
Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-Eight


Right now, am the happiest man on earth, I never hope to get a confession from Ella so soon, I was ready to wait for her until she is ready to accept her feelings but not only did I get a confession, but I also got a proposal from her. I can't believe am saying this but yes! I got a proposal from the woman I love and I said yes to it, I never picture Ella as someone that can do this, but guess I underestimated her. Am glad that she is the one that prepared the proposal, cause I don't think I will be able to be half as romantic as she made it because I will be more focused on putting the ring on her finger than on setting the romantic environment. Ella stepped out to call her father, she told me that her father escorted her to buy the ring.

I must confess that he is the coolest guy I know, cause I can't see myself being comfortable if my daughter told me that she is going to propose to a man, he did not stop her based on the ground that she could be rejected instead he escorted her to buy the ring. While Ella stepped out to call her father, I used the opportunity to call my parents to share the good news with them. I called them on a video call so that I can show them the ring cause that is the only way they are going to believe me. They accept the call and as I expected they are together which made it easier for me to share the news once. 

You look so happy unlike yesterday, my mother commented looking at me like she is observing some specimen in a biology lab. Yes, I agree with your mother, you are happy, so tell us what happened that got you so happy? My father asked. I smiled widely at them and raised my hand waving it at the camera, Guess who is engaged? I asked them while smiling from ear to ear. My mother was silent and that is not the reaction I was expecting from her, I thought she will so ecstatic to hear the news. I thought you said that you will ask her to marry you if she tells you that she loves you? My father asked with confusion written all over his face.

Yes, and she confessed and not only did she confess, but she also proposed, I told my parents. My mother's jaw is literally on the ground. Did she propose to you? My mother asked to be sure that she heard me correctly. Yes Mum, she proposed, I answered her. Oh my god, she is so courageous, my admiration level for her just skyrocketed, My mother said smiling from ear to ear. Son, she is a brave one don't mess this up for us, this family need such a strong woman, My father said to me. Yes, this family need such a strong woman like myself, my mother said fanning herself with her hand. My father and I exchanged a knowing look cause we know that my mother is not that strong, she is the softest person I ever know but we dare not tell her that cause nobody will be sleeping tonight, especially my father.