
my hero academia: reincarnated as Rimuru ("very original")

oh no! [Insert name here] has just died! already content with his death he awaited whatever is beyond death's door maybe he'll encounter the pearly gates or find the deepest pits of hell, however suddenly he was hit with a curve ball Reincarnation! Reborn anew [NAME] was lost as to his purpose however he soon heard his new name and threw it all away. "Rimuru Tempest" Im going to have so much fun! Unfortunately Rimuru is still a baby, so the most he could do is play with blocks. however good news! Rimuru has reincarnated into the MHA world! Multiversal character inside a low level world how fun! Wait... why are my abilities so a weak? dont tell me.... Nononono No wait please! Don't do this to me! (WARNING: Rimuru in this Novel is heavily nerfed, don't expect a power fantasy. This story doesn't take itself very seriously. I am a rookie writer, I cant make miracles happen.) PSST... It's no harem.... but you haven't heard it from me... shush shush ******** (I've never tried writing in my whole life this idea just popped into my mind and hasn't let got) not my characters or story I do not own any of the property used in this story. all of the content in this story is very much unoriginal.

Bruh_mann · สมัยใหม่
98 Chs

Christmas date (One-off)

A/N: to celebrate the end of the MHA manga I have decided to write a one-off chapter! Yippee!

No, I probably won't pick this ff backup, Hyper.


(Bonus chapter)

On the cold winter morning of December even as the chilling winds threaten to freeze anyone outside, class 1-A is up early with a strange festive mood.

Why? Well, it's Christmas! With only around a measly 12 hours before Christmas Eve everybody was busy decorating the common space.. most everyone

"Yawn.... I'm bored" I muttered while braiding Eri's hair as she sat on my lap, Jiro was leaning her head on my shoulders while scrolling on her phone.

"Ahem ahem, you probably wouldn't be bored if you helped once in a while." Hearing Momo clear her voice I turned my head to see her staring at me while struggling to lift a box full of ornaments and other doodads

"Sigh..." Shooting a bolt of smoke I teleported the box to where it should be, earning a huff from Momo as she power-walked toward it

"Oi, it's not fair! Why can they laze around" Kaminari complained while hanging up Christmas lights, only to receive a karate chop from Mina as she fixed his mistakes. For a walking power cord, he sure was terrible at electronics...

"Oi Deku! Quit mashing the potatoes like a wimp and put more damn power into it!" Bakugo shouted as he created explosions in his hands, his cutie apron contrasting his explosive persona.

The atmosphere was... Serene...

Calming even, I yawned yet again as I put a tiny red ribbon finishing up as Eri gave me a bright smile.

"Ah, mou... Why do you keep spoiling her.." Turning my head I saw Jiro stare at me with puppy dog eyes, thought strangely I still got a deadpan feeling from her.

"Oi, I spoil you more than enough, you sleep in my room and get to sit on my comfy couch," I said as a matter of factly

"Tsk, not enough. Booo" Jiro complained like a little child while Eri stared at her with a confused expression

Pulling my wallet from my pocket I stared at my remaining bills as well as my still full debit card. Putting Eri off to the side much to her complaints I slapped my knees before standing up

"Welp I guess it's about time I spoil you for real," I said as Jiro stared in surprise, without further ado, I grabbed her hand before dragging her toward the exit

However, it seems class 1-A was completely unphased by the blatant flirting as they somewhat got used to it.

"I'm surprised you actually agreed..." Jiro said while lying on the floor having her back slide down the hallway toward the exit

"Why of course I would, it's what a good boyfriend does for his Kyouka-chan," I said smugly while reaching to pinch her cheeks, only for my hand to be slapped away

"Chan? Go fuck yourself"

"Woah rude"

"I'm not a little girl tsk... Let me stand up" Jiro clicked her tongue before trying to stand up, however I pushed her back down and continued to drag her

"Let me spoil you babygirl~" I said with as much Ironic rizz as I could

"Ew cringe"

As expected of Jiro...


"Where are we going anyway? You've got a plan for this impromptu date right?" Jiro asked while zipping up her coat as a snowflake landed on her nose

"Well I'm supposed to be spoiling you, so wherever you want we'll go" As soon as those words left my mouth I realized my mistake

Suddenly a huge grin formed on Jiro's face, as she began speaking in a cheerful voice

"Ya know I've heard of this wonderful restaurant that offers 5-course meals and---"

"Wait wait wait what about Christmas Eve dinner?" I interrupted her in a panic

"On the first night of Christmas, my true love gave to me~... A 5 course meallll~" Jiro began singing in an angelic voice undoubtedly catching the attention of passersby

'damn it, only I can hear her sing like that' Clenching my fist I relented


"I do not vibe with this atmosphere...." I muttered while Jiro nodded, we might've been way over our heads as we stared at each other awkwardly

We both weren't very fancy people so this strange posh atmosphere was giving us a lot of trouble. Of course, those troubles didn't stop there as just getting in was an issue

the receptionist didn't believe we weren't just punks trying to cause a scene.

