
Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-Seven

Third Person POV

Jerry is so anxious to know what will be the outcome of the proposal, knowing that if he did not do anything he will die out of curiosity, that is why he texted Sarah asking her to send pictures and videos to him. He kept his phone close by so that he will know when the message will come, one hour later, the long-awaited message finally arrived. He opened the video first and he was amazed at what he is watching, he can't believe that his daughter is this romantic and that brought back the memory of when his late wife will try to do all this for him, but he will ignore her efforts never appreciate her for once. That memory made him remember how awful he was to his family and he is not proud of it at all.

Jerry was staring at the pictures and he don't have any doubt in his mind, that the young man loved his daughter as much as his daughter loves him. He also reminded himself that his daughter proposed to a man and got a yes but he is yet to ask a woman out on a date. He can't believe that asking a woman out on a date is harder than closing a business deal, but what his daughter did today posed a big challenge to him. He picked up his and was contemplating whether to call Laura or not when his phone started ringing. He looked at the caller ID and saw that his daughter is the one calling him, he know that she just want to share the good news with him, he picked up the call and placed ed in his ear. Guess who got engaged today! Ella shouted on the phone, Jerry had to keep the phone a distance from his ear to avoid bursting his eardrum.

Jeez, Ella stop shouting, I can hear you clear enough, Jerry complained, but Ella ignored his complain and continue talking. I proposed to him Dad and he said yes, he said yes Dad, am so happy right now, Ella related to her father. Jerry acted like this is his first time hearing it. Wow, so you did it? You got him to accept your proposal? He asked sounding so surprised, while he silently lat himself on the back for being a good actor. Yeah, I told you that he will accept it cause he loves me so much, Ella boasted to her father. I can already see that, for a man to accept a proposal from a lady, shows how deeply he loves the lady, He mused. Am happy for you Ella, am happy for you, you got to spend the rest of your life with a man who truly loves you, Jerry said to his daughter.

Yes, that is why I kept on telling you to ask Sarah's mother out on a date, you need someone to be beside you, a companion, you made a mistake in the past and you already learned from your mistakes so stop punishing yourself, Ella told her father. Ella suspects that the reason that her father is finding it hard to ask Sarah's mother out on a date is cause he thinks that he doesn't deserve to be loved, considering how he treated her mother who loves him so much but she knows that her late mother will not be happy if she sees what he is doing. But Ella..... Jerry started saying but was cut off by his daughter. No, but Dad, call her and ask her out and stop hesitating before other men start bugging her, I forgot to tell you that she has a lot of suitors but she never gives them the time of the day, Ella said purposely adding the last part to get her father jealous which worked.

You are joking, right? Jerry asked not liking what he just heard one bit. No am not joking and if you like her that much, do the needful before another man do it, if I can propose to a man and succeed you can do it as well, Ella said trying to motivate her father. Okay, Ella, I have heard what you said and I will call her as you suggested, once again congratulations, Jerry said and ended the call cause he is not ready to listen to another sermon from his daughter. He was looking at his phone like it was an alien, his mind thinking of the one thousand things he will say to her and how he is going to start the conversation. He was scrolling through the contacts on his phone when he got to Laura's name he was still hesitating not knowing that he already dialled the number.

He was shocked when he heard a woman's voice coming from his phone, Hello, Hello, Jerry are you there? He heard Laura asking from the other side. He wanted to end the call but he can't bring himself to do it. Hey Laura, How are you? He finally started talking after so much battle. Am fine and you? I want to end the call cause I thought that you are not aware that you dialled my number, Laura said but inside her, she is dying of happiness cause she have been expecting his call. Good Laura, I don't know what you will be doing tomorrow, I will like to have dinner with you, Jerry said to her, going straight to the point before he will chicken out. Laura wanted to scream and jump up like a kid that received his or her best candy but she managed to pull herself together and answer him.

That won't be a problem, I can make out time from my schedule for that, she said sounding nonchalant. Jerry was worried about the way she sounded, she sounded like she is doing him a favour by having dinner with him. Well she is doing me a huge favour, how many times do I get to have dinner with a beautiful lady, Jerry mused. Then I will see you tomorrow at dinner, I will send the details to you later, He informed her and end the call before he makes fool of himself.