
Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Six

Third Person POV

Max was confused when George suddenly suggested that they go back to their condo, they agreed to stay at the mansion and wait for Ella and Sarah to come back. He doesn't have any strength to argue with him which is why he followed him also he is not sure that Ella will be coming back. He arrived at his condo and was met with the shock of his life, there stood Ella in the centre of his sitting room with a flower in her hand, he thought that he could not be more surprised since Ella started giving him flowers. The shock of his life came when he saw the ring and he know right there that Ella beat him to it and he is the one getting the proposal, not Ella, Max was smiling from ear to ear. He has been speechless since this confession and proposal started but he thinks that he has found his voice.

Babe, I don't know what to say, you took me by surprise, this is overwhelming to me, He said to her. You don't need to say anything, the fact that you accept my proposal is enough for me, I can't ask for more, Ella said to him while smiling lovely at him. Sarah was busy snapping pictures cause Ella's father texted her, asking her to get pictures for him, he want to see the moment his daughter made history. You know Ella, I bought a since the time we went on a vacation in Los Angeles, I have been carrying it around with me waiting for the day you will tell me that you love me, I vowed to propose to you the day you will say those words to me, but you beat me to it, Max told Ella.

Ella was surprised to hear that, as well as Sarah, the only person that is not surprised is George that was with him the day he bought it. Well, nothing changes, you can still propose to me or put the ring on my finger, Ella told him. That's right, I will do just that, Max said and reach for his pocket and bring out the ring and slide it onto Ella's finger. It's beautiful, Ella uttered admiring the, she showed the ring to Sarah, who moved in and hugged her. Congrats love, am happy for you, Sarah said to Ella. George patted Max on the back, Congrats man and welcome to the club, he said to him. Thanks, bro and you still owe me a lot of explanation, Max appreciate him and commented. I think the person in the right position to answer your questions is your fiancee, George said and held Sarah's hand.

I think we should give the newly engaged couple the space to celebrate properly, George said to his fiancee while giving Max that suggestive look. George and Sarah left Max's condo and entered George's condo. Am jealous, George started immediately after they stepped inside the condo. Sarah was taken aback by what she heard, cause she was not expecting to hear that. Why are you jealous? She asked him. I did not get any beautiful proposal like Max, He complained while pouting. Sarah can't help it and burst into fits of laughter, cause right now George looks so adorable to her. You are so cute George and sorry to disappoint you, you got a poor girl as your fiancee, she teased him while he continue acting childish.