
My Non-existent System

Are you sick of normal system novels that are all fantasy and all that? Well, that's not what this novel is! 17 year old Hyun Ferrari is an ugly, fat, tall, pizza-loving nerd boy that reads manga and webnovels and watches anime. He's always wanted to be handsome so he could attract the ladies, but he never thought it was gonna happen since he's lazy and 50 pounds overweight. He has a lot of friends though, but he gets bullied a lot since none of his friends can fight, nor he can either, except his one girl friend Jugyeong Keum, who's in the Taekwondo team at school. But one day, out of nowhere, Hyun sees a screen pop up and it says {System Start}. He thought it was like those novels that have those screens pop up and tell you to do tasks for immediate rewards like "your punches are stronger", or "your ugly black eyes are now green like your father's." Though he thinks he's getting buffs and all that, in all actuality, he's hallucinating, he's having delusions, his brain is telling him to do what he's been telling himself to do for 4 years. Work out, gain self-esteem, ask out a girl, take care of your skin, and QUIT EATING PIZZA! But since he's been ignoring it, his slightly psychotic mind decided that it had to go to desperate measures to make it happen... WARNING! THIS BOOK IS LIKE 80% DIALOGUE IF YOU HATE THAT THEN SORRY XDDDDDDD!

Kimyona_8486 · สมจริง
60 Chs

Chapter 60: {The Psychiatrist}

"Babe, get up! We got to get to psychiatrist's office early! They open at 10 am!" Jugyeong yells at me at 8 am.

"You kept me up til 5 am, one more hour..."

{Listen to your wife, you don't wanna piss her off on your first day married. Remember, y'all live together and you vowed to go.}

"Fine I'll get up." I say tired and annoyed.

"I made breakfast." Jugyeong says.

Please be cereal, she can't cook for the life of her.

"Oh thank God it's cereal." I say out loud.

"If it weren't you I'd be offended, but you've endured my bad cooking attempts enough to warrant it."

"So about last night..."

"That movie was good."

"Moving boxes was fun..."

"Yeah it was."

"The closet situation is a little tight but hey, it worked out in the end."

"And shoes! Ugh shoes or no shoes in the apartment?"

"No shoes, so we don't have to mop a lot. Hardwood floors though!"

"Yeah... You ready for the psychiatrist?"

"I'm ready. My hallucination friend has been ready for a while. Actually looking forward to not being bored all the time."

"I don't blame it, I could imagine how boring your mind must be. Mine wouldn't be any better."


"Yeah 9:30 pm sharp gotta take my Adderall."

"Happy pill for me after I eat like always."

"How about the shower situation?"

"We can decide on whatever. I prefer baths, you prefer showers, we have a large tub for me which makes the shower spacious..."

"How about the toilet?"

"If we both have to go, rock paper scissors or whomever is gonna have the fastest one."

"This is something I didn't expect to talk about today."

"Me neither but it makes sense."

"The car situation is pretty nice since we both work from home. We got a whole extra bedroom to store our stuff which is nice."

"When we have kids it'll be a bit rough. We would probably have to move."

"Or move our stuff to the garage and park on the side of the road."

"That works too."




After we eat breakfast, we freshen up and then get into the Tasla. Jugyeong's dad had it bought, and he still rarely uses it, so he asked for like 10 grand for it just to get it out of his hair. Now if this were a gas car, we'd just lease one, but we have the money, and it's electric, it's a big hit now, but since it's still practically a brand new car, we might as well take advantage of it. It's made like old school metal cars. Like, we had no reason to not just invest in our future on the dot. The car allows us to ship stuff, it's not like we're going to many places anyway. It does what a car does and it does it well and cheaply after the upfront cost.




When we finally make it to the psychiatrist office, no one else is there but the lady and us. She's an old, but dignified looking woman. You can tell she's been doing this for years and you can tell she's filthy rich too.

Her office is a cold, white room, white chair, white sofa, white desk. This looks like a torture room, not a psychiatrist's office.

I wish I could get out of here, but I need to get my prescription.

"So what are you here for Mr. Ferrari?" The woman says outright.

"I'm hallucinating."

"The fact you know you're hallucinating means it's not schizophrenia."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Do you hear voices?"


"Are you sure you don't hear voices?"

"I'm sure."

"What are you hallucinating?"

"Pop-up windows of something called the DPHM System, it was a glorified progress tracker. It gave me missions to better myself and gave me stat gains and stuff."

