
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · Urban
Not enough ratings
47 Chs


Lynn's thought was interrupted when Carlo stopped the car in an underground garage. She looked around and wondered where they were. She looked at Carlo. He did not say anything, he got out the truck, went to her side and opened the door for her.

He attempted to carry her again but she jumped out the truck, she forgot she had a sprain, and felt pain as soon as her foot landed on the floor.

"Ouch!", she cried.

"Be careful!", Carlo said and scooped her up into his arms again.

"No! Common boss, stop doing this! I can walk.", she complained

"You need to give your foot a rest. You can't put too much pressure on it.", he explained.

"But you were complaining I was heavy.", she said.

"Exactly, your heavy, you can't put that much weight on your foot for now.", he said jokingly.

She wrinkled her nose in annoyance.

Carlo carried her inside the elevator, push 31st floor. Then Lynn realized that Carlo was actually bringing her somewhere she didn't know.

"Where are we?", she asked.

Carlo just smiled but did not say anything.

Now, she's getting nervous, she was in a deep thought during the drive, she did not bother to check where they were.

Carlo put down Lynn, entered the password in one unit, then scoop Lynn back up, then entered his condo unit.

He sat her in the long sofa and left. Lynn was amazed on how spacious the place was. There was a mini bar at the side, a set of sofa in the middle. The place was manly, it has work-out equipment on the further left side.

The place was surrounded by glass wall, the view was breath taking, one side was a river, other side were tall buildings. She think she can see their building. She was relieved when she saw it, at least she knew that they were not that far.

"Here, drink this, my sister send this to me. She said that it's good for the health.", he said while placing two cups of green tea on the table and sat down beside her.

"Thank you!", Lynn murmured.

Carlo smiled, "Don't just thanked me, try it, I don't usually make drinks for others. You should be honored", he announced.

Lynn smiled shyly, took the cup and made a sip.

"It's good, thanks for the honor.", she said sarcastically.

Silence followed her words. Flashback of the kiss they shared a while ago both played in their minds. Suddenly the air became awkward.

Lynn cleared her throat. "Boss, I left my bag in my locker, can you lend me your phone. I need to call my cousin so that she can pick me up.", Lynn said shyly.

"The doctor said you needed to rest, can your cousin take care of you?", Carlo asked.

"Yes, she can. Besides this is just a sprain, it's no big deal.", she explained.

Carlo nodded, and took a sip on his green tea. He hated this stuff, it taste terrible, but her sister said that it's healthy, he thought it might be good for Lynn, but he knew how weird it tasted. So he needed to encouraged her to drink it, by drinking it himself.

Lynn drank as well.

"I like you Lynn, can you be my girlfriend?"

Lynn was surprised by his question, she was in the middle of drinking and she coughed when she heard him.

"Are you okay?", Carlo asked, while handing her some tissue.

"I'm fine, thanks.", she answered.

She had imagined being confessed to, maybe with flowers, chocolates or any gifts. Maybe in a romantic place like by the beach, or amusement park. But, not now that she has a sprain foot and bruises. And not there, an unknown place. And most of all, not him please. She knew who he was, filthy rich, handsome man, everyone's fantasize about but not hers, because she was not a dreamer. She likes watching romantic dramas, but she knew that they were not real, and even if they were, the ending will be a tragedy. She just wanted a simple guy with a job, average looking maybe, even a nerd would do. But not a hunk like him.

"Do you have an aspirin, or something for headache?", she asked.

Carlo stood up, after few minutes, he came back with a medicine and a glass of water. He gave it to Lynn.

"Do you want to lay down a bit, I have a guest room, it was just cleaned by the maid.", he asked.

Maybe he was rushing too much, she was hurt today, the doctor said that she needed rest.

"No, no!", she answered half laughing.

"I want to go home, can I borrow your phone?", she asked.

Carlo hesitated, "Can you answer my question first.", he asked.

He wanted her to be his girlfriend now. In that way, he can protect her all the time.

"No!", she answered clearly.

"Why not? What's wrong with me?", Carlo asked feeling upset by the rejection.

"You're not my type.", she said directly.

Carlo laugh, "You're funny, I'm not your type. Funny!"

He eventually stopped laughing noticing that she was serious.

"Why?", he asked seriously.

Lynn wrinkled her nose. "Well, people have different taste, mine was different from most girls. As simple as that."

"As simple as that?", he repeated and stood.

He started walking back and forth. This girl has a way to get into his nerves.