I had to flash my hero license for her to listen and even after getting a table, she gave me the stink eye.

"So what do you want to order" Jiro asked while we both opened the menu, unconsciously gulping down as we stared at the food options

Even with pictograms, the options were... For lack of a better word, cryptic.

They were undoubtedly in French... Brrr

Just thinking of pronouncing it gave me a feeling as if an ancient demon was staring at me

'mispronounce it, I dare you' he mutters in the abyss.

"Ahem, my ladies. What will you be ordering?" A waiter with a French accent soon came and asked us (can Japanese have a French accent or would it sound like complete gibberish in their eyes...umm Ears?)

"Ah yes, I'll order the Vñkßú------"



"Are we sure this is supposed to be food?" I asked concernedly as I stabbed my plate with my fork, whatever was put on it could definitely not be classified as food on first observation.

"This looks more like a slab of granite..." Jiro said dejectedly as she put a forkful into her mouth, her expression not indicating anything

"What does it taste like?" I asked with curiosity. She was now my poison taster

"It tastes like the concept of dinosaurs..." I stared deadpan at her while trying to figure out how something could taste like a concept. eyeing the 'food' I took a small bite before my expression soured

'oh wow she's right' It tastes exactly like... Rocks. As if I shoveled a mound of gravel into my mouth and chewed on it, undoubtedly destroying all remnants of the Triassic period, those fossils were forever doomed to stay in my stomach.

Not only was the food abhorrent. The background music was simply revolting, as it seems they hired a looney to play as he simply repeated the same chord progression infinitely. Almost as original as playing 'the entretainer' at a saloon.

"This was a pretty bad idea..." Jiro muttered only now regretting her decisions. Fortunately for her, that regret is paid in expense by my wallet...


"So, what next?" I asked Jiro as we were walking down the sidewalk yet again. Scratching her chin in thought we simply strolled in silence

"How about we go to the beach?" Jiro asked. Of course, I wasn't opposed to it at all, although I wasn't an outdoorsy person getting a bit of melanin couldn't hurt.

"Sure," I said while pulling out my phone to activate my GPS

"It's just a 2-hour walk," Jiro said nonchalantly as I stopped my stride.

'is she doing this on purpose?'


"Hey is that a carnival?" I asked while staring at the horizon. Lo and behold the lights of a large Ferris wheel shined by the slowly darkening sky.

"Wanna go there?" Jiro asked while kicking and splashing a bit of water. Unfortunately, it was preferable to walk inside of the salty sea than in the snow-covered sand. Especially when barefoot.

Sure why not I answered back nonchalantly as we continued walking at a comfortable pace, the only sound was that of splashing.

Taking a peek at Jiro she made a rare expression of serenity. A small smile stretched across her face, as opposed to her usual bored or neutral expression

It warmed my heart... At first, when coming to this world, it felt like a waste.... I was completely detached and bored out of my mind. I thought I just needed to kill AFO and then I could do whatever the hell I wanted.

But she became my anchor...

She reminded me that while this world isn't my origin, I could still call it home

"I love you" I muttered silently

"Love you too ...".


After a while of walking, we finally reached the carnival which was situated on a dock.

Although the surrounding beach is completely empty the carnival was full of people mainly children and couples.

Of course, its main attraction was the huge Ferris wheel yet there seemed to be also roller coasters, games, and carousels.

Staring at the Ferris wheel we both looked at each other as if reading each other's minds

"Ferris wheel is for wussies! Let's go to the roller coaster!"

"Ferris wheel is for wussies! Let's go to the roller coaster!"

Going together we appreciated the beautiful sea scenery as we waited in line, Although from far away the roller coaster didn't seem very impressive upon closer inspection it looked much more 'extreme' than you'd expect for a mobile carnival. 

of course, we took the firstmost seats and stared at the tracks in front of us. soon a metal rod rolled down acting like a brace so we don't fall off the attraction, however as it descended I couldn't help but notice that it was unnaturally flimsy...

putting a bit of pressure would push it back, as its motorized bearing seemed to lack any real torque. I stared deadpanned as I could now notice the creaking of the metal rails as it struggled to carry the coaster.

"uh oh..." I muttered, Jiro looked at me with an expression that told me she noticed those very same problems.

