
My Manipulation System

This story is about an everyday blue-collar man that is tired of working his life away for someone else. He is mad that he is always too tired from work to hang out with his family, friends and his pets. He has to wake up early every morning and deal with traffic, his boss, coworkers and customers. This is a story of a man that is fed up with his current life and just wants a quiet life in the woods. Unfortunately, for him one day he dies in a freak accident at work. To his fortune or misfortune, he's reborn in a new and ancient world of magic and chaos do you think he will get the peace that he craves, or will his new life be filled with RAGE?

Dylan_B_1994 · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Journey to the Temple

Tate went and washed Stacy's cloths like he said he would, then he used a little bit of fire and air magic to make hot air and dried her cloths. Tate walked back to the bath house and announced himself.

"Stacy, can I come in"

Tate heard a yes and walked in. Stacy was almost fully submerged in the bath, just her head was sticking out of the water, Stacy had he hands over her breast and legs crossed to cover herself not that Tate was trying to look he had his head down and then realized he didn't have any shelf in the bath house, Tate just threw his stuff on the ground when he was in the shower. Tate quickly built some stone shelfs on the wall and placed her cloths on it, Tate then turned and looked her in the eyes.

"Stacy I'm going to head toward the temple you can follow me if you want, but take your time here first, also don't go near the boulders they are earth golems and are extremely hard to kill, you can't sneak past them either so don't try, either walk straight to me or don't come at all."

She nodded her head and continued relaxing.

Tate started making his way to the level 3 golems, he never got a chance to fight them because two tried to attack him at the same time when he tried sneaking past them years ago.

"Let's see how hard you are now that I'm stronger."

As Tate approached the golem, he made a reinforced earth spear and slung it toward the golem with his magic. The golem was still in its boulder form when it was suddenly blown apart.

Earth Golem Level: 3 killed +60XP.

"That golem didn't stand a chance."

Tate walked to the golems heart and picked it up.

What are my current skills I haven't checked in a while; I just know they went up a lot."

"System Activate"

Name: Tate Klaus Michael

Class: The Manipulator

Age: 10

Level: 14

HP: 10/10

Energy: 22/22

Mana: 7163/446

XP: 1894/7904

Status Points:12

Strength: 5 - Lift or fight with heavy objects or use status points after leveling up.

Dexterity: 9 - Using ranged weapons, quick and nimble actions or status points to level this up.

Vitality: 2 - Increases health, leveled up by taking damage or Status points. [1 point here is 5 HP]

Speed: 10 - Slowly increases till age 30 or until speed level 30 is reached, use status points to continue to level. [1 point here is plus 1 speed]

Stamina: 11 - Running, fighting and using status points level this up. [1 point here is 4 stamina]

Magic: 223 - Practice using the elements or use status points to level this up. [1 point here is 2 mana]


Elemental Skills: Fire Manipulation Level: 267/1000, Earth Manipulation: 678/1000, Water Manipulation: 43/1000, Air Manipulation: 135/1000 - level up by using for certain periods of times per level or by using skill points. Every 5 levels a skill increases Tate gains 1 magic level and 2 mana points.

Special Skills: Mana Manipulation / Necromancer Level: 1/10,000 / Bone Manipulator Level: 1/10,000 / Heat Resistance Level: 65/1000 / Mind Control

Physical Skills: Basic Spearman Level: 3/5, Basic Blocking Level 3/5, Basic Martial arts Level 3/5

Skill Points: 12

Status points used 1.

Skill points used 1.

Between the skeleton dungeon and killing the weak small army of assassins and slaver Tate leveled up 6 time. Tates level was still low, but his magic was getting crazy, especially being able to absorb mana whenever he wants.

Who would have thought fighting kids and skeletons would have leveled earth magic up hundreds of levels, and trying to make his powerful blowtorch flame in the basement power leveled his fire magic and air magic even went up a few points, lastly just taking water out of the well and putting it into the water tower gave him 13 levels.

"Crazy, I guess I will just keep heading to the temple."

Earth Golem Level: 4 killed +80XP.

Earth Golem Level: 5 killed +100XP.

Tate was headed to the next golem, when the golem stood up way before any of the other golems did.

"Well, that's surprising why did it get up so early I'm not even close to it."

Tate and the golem stared at each other, then the golem suddenly attacked with a spear like Tate uses just weaker. Tate rolled to the side and started making his own spear, as Tate is dodging the golem starts doing different moves. Spears were flying, spike were coming out of the ground earth whips were flying around, Tate decided he would dodge for now and learn some new moves.

After a while Tate got bored and finished the golem.

Earth Golem Level: 6 killed +120XP.

"It seems the stronger golems know magic; I need to be careful and kill them from farther away before they get up."

With Tates power in earth magic killing the golems isn't the problem, Tate hasn't increased his health in years and even if he did, he was pretty sure he would still die if he got hit once by any of the golems out here, their strength is insane compared to anything else Tate has ever fought.

With his new game plan, Tate starts attacking the Level 7 golem from a lot farther away and even prepares extra spears just in case it survives his attack, with each level up the golems stats increased a lot.

Earth Golem Level: 2

HP: 100

Energy: Infinite on land

Mana: 0

Speed: 3

Strength: 40

Dexterity: 0

Vitality:20 - [1 point here is 5 HP]

Stamina: Infinite

Mana: 0

Compared to: Earth Golem Level: 7

HP: 350

Energy: Infinite on land

Mana: 200

Speed: 8

Strength: 140

Dexterity: 0

Vitality:70 - [1 point here is 5 HP]

Stamina: Infinite

Mana: 100

They are still slower than Tate, but their strength and health are stupidly high.

Tate continues on and finally about 15 minutes later Tate kills the level 10 golem.

"There was a day I didn't think that it would be possible to get past all ten rows of golem."

Tate looked toward the temple that is still aways off.

"I'm coming."

I would like for some comments on the novel, am i moving to fast is their enough emotions, or is there something different you would like to see.

Thanks for an comments.

Dylan_B_1994creators' thoughts