
My Manipulation System

This story is about an everyday blue-collar man that is tired of working his life away for someone else. He is mad that he is always too tired from work to hang out with his family, friends and his pets. He has to wake up early every morning and deal with traffic, his boss, coworkers and customers. This is a story of a man that is fed up with his current life and just wants a quiet life in the woods. Unfortunately, for him one day he dies in a freak accident at work. To his fortune or misfortune, he's reborn in a new and ancient world of magic and chaos do you think he will get the peace that he craves, or will his new life be filled with RAGE?

Dylan_B_1994 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Finding his Tribe

It was really early in the morning, so it was still dark, but the massive fire Tate sent to his enemies lit the forest up like it was daytime. The hunters could see the bright fire in the distance but after a while it got dark, extremely dark as the forest fire smoke drifted to them.

Tate was blowing a lot of air straight at them to fuel the fire, The smoke surrounded them quickly everyone was scrambling trying to gather their stuff. The smoke got thicker, and it became hard to breath they could no longer see so in their panic they lost their direction everyone was running in different directions trying to escape the smoke, they covered their faces with some sort of cloth so they could kind of breath.

Before the remnants of the army could come up with a solution the fire was upon them. Everyone's skin was burning as the fire got closer, they knew they were in mortal danger, but they couldn't escape their situation and within second they were being roasted alive and Tate just listened to the sweet sound of the blood curdling screams of his enemies.

"There may be some left, so I still need to be on guard but by the sound of it that was most of them."

Tate continued on his journey and the next morning he was finally home; Tate stumbled upon the southern pond and followed the stream north that he knew went to his village. Once Tate walked into the clearing of his village the first thang that Tate noticed was that the huts were in shambles.

The attack that Tate did the night the slavers rats attacked, Tate ruined the entire village, Tate and Stacy strolled through the small ruins looking at everything. Tate stopped in front of a bone pile that he knew was a mixture of Marcus, Peter the other two hunters and the rats that he killed that night. Tate knew at first glance that no one ever came back here. It hurt Tates heart looking at the village once again, it has been a long time since he left. Four years as a slave felt like a decade to Tate.

"Come Stacy nothing left here to look at."

Tate buried the bones because he didn't know who, was who. Then he set off into the western forest towards the dungeon hoping to find signs of life. Tate commanded Stacy to look around for anything suspicious as they traveled.

It wasn't long before Tate stumbled across the scene that he absolutely didn't want to see, and that was the skeletons of the rest of his tribe they were only halfway to the dungeon when they were slaughtered by the rats. Tate counted six bigger skulls that were the women and nine smaller ones that were the kids, Tate was the tenth kid and the only survivor of his tribe, and he was heartbroken to finally learn their fate.

Tate buried the bodies of the last tribe members; Tates finally finished his first real mission since he was captured and that was to return home and discover what happened to his tribe. His second mission is conquering or destroying the Forsaken Citadel the city he was a slave in. Tate currently isn't in the mood to return back there, so there is only one place left to go and that is his second home the dungeon of the Forgotten Temple.

As Tate and Stacy walked up to the dungeon, Tate realized that when he joins the dungeon in group mode, he may not have the same progress as when he did in solo mode.

"No big deal I guess I only killed like 33 Earth Golems."

Once Tate reached the dungeon his doubts were set aside because he got a notification that said.

[Would you like to continue Dungeon in Group Mode]



Tate selected yes and forgot to warn Stacy about being sucked into the dungeon, she immediately starts to panic before Tate told her to remain calm and then her body listened.

Tate new that if anyone survived the fire, they would never find him, even if they stumbled across the dungeon, they couldn't get to him unless they waited outside of it, but who was to know how long Tate would stay in there, even if they were 100 percent sure he was in there they would not know how long to wait.

Tate and Stacy suddenly arrived in the Dungeons thick forest. Tate was in no mood to fight with the forest, so he made it move. Tate stretched both of his arms straight out in front of him and then separated them with his arms out to his sides looking like a T-shape. All of the dirt and trees went left and right. Trees toppled over and new mounds of dirt was formed, as Tate literally just pushed everything to both sides creating an easy walking trail straight through the forest.

After 30 minutes they arrived at Tates old and little hut he first made, the boulders where still in the same places as before. Stacy was amazed at the view in front of her as she looked at the massive temple off in the distance.

"Impressive isn't it."

Yes, Stacy said.

Before I was captured, I was too weak to fight the enemies here, but after what your family put me through, I am no longer weak, and I plan to discover what's in that temple.

Tate walked up to his small hut and lowered his hand making the earth sink back into the ground.

"I need something bigger now."

Tate reformed his hut into something a lot bigger. A 3-foot-high shiny copper color earth floor emerged from the ground in a 30-foot by 30-foot area that acted as the foundation for the house. Next Tate build the walls then the roof and by time it was done Tate had a two-bedroom house with a kitchen and a living room. Tate didn't add bathrooms because of plumbing problems so he built a big water tower behind the house that had its own building under the water tower that acted as the bath house.

"Now I just need to find some water and a lot of it."