
Chapter Twenty Eight

Sarah POV

You said that he gave you until weekend to report back to him,so I will like for you to give me until Friday to get back to you on this issue cause I need to think of the perfect plan ,okay? He asked. Yes sir am okay with it I will be waiting, thank you for trying to help me I said with gratitude filled eyes.

Were you expecting me to judge you because of the sex tape? He asked me. How did he know what's going on in my mind? Yes Sir I am surprised that you did not judge me but thank me instead I said to him. He smiled, oh God that smile again.

Sarah I know I have never said this to you before but you are one of the strong and amazing woman that I know and don't worry about the video I won't judge you about that you are an adult so you are free to live your life the way you want and I will help you with the video I promise.

I continued thanking him because it is unexpected from him and he kept giving me that smile that makes my knee weakened. I hurriedly left his office cause my heart wanted to burst out of its place cause the damn thing kept beating so fast.

George POV

After Sarah left my office, I was still smiling I know by now I look like an idiot and I can't explain why am so happy now. Sarah kept on surprising me everyday.

God George get a grip of your self stop smiling like a fool and concentrate on what's on ground now before you finally lose it I scolded myself. I called Max to come over that our plan have changed but I did not tell him what exactly changed.

One hour later Max walked in with apology ready on his lips, sorry I was very busy when you called that's why am late. Let me guess you are busy with your pants down and your balls deep inside one unfournate lady I said shaking my head with my signature smile that says I know what you are up to.

Come on Bro you are not fair with what you just said now,busy is busy no matter the occasion and for your information the lady is not unfortunate but lucky caused she is well satisfied he said his eyes glinting mischievously.

Okay enough of the sex talk,let's talk about what brought you here,shall we? I asked. Sure go on what is the change you are talking about? Max asked anxiously, Sarah told me everything that is going between Evans and herself I mean the blackmail issue I said, anxiously waiting for his reaction cause am sure he will be surprised.

Wow!, oh my God ! that's all Max kept on exclaiming, Dude say something else and stop shouting like a woman I scolded him. I think I have found the woman that I want to marry he said but the look in his eyes this time around is different more like he is serious with what he said.