"Look, it's not that you are my type. You're not as beautiful as you think!", he stated impatiently.

"I did not say I'm beautiful, and it's a good thing if I'm not your type.", she said.

Lynn stood up, "It's settled then, we don't like each other! Now can you lend me your phone. I need to make a call.", she demanded.

Carlo started walking to her direction, he was getting close, pretty close, that Lynn backed-out. Carlo continued to step closer, that Lynn got nervous, she tried backing out further but she forgot there was a sofa, she fell but took hold of Carlo's shirt by accident. They both fell, Lynn underneath Carlo. She can feel his breath fanning her face. She was hoping that he can't feel her heart jumping in and out her chest. She has never been close to a man like this way before.

"So, you don't like me huh! But your heart was saying otherwise!", Carlo whispered.

Lynn push him up.

"Can I borrow your phone now?", Lynn asked feeling helpless.

"No, not until you agree to be my girlfriend!", he said while trying to straightened his shirt and hair.

"Are you blackmailing me boss?", Lynn said angrily.

Carlo thought for a few seconds and answered, "Yup", then smiled.

"Are you crazy, you can't detain me in here. That's illegal.", she shouted.

Carlo.laughed. "Who's detaining you? You can leave if you want, the door is wide open.", he said while gesturing to the direction of the door.

Lynn just realize that she was doomed, she failed to bring her bag, she has no money, no phone. What waa she going to do now?

"This is not fair, I don't have my bag with me!", she blurted out.

"That's easy, be my girlfriend, and I will give you everything you need!", he said.

"You're blackmailing me!", she said again.

"Look, usually man would chase a woman first, he would court and coax her. Why don't we do that? You court me first then I'll give you an answer, it might change by then. But first you have to please me. You can start by lending me your phone, or maybe just money for taxi.", Lynn explained.

"Let's do this, why don't you become my girlfriend first, then I will court you.", he asked.

Lynn shooked her head. "Why are you doing it the other way around. That's not conventional. That's unfair to me.", Lynn complained.

"Believe me honey, I will never make you regret agreeing to be my girl. I will make you the happiest girl.", he proclaimed confidently.

Lynn was touched. He was making promises but then she recalled that he was still blackmailing her.

"I'll give you time to think about it. You must be hungry? I have a cook who usually prepare meals for me, but he's on leave. I'm not really a good cook. Hmmm, do you mind if I order take out?", he asked.

"I mind! I'm not interested in eating. Just lend me your phone please.", she insisted.

Carlo smiled. "You're one determine girl!", he said while brushing her hair with his hand.

Lynn felt annoyed, and removed his hand from her hair.

"But darling, I like you so much, and I am in the position to make you mine!", he said shamelessly.

Carlo stood up, and made a call. It seems that he was ordering a take out meal.

After the call, Carlo took out a remote, opened the TV.

"Entertain yourself with TV first. I need to check my email.", he said, then gave her the remote.

Lynn was left with no choice, she started scanning channels while Carlo headed to his room.

After an hour, the door bell rang. Lynn opened it, it was the take out food that Carlo ordered. She was actually hungry.

Carlo finally showed up after probably hearing the door bell, his hair was wet, it seems like he just came out from the shower.

Lynn then realized how messed up she must have looked like. She was still wearing the gown, and got no clothes to change into.

"You can take a shower, I'll find you something to wear. Then we'll eat.", Carlo said.

Carlo guided her to the guest room and left.

The guest room was bigger than she thought, it was elegantly furnished. The bathroom was nice as well, with a bathtub. Janey and her had longed for a bathtub, but they can't afford an apartment with one. She took a shower. When she was done, there was a short, and white shirt with undies laid on the bed.

She wore them since she doesn't have a choice. The bra was bigger than her size but she make do with it, the other undies fitted her well. The short was a little sexy for her taste, good thing that the shirt was a little big. She was thinking, maybe the clothes were owned by his ex-girlfriend or maybe current girlfriend.

She brushed her hair, then went out. Carlo was preparing the table.

"Sit down, let's eat!", he invited.

Lynn sat down obediently.

Carlo examined her.

"Not bad! My sister was definitely bigger than you but somehow it fits you. Why didn't you hair dry your hair, you might caught a cold.", he said.

"Nonsense, let it dry by itself, it's good for the environment.", she said.

"Let's eat!", he said.

He ordered chinese food. And actually she liked it, it's one of her favorite.

She decided to eat, she needed her strength to escape from this possessive guy.