
Chapter Twenty Six

Rose POV

I noticed Sarah behavior she seemed to be out of it recently,so I decided to talk to her. I know I was cold to her when it come to relating with her when she started working here,But the truth is that the girl is nice and hard working.

So when she started acting like something is bothering her I was bothered myself, I don't know but my gut kept telling me that it had to do with this competition. I approached her to know what is going on with her but I found her sleeping in her office and this is unlike her which means whatever it is she is passing through now is serious.

I wake her up and asked her what's wrong with her but she told me she is having a slight headache which I don't believe at all. I persuaded her to tell me what's going on cause I know what ever is going on is eating her up,after some persuasion from me she opened up to me. For some minutes I was silent cause I am dumbfounded and I was angry first at her ex boyfriend that guy is not human, then secondly at Anna that bitch got some nerves she is not satisfied yet despite everything she did already.

Well the deed is done what remains now is solution, I suggested she tell George what is going on because he is in the best position to help her. I left her office when she assured me that she will tell George what is going on, on my way to my office I got an idea to call Mrs Vincent.

I dialled her number she picked it on the second ring, Hello,good afternoon ma'am I greeted her, Rose to what do I owned this call Mrs Vincent asked. Ma'am is about Sarah.... She did not allowed me to finish what I have to say when she started yelling and rambling on the phone.

I have said it before this woman will burst my eardrum one day with her yelling. Did you just say Sarah? As in Sarah,George's personal assistant ? What about Sarah? She bombarded me with questions and also with her continuous yelling, ma'am Sarah did nothing actually Anna is the problem I told her when she finally allowed me to talk. Okay Rose am sorry for shouting earlier you know mother's love for their kids I thought she did something to hurt my son,so please tell me everything you know am listening she calmly said.

 I told her everything that Sarah told me without leaving anything behind. She was silent for some minutes, ma'am are you still there I asked cause I thought maybe she dropped her phone. Yes Rose am here what you suggested to her is the best and you have to do something for me,inform me immediately she will tell George everything so that I can visit George and know what he planned to do she requested. I will do exactly that I assured her she disconnected the call.

Just wait and watch Anna you will not know what hits you because we are coming in full force I mused.