

I left the church as if nothing had happened and went towards the gate, I wanted to be sure that it would not be suddenly closed by someone.

Less than an hour later I heard that the vikings were approaching ... if I heard them then probably the inhabitants of the settlement too... and as expected, a few men climbed the walls to see what the noise was and one of them shouted something. I didn't know the local language but I figured he was shouting to close the gate, a few seconds later four men ran up and started to close it. I couldn't let it happen ...

I started towards them when suddenly an elderly woman fell on her knees in front of me, grabbed my habit and began to pray. I put my hand on her head, maybe she thought I was blessing her, when I grabbed her face with the other hand and twisted her neck ... she fell before me without life. I took out the hidden knife and ran to the man standing closest to me ... I tilted his head back and cut his throat. The rest of the men saw what happened and couldn't believe a clergyman had done it.

After a short while their shock was over. One of the men lunged at me and the other two kept closing the gate. The one who was running at me was holding a wooden stick in his hand and we were only a few meters away. I threw a knife at one of the people closing the gate, I hit him in the back and although he did not die, he fell to the ground. Almost at the same time, I was hit on my left shoulder.

It didn't hurt so much, my pride was hurt more ... I grabbed my opponent's hand, started to twist it until I broke it at the elbow. I grabbed the stick from his hand and as he was kneeling in front of me, I stuck it in his mouth.

The gate remained open, it was too heavy for one person to close, and a few moments later my crew ran through it into the settlement... I'll leave them the rest of the fun.

(Lagertha POV)

I was walking along the streets and nooks of the settlement, looking to barns and houses. I saw Ragnar pull two people out of the house and kill them with an ax ... I haven't looked here yet. When I opened the door, I saw the body of a few-year-old girl on the floor and Knut, who was leaning a woman against the table, her dress was torn up, she was screaming and crying ... Knut was holding an ax blade on her neck ... and rap_ing her. I don't know why I hit him with my shield. I pushed him away from the woman, but he still hit her in the back with his ax ... then he lunged at me, he was stronger. I fell to the floor, he was choking me with one hand and trying to undress with the other ... and suddenly he fell on me ... and I saw that Erik was standing above us.

(End POV)

Conquering the settlement was not difficult, none of the crew died and no more than half of the inhabitants of the settlement were killed. The loot from the houses and the church was taken outside and placed on a cart. This one trip paid off the cost of building the ship and there was still a lot left ... two large silver candlesticks, goblets, a silver cross only from church.

There was little riches in the houses of the inhabitants. Mainly small religious items made of various metals, clothes, farm tools, utensils... all this was value in the north, and we still had twenty-seven slaves, fifteen women, and twelve men.

There was also a problem with Lagertha and Knut. My wife attacked first while Knut was playing with the woman, which was normal in raids. Even now, a few of my crew are playing with slaves ... including Ragnar, Floki, and Rollo. I have to teach her to be reasonable, but Knut has crossed the line too much. He hit my wife, choked her, groped her ... tried to ra_pe her. He had to die.

I thanked Erik for saving my wife and called the rest of the crew. I told them what happened, but not everything ... A lie is nothing more than the economic management of truth.

- I don't know what exactly happened there before, but the woman and the child in this house were killed by Knut's ax, when Erik entered the house Knut was lying on my wife, choking her and trying to undress.

I had a few friends in the crew, they had friends too ... and Knut had no friends. The rich loot and the fact that no one died was also good for me ... In the end, I could do what I wanted with Knut, and I wanted to do a lot ...

Unfortunately, there was no bridge nearby, and no building high enough ... well, you can't have everything.

A few people held Knut, and I nailed his left hand on the wrist to the wall of the building. Just in case, I used two nails.

Then I lowered his pants and nailed his testicles and penis to the wall. I put a knife in his right hand.

- Knut you can be free, you just have to cut off your left hand, testicles and penis ... or you can kill yourself.

He tried to scream, but before that I cut off his tongue with a hot knife ... I didn't want the infection to start.

I turned and walked towards the church. I didn't care what Knut decided. I have given him a fair choice, he can live or die.

I ordered the bodies of the killed residents to be gathered in the church ... when everything was done, I set fire to the building ...

I am from Norway, I set fire to wooden churches ... I have heard something similar before.