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