
Chapter Twenty Seven

Sarah POV

I called Ella and told her what Rose suggested she encouraged me to go on with the idea that it is a good suggestion. Now am on my way to the company with only one goal in mind to tell my Boss everything and watch what will happen from there.

Getting to the company all the courage I summoned at home fly out of the entrance door cause am now nervous especially if I remember that I have to tell him about the sex tape. Talking to Rose about it is easier to compared to talking to my boss about my sex tape it is so embarrassing and humiliating.

On my way to my Boss office I saw Rose,I told her that am about to tell our boss everything but am so nervous. She encouraged me and her words were exactly what I needed at the moment, I thanked her and continued with my walk to my ultimate embarrassment.

I knocked on my boss office door,he invited me in, when I walked in he was surprised to see me in his office without him calling for me. What are you doing here? I don't remember asking you to come to my office he asked curiously looking at me. Actually Sir am here because there is something important I want to discuss with you I said.

Please sit down and tell me what is the important thing you want to discuss with me he said gesturing for me to sit down. I sat down fidgeting with my fingers because am still nervous despite the moral support from Rose earlier. Sarah please go on am all ears and I don't bite cause I can clearly see that you are nervous he tried to encourage me. That was enough encouragement for me and I told him everything that happened and currently happening, when am done talking I can't even raised my head and look at him cause am so ashamed of myself now.

Three minutes after am still waiting for him to say something but nothing is forthcoming, I raised my head to see what he is doing that he is so quiet and he seemed to be in deep thoughts. Sir I came to you because you are my only and final option so please say something I pleaded trying to call his attention back.

Am sorry I was lost in thoughts he apologized, Sarah I don't know what else to say rather than you surprised me am not expecting you to come to me with this,most girls I know will not think twice and dance to the tune of the blackmailer to save themselves but you have my interest at heart, thank you very much for telling me this he said with sincere gratitude in his eyes and another look that I can't explain.

Okay sir,now that you are aware of what is going on,please tell me what your plan will be and am ready to do anything you asked of me, I said because am now convinced that there will be a solution after all.