
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · สมัยใหม่
47 Chs

A Year Contract

Carlo can't help but stare at Lynn during their meal. How can a small girl eat that much. He has seen plenty of women eating, her mum, sister and Tin for example, they tend to count their calorie intake, but not Lynn. She seems to enjoy her food a lot.

Lynn was oblivious of Carlo observing her eating, she just kept eating. She was starving, she didn't eat breakfast because she was in a hurry this morning because of the theme day. Plus the chinese food were delicious.

She raised her head and was surprised to see him not eating, instead he was looking at her with amusement in his eyes.

"Is there something wrong, don't you like the food?", Lynn asked curiously.

Carlo shook his head and took a bite, "Nothing's wrong, I'm just enjoying watching you eat."

Lynn stopped eating. Was he watching her the entire time? Now she felt embarassed.

"I'm full, thanks for the food.", she exclaimed.

She was full but she wanted to eat more, but she was embarassed to do so now.

Carlo nodded, "Why don't you watch TV, I will clean this up.", he said.

"Let me do it!" Lynn volunteered.

"You're my guest, unless you are my girlfriend, I won't let you do any chores.", he said.

"Are you sure?", Lynn asked.

Carlo smiled and nodded. "Go and watch something, once I'm done we'll continue with our conversation.", he stated.

Lynn wrinkled her nose. She headed to the sofa and watch TV.

After cleaning up, Carlo joined Lynn.

"Okay, do you agree to be my girlfriend now!", he asked.

Lynn was mentally prepared this time. She thought about it for a while, it seems like the only way Carlo would agree to lend her his phone was for her to agree to be bis girlfriend. She decided to go with the flow, then once she was home, she can always say she changed her mind and just break up with him.

"Okay, I agree.", she said clearly.

Carlo was taken back, he did not expect it would be easier this time around. But either way he was glad. He stood and headed to his room.

Lynn was wondering what he was doing, maybe he was getting his phone finally maybe he will let her use it, or he will lend her money.

But to her surprised, when he came back, he did not bring his phone nor money. Instead he had two piece of sort of document. He laid them in front of her.

Lynn took one, and read it. It seems to be a contract, it stated that she can't break up with him for a year.

Lynn was surprised, what is she going to do now. This guy is sleek indeed.

"Do we need this?", she asked.

"Yes, it's for insurance purposes.", Carlo announced

Lynn wrinkled her nose. What a tricky guy.

Carlo handed her a pen and signalled her to sign the contract.

How did he find out that she was planning to change her mind after she gets home?

She took a breath and sign the contract. What choice does she have. She can't stay there forever and it is getting dark outside. For sure Janey will be worried.

"Very good!", Carlo said while getting one copy and giving her the other one.

"Now should we seal this with a kiss?", he whispered.

Lynn's eyes widened, and stood up.

"I think we should seal this with you giving me your phone so that I can make a call.", she said.

Carlo pulled her to sit on his lap. Lynn was shocked, what was he trying to do?

Carlo put her arms around his neck. He look at her eyes, he wanted her to focus on him alone, and not think of other things.

Lynn's eyes now was becoming smaller, no longer wide open, it's because Carlo was closing in the distance between their faces. He touched her lips lightly at first, teasing her.

Lynn put her palm to his chest but Carlo brought it back to his neck.

Carlo was trying to deepen the kiss. She gasped, is he nuts. Everything was going so fast. Yesterday he was not even in the county, a while a go, she was hurt, and now she is his girlfriend. And what now, what was he doing, claiming his right on her. She was not comfortable with this turn of events.

Lynn pushed Carlo, her breath were heavy. But not as heavy as Carlo. He wanted more but he knew that it's all he can get for now.

"Alright, let's go. I'll take you home.", he announced.

"No need, let me just make a call to my cousin.", she whispered.

Carlo kissed her forehead. "Nonsense, I'm your boyfriend now, ofcourse I will take you home. And besides I want to meet your cousin.", he said.

Lynn stood up from his embrace. Was having a boyfriend this physical, she's not used to being touched all the time, especially kissing and hugging. She came from a family who aren't touchy.

Carlo parked infront the building of Lynn's apartment.

"Thank you!", she murmured, while unbuckling her seatbelt.

She got out the car. Carlo also did.

Lynn stopped and said, "Go back now, I can manage.", she said.

Carlo smiled, "Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"Maybe next time, I need to talk to my cousin first.", Lynn answered.

Carlo nodded. She already agreed to be his girl, maybe that's enough for now. He hugged her tightly and kissed her cheeks.

"Bye, rest well.", he said

"I will", Lynn answered.

Finally, Lynn thought, she was able to get home. She lay down on the sofa. Janey seems to be not around yet. She closed her eyes and she fell asleep.

"Seriously dude, you're back but you didn't even visit me. I needed to come to your place myself. Have you no heart for a patient like me?", Jeff barge in to Carlo's place like it was his own.

He headed to the bar and made himself a drink.

"Sorry men, I was intending to visit you but something came up. Anyways, how was you wound?", Carlo asked while sipping his own drink.

"Fine, but I'm not fine. I can't find my wife. I've looked everywhere, but no luck?", Jeff said, disappointment was obvious in his eyes.

"Common dude, if you were that in to her, you should have not forgotten to get her name nor contact information.", he said mockingly.

"Do you have to rub salt in my wound. I already knew that.", he said, then slump at the couch.

"I have a new girlfriend. I want you to meet her tomorrow.", Carlo said out of nowhere.

"What? When? Does Tin knew about this?", Jeff asked excitedly.

How long has it been since Carlo dated someone, was it two years ago? Most of his romantic affairs weren't serious at all. Though between the two of them, he was known to be the play boy for changing girlfriends monthly. But Carlo himself never took someone seriously. This was the first time he initiated a meeting with his girlfriend, usually it's the girl who would do their best to be accepted by his friends. It seems different this time. Oh no, this sounds trouble when Tin finds out.

"What makes you think that I need her permission to have a girlfriend.", Carlo said, feeling annoyed by his questions.

"It's not that, but you know how she feels about you.", Jeff said.

"For the nth times, she is just like a sister to me. How she feels is not my fault.", he said coldly.

Jeff took a deep breath. This is going to be fun for sure!