
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · Urban
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47 Chs

Finally Found Her

Lynn woke up due to constant banging on her door. She checked her watch, it's 11:00 AM. It might be due to the medicine she took yesterday that she over slept. She stood up and headed to the door, who could that be? Janey was not around, she did not say that any package will be delivered. She has a little headache due to over sleeping. She opened the door, that's when she remembered what happened yesterday. It must be the meds, or because she just woke up, but she completely forgotten that the man standing in front of her is now her so called boyfriend.

"Nice view!", Carlo said while looking at her from head to toe.

Lynn was wearing a tight fitting short, and a yellow sleeveless shirt, with nothing underneath it. Plus her long black hair were everywhere but in place

She felt confused by his expression, what view was he talking about. Then she followed where he was looking at, and realized that it was her lack of clothes underneath her transparent shirt. She immediately made an effort to cover it.

"Pervert", she shouted and ran to her room.

She heard him laugh out loud.

She was red as a tomato. What was she thinking opening the door looking like that, she usually wear a robe or at least cover herself with a towel.

She has been in her room for thirty minutes, she felt extremely embarassed, when she heard Carlo called her name.

"You can go out now, promise I won't look at it. Besides it was unnoticeable to see anyways.", he joked.

What did he mean by that? She slump into her bed. Could there be more embarassing than this?

She then stood up, then straightened up, she would need to go out eventually, right?

She took a shower, change into pants and shirt. When she went out her room, she immediately smell food. She saw Carlo with food in their small living room. He seems to be making the room puny.

When he saw her, he smiled and said, "Let's eat."

Lynn nodded and examined what Carlo brought.

He brought several rice dishes, he also brought milk tea. The smell made her stomache grumble.

"How did you know which unit I was?", she asked, avoiding looking at his eyes.

"I bribe the guard.", he said, then serve her food.

Lynn wrinkled her nose.

"No need to be embarassed, you're beautiful.", he said teasingly.

"Whatever!", she said annoyingly.

"But make sure not to open the door for anyone, looking like that. I don't share my properties with anyone.", he said possessively.

"Yours, dream on!", she said angrily.

"What? I have a contract to prove it.", he announced.

Lynn snorted, "You got it by forced!"

"Still the result were the same. You're still mine.", he said shamelessly.

"I think your delusional, you should eat, maybe it's cause by hunger.", she said.

Carlo laugh.

Actually, he was worried this morning, he was calling her, but remembered that her phone was left in the office, that's why she wasn't answering. He decided to go to her place but realized that he did not know which floor, nor unit she lives at. She needed to contact some people from work who possibly knew, and he ended calling Ella, who texted her the apartment number. He has been knocking at her door for twenty minutes, he was getting nervous and was about to knock down the door when she opened it.

It seems like she just woke up. She was wearing a very sexy short, then a transparent sleeveless shirt. Her hair were everywhere, but ofcourse as a man, his eyes was automatically magnetized by something else. He didn't meant to be a pervert, but he can't help it.

"I want you to meet my friend tonight.", he declared.

Lynn looked at him and asked, "Why?"

"What do you mean why? Youre my girlfriend, it's normal for you to meet my friends, then my relatives, then my parents.", he said.

"Are you scaring me?", she asked seriously.

Carlo looked at her, "No babe, I'm preparing you. Jeff would be the easiest one to meet from my end. My parents are nice, but they will still act like parents. My sister is easy going, and she's in another country with her family.", he explained.

He hesitated for a moment and said, "I have a female friend, her name is Tin, we grew up together, everyone, including her is expecting that I will marry her. She might be a little difficult to handle. But don't mind her, she's just like a sister to me."

"Why don't you just marry her?", she asked.

"Because if I will marry someone, it will be you, my dear girlfriend.", he said seriously.

Lynn wrinkled her nose, she couldn't find any response to what he said.

After their meal, Lynn cleaned up. Carlo was checking their apartment. It was small, but descent enough for two women. Except he noticed how a little untidy it was, there seems to be clutter everywhere. Things seems to be mixed up, like the dining table has books while cabinets has pictures and chips, accessories and other stuff, sofa has some sort of clothes, blankets and magazines. What a messy girl? Never mind that, he'll do the cleaning in the future.

Before heading to the coffee shop to meet Jeff, they stopped by the office to get Lynn's belongings.

"Where are you dude? You said 7:00 PM. I've drank two cups of cappucino already, how am I going to sleep now?", Jeff complained.

"We are on our way, the traffic is pretty heavy.", Carlo answered.

Lynn was feeling a little nervous. She's not really into this relationship. It is true that Carlo was the type that most women would want to date, but she felt like this is not forever, that's why she doesn't want to invest much emotion into this. But now, she also need to deal with his friends. She took a deep breath, she decided to just go with the flow.

"We're here!", Carlo announced.

He got out the car, then open her side of door. Lynn got out, she can't help feeling nervous.

Carlo seemed to sense her uneasiness. "Don't be nervous, Jeff is a nice guy, you will like him.", Carlo said trying to make Lynn less anxious.

Lynn was not a people person, that's what she was worried about, she has a first impression issue, she always failed it. Oh well, she doesn't want to take this seriously so whatever the friend would think, she will not care.

Carlo opened the door of the cafe for Lynn. He saw Jeff sitting at the corner, he seems to be playing games in his phone. He guided Lynn to his direction, he pulled out a chair for Lynn to sit at.

"Finally you're here, I've been...", he raised his head, his words we're caught in his throat, he was surprised to see who Carlo was with.

"This is Lynn, my girlfriend. Babe this is Jeff, my best buddy!", Carlo introduced.

Lynn smiled shyly, "Hi!"

Jeff nodded. Lynn was smiling at him, but the smile was not sweet as he remembered, it was reserved. She doesn't seemed to remember him.

"Hi Lynn, nice to meet you!", he took out his hand for handshake.

Lynn took it, and shook his hand shyly.

It's the hand that helped him get through that day at the hospital. They can call him childish, but for him, that was not an easy experience and this girl infront of him, helped him. He was looking for her, and he finally found her, as his bestfriend's girl. The world must be making a big joke on him, and he doesn't find it funny at all.