
My Manipulation System

This story is about an everyday blue-collar man that is tired of working his life away for someone else. He is mad that he is always too tired from work to hang out with his family, friends and his pets. He has to wake up early every morning and deal with traffic, his boss, coworkers and customers. This is a story of a man that is fed up with his current life and just wants a quiet life in the woods. Unfortunately, for him one day he dies in a freak accident at work. To his fortune or misfortune, he's reborn in a new and ancient world of magic and chaos do you think he will get the peace that he craves, or will his new life be filled with RAGE?

Dylan_B_1994 · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs

Bath House in the Dungeon

They entered the house and looked around; Tate build some bed areas and told Stacy what room hers was, if they wanted a soft bed, they would have to find some soft materials to put on top of the stone beds if they wanted a comfortable sleep. After the tour they went out in the forest looking for water, Tate has never seen any since he first started coming here and they would need some if they were going to stay here for a while.

They searched the forest but never found any water, they did grab an arm full of pine needles they found and figured that would be better than leaves for a bedding material.

"How in the h*ll does the animals in this forest survive if there is no water, do they even need water it is a dungeon maybe something weird is going on and the animals don't need any water, or they get it from whatever they eat. Well, the only other thang I can do for now is dig a deep well and hope it feels up with water."

Tate and Stacy were tired from the journey plus hiking through the woods trying to find water and some kind of bed cushioning material, so he told her to go rest up because he was going to do the same.

Ten hours later Tate finally starts to wake up.

"Man, I needed that after that weeklong journey, I guess I will go see if Stacy is awake and at some point, start heading to the temple."

Tate glances in her room and she was still fast asleep, Tate new that he emotionally traumatized her for what he made her do to her own brother. That made up for what she done to him; she caused Tate the least number of problems when he was a slave so killing her brother and being his slave was payment enough, Tate would take it easier on her from now own so he let her sleep.

After walking out of the house Tate checked the well and to his surprise there was water in it, so Tate transferred the well water to the water tower to let the well fill back up. Tate had a low Water Manipulation level of just 30, so it took some time to move a lot of water, Tate didn't have the skill level to control that much water in one go, but he gained a few levels moving it all.

Tate had a better idea instead of rushing to the temple. Tate build the water tower on top of the bath house, so the water was gravity fed down to the shower room or toilets. In Tates past life he knew how to do a lot of different kinds of construction trades even though his main one was an electrician. Tate wanted a hot water system, no one wants an ice-cold shower; Tate also changed the bath house a little bit and added a hot tub in it.

The newly formed bath house worked like so, first, Tate made a compact earth pipe that was as hard, if not harder than concrete come down from the water tower to the roof of the bath house were Tate build a big earth oven that was wood feed, Tates pipes would go around the oven in circles several times so the water would get hot, then it went down again either into the shower or the hot tube depending on whatever knob you turned.

Once he put his finishing touches on the bath house and stepped back, he was quite proud of it. Tate then went off into the forest to gather some wood, so he could take a nice long shower.

While Tate is out in the forest, he figured he would do some hunting first, you didn't want to get clean just to get dirty again. After getting a few rabbits and some firewood he got the wood oven going. Tate threw some big logs in there so the fire would burn for a long time, after the oven got nice and hot, he turned a valve beside the wood oven so the water would start circling around the oven to get hot. Tate then went down the stairs he built on the side of the bath house, turned the shower knob on and jumped in the nice hot steamy shower.

Tate was a shower guy, his wife in his past life, liked baths more so Tate figured he would get the hot tube filled up so Stacy could take a bath and soak in the refreshing water. Tate went in the house to find Stacy awake sitting in the living room waiting on him to come back she didn't have a clue where he was, it has been several hours since Tate woke up and the mind control prevented her from running off.

"Stacy follow me I got something to show you, you will like it."

After everything Tate did to her, she didn't trust him one bit, but she didn't have a choice but to listen. She followed Tate to the bath house, and he told her how it works, Tate then took her inside and showed her the nice hot bath he had for her.

"Well get in I know you need it just as much as I did."

Stacy was nervous at first, she thought he might drown her in the bath. Tate didn't know what she was thinking but he said, go ahead and get in, at that moment the mind control kicked in and she jumped in the water.

"Sh*t sorry Stacy I forgot about the mind control, stand up."

Stacy stood up and her thin cloths stuck to her body so tightly that you could see every curve she had, and they were some very nice curves. Tate was quite surprised when he saw this sight, he stared at her for a few seconds enjoying the view before he snapped out of it.

"Sorry again Stacy I will turn around, take your clothes off and hand them to me I will go wash and dry them."

Tate has his back turned to her, with his opened palms behind his back waiting for her to drop her cloths in his hands, once she placed the cloths in his hands, he walked out the bath house.

"Take your time and relax I will return shortly with your cloths."

After being a slave for four years Tate forgot that he was now the master, he got so use to cleaning up and taking care of everyone that he unconsciously was still taking care of Stacy and doing chores like gathering firewood.