

The settlement was not large, surrounded by a wooden wall, no more than twenty houses and a small wooden church ... there was not even a blacksmith. The streets, if you can call them that, were dirty, the animals walked freely and polluted them additionally ... Kattegat was not beautiful, but it smelled better. People were curious about my arrival but were not hostile or concerned about my presence. Maybe my disguise worked, or one newcomer posed no threat to them. I didn't see guards, soldiers or anything that could resemble a local defense... It looked promising and could be as easy as stealing a candy from a child.

I directed my steps towards the church.

The church was just a wooden building with a cross on the roof. The interior was dark, with rows of benches on either side. There were also some paintings on the walls, ugly and primitive, the person who painted them was not a good artist. However, the altar looked decent, made of stone, carved, metal candlesticks and a metal cross were on it. As I was wondering what it might be worth, I heard a voice.

- Who you are? What do you want ?

I turned around ... and saw the priest, no more than forty years old, dark hair, short and fat ... or as it would be said in the twenty-first century, he was body positive.

I had to test my Latin now. I haven't used it in thirty or forty years.

- Praised be Jesus Christ. My name is Peter and I am a wandering monk. I go from village to village and teach people about our Lord and Savior.

- And I praise him, Amen. I'm Father Ludgar. Welcome to my church, Father Peter. Where are you coming from and what brings you to this settlement?

- I was born in the Duchy of Naples. My father has a small land property. I am the youngest of three brothers and as a child I heard God's voice, so my father agreed that I would become a monk. After I finished studying the holy books, my teacher told me to take the word of God into the world. This settlement is only a temporary stopover on my way to Aachen, I was looking for a place to stay for a few days and then I continue my journey. Are there any other settlements in the area? maybe a port?

- Two days north, there is a small coastal settlement where ships land. Sometimes merchants going west stop there.

- Thank you, Father, but please forgive me, I would like to pray now.

The priest nodded. I made my way to the altar and lay down crosswise on the church floor.

It took me a moment to think, first I have to go back for my crew and we'll attack this place. When we deal with this settlement, we will go to the one in the north mentioned by the priest. I'll use the same trick to get in ... and then head back to Kattegat. We only have one ship and we can't fit all the slaves. Unless we get some ships in this settlement in the north, split the crew, the slaves might know how to sail ... that's a solution.

I spent the night in the church, and the next day, under the guise of seeing the area, I went to the Viking camp.

- Ulf, we were already getting worried.

- No need, and here at the camp, is everything okay?

- We're a little bored, but waited patiently. I saw Erick nod to me with his head, I guess he wanted to talk to me alone.

- Ragnar, gather everyone, I'll tell you what I learned.

After Ragnar left us, I asked Erik if anything had happened to Lagertha, but he said no. It wasn't about Knut either, it turned out that Hakon was spreading some nonsense about Loki and me. I didn't care about it, on the show he accused Ragnar of similar things and either Ragnar or someone on the crew killed him ... it didn't really matter.

A few minutes later, everyone gathered around the fire.

- The settlement is not big, about fifty inhabitants, twenty houses. I didn't see anyone armed, mostly farmers. There are some treasures in the church. We'll do this. We will approach the settlement, I will return to the village in disguise, and when the time is right you will attack ... about an hour after my entry.

I returned to the tent with Lagertha who immediately started kissing me ...

- My child, stop it. I am now God's servant, I have sworn celibacy.

- Celibacy?

- The priests of this religion swear that they will not sleep with women. It is not practiced everywhere yet, but it is slowly becoming an obligation.

-Ulf, how do you know so much about these lands, God ...

- My dear wife, you just have a wise husband... and strong and handsome...

- and modest.

Lagertha pulled me to our makeshift bed in a tent ... I have a weak will, I have sinned... more than once that night.

In the morning we set off to the settlement ... When we were close, I ordered my crew to wait and attack as we had agreed. The gate was open, people went about their business, and I went to the church.

Father Ludgar was talking to some resident of the village. I walked over to them.

- Father Ludgar, I'd like to confess my sins.

He looked at me, but only nodded and dismissed the resident. Went to the confessional, sat on the chair, and I knelt on his left.

- Forgive me, father, because I have sinned. The last time I went to confession ... 130 years ago ...

Father Ludgar turned quickly to me, but it was too late. The blade I had hidden pierced his neck, to be sure, I dragged the blade to the left.

I searched his corpse, there were a few keys with him ... it didn't matter much. In those days, locks were so strong that it was enough to shout louder and they opened themselves.