'can't go a chapter without unnecessary action huh' I said as I felt the roller coaster roar into life as it shot forward with considerable speed. of course like any roller coaster, it included a huge climb, one that was slow to build up tension. be it in the riders... or the steel...

as soon as we reached the climax of the climb the other riders began screaming as we sped up downhill picking up speed more and more, leading to an upcoming left turn.

the moment the coaster made it into the turn the sounds of creaking metal turned into an audible screech that could give All Might goosebumps.

The rollercoaster had derailed. followed by the sounds of thrilled screaming turning to genuine fright, turned my gaze Jiro stared at me with trust in her eyes.

"Being a hero is tiresome..." I sighed before lifting the metal rod and climbing onto the cart while still in freefall

"You bastard at least warn me!" Jiro suddenly screamed as she was no longer kept in place, and since she couldn't fly if she fell off then it was kaput.

Jumping in the air I shot out smoke and twisted it creating a pseudo rail for the carts to ride on. To not earn the spite of Sir. Issac Newton, I made sure not to abruptly stop the cart otherwise the riders would turn to soup

letting the cart glide down I simply followed suit. These kinds of emergencies were no longer a real problem, no need to panic.

Looking down I noticed my stunt seemed to have gathered a crowd, sighing I continued with my business. Soon the cart reached the floor after slowing down enough for everybody to exit safely.


"situation sorted," I said while taking Jiro's hand as she jumped out of the cart. However I noticed Jiro staring somewhere and when I turned my gaze I saw the crowd shout

"Arashi-san! Thank you! I'm your number 1 fan" 


Since when was I a popular hero? Walking forward I put on an awkward smile while trying to ignore some phone flashes as people took photos. approaching the fan I saw him pull out a notebook

"Can I get y-your autograph?" The fan said with stars shining in his eyes, grabbing it and taking out a pen I soon heard Jiro ask me

"Do you even have an autograph?" To be honest, i didn't. But ill just improvise and surely nothing bad will happen... Right?

[Arashi-Nya~ 👍]

"That seems good enough" I pinched my chin before nodding, handing back the fan his notebook I turned towards the now small line to get autographs

"Is this what it's like being popular? I like it" I muttered before signing more autographs. Maybe being a goodie two shoes has its merits... Im still gonna kill villains if I have to...

[A/N: I don't know why but this part feels really dull... Maybe I haven't recovered from my Inspiration juice deficiency...]


"You leave for a few hours and already get on the news" As soon as I entered the dormitories I could hear Aizawa-sensei complain while flipping channels. Eri was sitting on his shoulds braiding his hair... horribly might I add

"Ah, it's good that you're back take this!" before I could respond to Aizawa, Mina threw something on my face. catching it I stared at the clothes in my hands

Red shirt and pants together with a Santa hat... How festive. Wearing the clothes instantly by teleportation I stared at the now fully decorated dormitory. 

"Wow..." I muttered unconsciously

The lights were... very vibrant, um

"Kyouka, last time I checked we didn't have those kinds of lights" I nudged Jiro as she put her jacket on the coat hangers, to which she simply stared at me as if I was stupid

soon I spotted Momo organizing the food and realized that I was in fact, stupid. Sighing I simply sat down on the sofa next to Aizawa as we both stared at the family Christmas cartoons as they sang musical rhymes.

"nenene~" I heard Eri sing along as she played with Aizawa's hair, just from the noises his hair produced made me flinch. It sounded as if you brushed your hair with a brush covered in superglue

however, Aizawa simply stared at me with a tired expression

"I have high pain tolerance" He answered my unquestioned question 


only after a few minutes, the entire class was now sitting on the sofas as we all eyed the clock, some had party poppers in their hands while others simply had food and drinks.



"Ah mou~~~ why is a minute taking so long~" Mina complained while hanging upside down on the sofa, everybody was hurrying to shush her as their eyes never left the clock

"Mina you should remember to be patien---" Before Iida could finish his sentence all of the party poppers went off at once as everybody began shouting


"Happy birthday Rimuru..."





"Y-You remembered?" I muttered in confusion as the entire class went silent. Jiro stared at me with a pouty blush as she held two presents, one for Christmas and another for my birthday... But the only present I could see is the angel that is standing in front of me

"Jiro and Rimuru sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G, First comes love then comes marriage!" Eri began singing with a teasing smile on her face.



A/N: I will repeat myself, this is a one-off. I won't be uploading again (Ahem ahem) 

Anyway, congrats Horikoshi for finishing the MHA manga! Yippee!!!

recently I heard that the MHA came to an end and I was bored out of my mind while working so I thought 'Eh, might as well write a bonus chapter for you fiends'

Also since I haven't written in a while I have no idea if this chapter is of actually good quality.

Anyway im going to sleep