
Mrs. Huo Is Known for Her Predictions of Misfortune

Huo Buyu was the young master of the most prestigious family in the Imperial Capital, but everyone knew that the person they really needed to avoid offending was his wife, Ye Yao. She was known for how her words could turn mentions of misfortune into reality, and whoever she cursed verbally would end up suffering. "Oh, dear. It's so hot. I hope it rains," Ye Yao said. "..." Huo Buyu remained silent while he watched raindrops falling from above. "Ehh? Isn't that my ex-boyfriend, the one who wouldn't stop hassling me for ages? Look at his long legs. They’ll probably trip him when he walks," Ye Yao said. The person walking in front suddenly tripped over a stone and fell flat on his face. "Well done!" Huo Buyu exclaimed. Usually, only the bad things verbalised by Ye Yao would happen, while the good things rarely did. One day, Ye Yao had news for Huo Buyu. "Huo Buyu, I think I'm pregnant!" As Huo Buyu calmly turned the page of the document he was reading, he remarked, "You should tell me why you can't get pregnant." Ye Yao pinched his ear. "I really am pregnant!" She showed him the two red lines on the pregnancy test kit. Huo Buyu dropped his document. Was she really pregnant? Was he finally going to be a father?

Murmur · สมัยใหม่
170 Chs

It's All For Money

นักแปล: Atlas Studios บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

"B*tch!" Ye Tianhao punched the sofa, his face contorted with anger. He had begged Ye Yao for a long time this morning, and he had called and sent so many messages, but all of them had been ignored!

Yang Ya looked at Ye Tianhao and gradually lost her patience. "What on earth did you do? Didn't you say that you'd send her overseas for good? Why is she back now?" As if it wasn't bad enough that she was back, she was now with Huo Buyu. The girl was so bold only because she had Huo Buyu to back her! However, Yang Ya didn't tell Ye Tianhao about Ye Yao and Huo Buyu's relationship. Given his cowardice, he definitely wouldn't continue to target Ye Yao if he knew about it. This would not be advantageous for Yang Ya.

Ye Tianhao was also very puzzled. "I'm not sure how she managed to return either. After I sent her overseas, I took away her identity card and passport and had her locked up securely. It would've been impossible for her to come back! What went wrong!"

Ye Tianhao had no affection for Ye Yao, he was only interested in her bank card. Ye Yao did not have much money in bank card account initially and Ye Tianhao controlled the Yang family's business. Later on Yang Youwei managed to gain control of the business and Ye Tianhao lost his status in the company. At that point, the only financial resource the family had was the bank card account. However, Ye Tianhao did not have a good relationship with Ye Yao, and was constantly on guard against her, fearful that she would take back the bank card one day. Hence he wanted to send Ye Yao away for good. This way, he could take possession of the girl's bank card. Later on, when news about Ye Sui's and Zhou Chen's affair broke, Ye Tianhao tricked Ye Yao into going overseas. He had arranged it so that Ye Yao would never return. Unexpectedly, the girl came back! She had even canceled the bank card! More importantly, he had gotten someone to pretend to be Ye Yao, to apply for a new bank card using the bank account booklet. Alas, a PIN number was required for the application, and only Ye Yao could make the request.

Ye Tianhao's head hurt. He had just started up a business and he needed money. He said to Yang Ya in frustration, "I don't know where Ye Yao is staying or what her situation is. I can't locate her at all. If you have news of her, remember to tell me."

Of course, Yang Ya knew where Ye Yao lived, but she wouldn't tell Ye Tianhao. Even if she did, he wouldn't be able to enter. Ye Yao was now Huo Buyu's woman. The security system around the man's residence was an excellent one. Even if he said that he was Ye Yao's father, the security guards wouldn't let him in. She didn't understand how Ye Yao could get so lucky as to hook up with Huo Buyu.

Yang Ya said to Ye Tianhao, "School will start in a few days. Ye Yao is young and will definitely continue with her studies. I'll check on the students in the various schools and update you."

Ye Tianhao nodded. "We have no other choice."

On the other end, Ye Yao was not affected by Ye Tianhao and Yang Ya. She was focused on her own matters. In the afternoon, she received another call from Yang Ya.

"Ye Yao, I'm at the cafe outside Qingshui Bay. Can you come out here to meet up?"

Ye Yao did not expect Yang Ya to take the initiative to look her up. She rolled her eyes and smiled. "Sure."

After a short while, Ye Yao walked out of the district and saw Yang Ya in the cafe opposite the district. "Why are you looking for me so urgently? If you want me to leave Huo Buyu or give up Huo Buyu for Qin Jiao's sake, say no more."

"No." Yang Ya explained anxiously, "Ye Yao, how can you think that way? Do you think your mother is such a person?"

"Otherwise?" Ye Yao shrugged. "You're Qin Jiao's mother now, not mine."

Yang Ya looked guilty as she held Ye Yao's hand. "Ye Yao, I know that I've let you down all these years and made you suffer."

Ye Yao retracted her hand. "There's nothing to be sorry about. You have a new life and have made that your focus, there's nothing wrong with that. I can understand."

Yang Ya pleaded, "Ye Yao, don't be like this. I know you're just saying these things out of anger…"

"I can't help it if you think that way." Ye Yao called the waiter over and asked for a latte. Then, she sipped it slowly.