"How long did you entertain it's existence?"

"A year."

"Does it tell you to do bad things?"


"Does it tell you to do bad things Mr. Ferrari?"

"No. Worst thing it told me to do was to beat my bully in a fight. My bully attacked me first, I fought back, we now talk to each other civilly."

"Is this true Mrs. Ferrari?"


"Now Mrs. Ferrari, I'm gonna ask you some things. Mr. Ferrari, please wait outside. I need to ask her some things."

<Jugyeong's perspective>

Mrs. Ferrari, that's surreal to hear. The first person to call me by my new last name is a psychiatrist.

"Now Mrs. Ferrari, how long have y'all been married?"

"We got married yesterday."


"Thank you."

"Has Hyun been acting weird to you as of late Mrs. Ferrari?"

"Ever since I figured out what was going on with him, he's been muttering to himself less, and has not tried responding to this hallucination out loud but instead just replying in his head."

"You think it's a hallucination right? He thinks so too. What brought you to that conclusion?"

"He's been writing this book. It's events are exactly the same as our life this past year, just the character's names have been changed and the main character isn't Korean Italian, but is instead Korean American. Everything else is basically the same."

"And you think the conversations put in are the same conversations he has with his hallucination?"

"I'm pretty certain they are the exact same. One of which, he blurts out something like "I hate you!" on "our" first date. But he was talking to himself. In the book, he's saying it to the hallucination."

"Okay that's kind of concerning, he takes depression medication right?"


"I can't stop his depression medication and give him a new one, he's gonna have to take this drug for hallucinations. It's mostly given to people with psychosis, but it's a general drug for anyone with visual hallucinations."

"What are the side effects?"

"He needs to take it after he eats because it makes the consumer lose their appetite. It may also cause minor headaches, it's nothing crazy."

"Does it work with his specific depression medication?"

"I wouldn't prescribe this drug if it didn't."

"I see."

"Bring him back in."

I open the door.

"Babe, you can come back in now." I tell Hyun.


He comes back inside.

"Mr. Ferrari, I am prescribing you ***** for your hallucinations, it does make you lose your appetite and it gives minor headaches." The psychiatrist says.

"Okay, does it work with my happy pill?" he replies.

"Yes. You can also take it after you eat like your depression medication."

"So just one and done everyday?"

"Yep. Come back in 3 months after this prescription is over so we can track your progress."


"Have a good day."

"You too."




Arriving home with my wife. Something I never thought I'd say or think.

{Yeah. I can't wait to finally stop being so bored.}

Three days for the shipment to come in buddy.

{Believe me, I'm marking the calendar.}

"Ah man that was a long visit. We dumped the packages on the way back. We got pretty much nothing to do. How about we watch something and eat?" Jugyeong says.

"Sure. what do ya feel like streaming?" I reply.

"I've been wanting to watch that one anime... Red Period?"

"Eeww! What the hell?"

"It's about painting."

"Oh okay good."

"What did you think it was about? Nevermind, yeah."

"Anything else?"

"I'm too tired to workout. How about we just mess around and find something?"

"Order food too? We get free delivery on our first order with DoorRun."

"Yeah, what do you want?"

"You know me, as long as it's cooked good and has a lot of seasoning on it I don't care."

"I want wings."

"Chicken wings?"

"Hell yeah."

"That sounds amazing right now."

"What flavors should we get?"

"Well between the two of us we could eat 50 to 60 wings so we should get variety."

"Does 60 wings sound good?"

"All 6 half dozen sets so we could grab 10 flavors?"


"What should we get? I want Honey Hot, Mango Habanero, and Korean Barbecue."

"Lemon Pepper, Atomic, Spicy Chocolate."

"Hmm. Curry."

"Dry Rub Desert?"

"And then how about Hot and Extra Hot? Like you~"

"That was very corny Hyun! But man why am I sucker for the corny stuff..."


We order the food and put on Red Period.




Thankfully it's not about the human body, but instead painting. It's actually a very interesting philosophical story about the worth of making art for the money or passion instead. It's a true work of art that I haven't seen in a while. But of course it's an off brand Picasso story with a twist.





"3 wings each batch for each of us." Jugyeong says.

"Wouldn't have it any other way."

Jugyeong eating is one of the few things that I can always say is a sight to see. She doesn't love food as much as Suho, but it's pretty close, and she eats a LOT. If she didn't work out so much I'd wonder why she's not fat.




3 days later...