
Monster High: Magic Mayhem

My school's saying "Never tickle a sleeping Dragon" actually has some literal merit to it. My name's Harry Potter know as, the-boy-who-lived, man-who-conquered, and other dumb titles I can't get rid of. After defeating Voldemort I became a researcher into magic for many years, improving magic once again in seclusion for everyone's benefit. The pure-bloods weren't happy and tried to have me killed for my views, seeing as things were changing and I would not follow tradition. So I hid my self and worked on my experiments, one day I was working with a dragon when it sneezed into a mixture causing a explosion. So now I'm here in an advanced lookalike world that has bloody monsters and muggles walking around together like its normal, and I'm the only magical wizard here in a better version of my teenage body! Man, what I wouldn't give for some firewhisky right about now.

TheMostDapper · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
8 Chs

New School Year

Disclaimer: "Greetings, Old Man." Nightmare, I swear break one more thing I will banish you outside for the rest of the week! Snorts! Thank you. Here's another chapter for this work of literacy art!--- Sees Bloodgood arching an eyebrow at him----What, too much? Bloodgood slowly walks away. Eh, whatever. Thank you everyone for this great start to this story, I thought that it would be at least a week until someone found this. That just shows you to expect the unexpected I guess, moving on finally we are going to be meeting more characters this chapter. Hooray! Wait, nightmare where did you get that chocolate bar? Gulps. Ah crap that was my last one...wait we got to get you to the vet! Bloodgood is so going to kill me! Wait, your technically dead, can you even get sick? Throws up. Well, that answers that question. Here's the disclaimer, now let's get the heck outta here before Bloodgood comes back. Hears door creak open. Quick out the back, later guys!

As you already know I do not own Harry Potter or Monster High. I'm pretty sure I'd be famous if I did.



Speaking: "Merlin's beard!"

Thinking: 'Idiot. Doesn't realize I know this place like the back of my hand. Oh shoot that's new!'

Whispering: ´Shut up! Do you not know rule #3? Never ask a women her age or weight?`

Telepathic/transformed speech: *So, this worm thinks he can take on a goliath?*

Actions: ^Picks up candy dish, looking for something good.^

Parseltongue: _Ahhh! I'm ssso hungry!_



Ever since I've come to this world of monsters, it has really been different from what I am used to. For one I am the only magical here in the entire world, some monster races use their own form of magic but it's just not the same. And now I am enrolled in a all girls monster highschool, with me being the only male monster around and attending. Well, there are some ups to it I get a free apartment all to myself, scholarship that covers basically everything except certain things, and now I am actually respected for being myself. Plus, Headmistress Bloodgood or Nora allowed me to continue my research along with teaching my own class on magic to any monsters that had potential to learn magic from me.


For the past week I have been preparing myself for the upcoming school year at Monster High, I was never good at Divination so foretelling their reactions is impossible. The first thing I had to work on was my lesson plan as well as naming my class, the name that I chose was 'Magic Basics 101' it wasn't the most clever name but we are covering basically everything in one class. Who knew my old teachers had it so ruff, if i had known this I would have been even less hard on Snape, no wonder he was always so moody. And I have it worse than them by like ten times, it's a good thing I kept my school supplies, I burned Lockheart's though that stuff would be just plain offensive. And finally I went out and bought clothes for both in class and when teaching, thank god for that unlimited scholarship money.


When it came to teach the first classes I decided to only have them connect with their magical cores first. With them being older than I was when I started learning magic they never really connected with their cores so that is my first priority. My classes are at the beginning and end of the school day, that way they have time to relax with not being used to using magic so frequently. When they all fully adapt to using magic I will then move on to more advanced things, until then they will practice only first year and second year materials. Of course it is theory work only then practice once they fully comprehend the subject.


But enough of that, I don't need to stress myself before school even starts tomorrow, I'm going to need all of my Griffindor courage in order to just teach my class. The worst that could happen is that I act shy and stutter, I just have to keep my cool and do my best. I mean we are basically the same age, so I could just talk to them like they are some of my peers I guess. Yeah, that could work be professional and pretend their your friends, I mean we will become friends since I will still attend regular classes. But, be friendly outside of my class and professional in my class, basically I am just going to be two-facing it here. I am both anxious and giddy for tomorrow, "Wait, how is Nora going to introduce me? Ugh, I'll worry about it tomorrow." I then drift off into sleep's warm comfortable embrace.


The Next Day:

The school was already packed and the morning bell hasn't even rang yet, as I stare out of the window looking at the sea of various monsters I can't help but swallow my nervousness. "Profesor Potter, I do hope that you are prepared for today, it is the first day of classes." I turn to my right to see the Headmistress coming towards me, "I am find Headmistress, I'm sure I'm just feeling the first day jitters." "Ah, that happens to everyone when they are new to teaching. Why, I remember my first day as the Headmistress, I set fire to my whole stack of paperwork because there was so much of it, then I had to redo the entire thing all over again."


Hearing that I can't help but laugh, "Hahaha, thanks for that Headmistress I really needed it!" "It is no problem Mister Potter, it is the job of the Headmistress to ensure the health and safety of both students and staff, which you happen to fall under both." After my laughter calmed down I really need to ask her something, "Excluse me Headmistress, but how are you going to introduce me to the students. I know for a fact the staff know of me, but how are we going to explain to everyone else." "At the beginning of every school year I have a orientation assembly for the new and returning students so they are up to date on the happenings in the school. I will simply introduce you as a student-teacher with your own class you teach besides the regular ones you will attend, and have you display some of your magical abilities."


"Wow Miss Bloodgood you really think things through don't you?" "Of course Harry, one doesn't stay as Headmistress for a couple decades without planning ahead. Now, I believe you have some sort of teleportation ability?" I nod in response, "It's called apparition." "Perfect, now take this clicker, once you recieve a click from my end you will apparate besides me on the stage. Now, I think it would be best if you get ready, it will not be long now, see you on stage!"


Frankie POV:

'Agh, I just can't wait until I'm allowed in, this is my chance to finally make some real friends now that I'm finally out of the house!' Oh, hello there, my Name is Frankie Stein and this is my first time going to a real school, I've been home schooled all my life. If you can't tell by my name I am related to Doctor Victor Frankenstein, he's my well technically half Grandfather. My dad was his creation and he then created me, unfortunately I never got to meet my Grandpa since he died before I could be put together. The reason that my Dad is still around is because he was not born but made, lucky for us unlucky for a lot of others.


Me and my family share a lot of similarities, such as the dark greenish skin, black and white hair, bolts in our necks, ridiculous amounts of strength, control of electricity, and stitches found randomly on our bodies. The only difference between me and them is that my parents are at least twice my size, I am a mouse in comparison to them. Now that they finally let me out I can experience new things and be popular like I always dreamed of being. Because of today I decided to dress up for the occasion so I'm wearing a stylish schoolgirl outfit, it is plaid with black, blue, and greys in the pattern, with stocking like lace around my shoulders and skirt, blue skull earrings, and finally black and white striped shoes that go with my hair. All of a sudden the intercom goes off for announcements, "Good morning students of Monster High! You are now allowed in the building, the orientation will take place in twenty minutes, so come prepared to leave for class right afterwards, thank you!"


Like a bullet fired from a gun the crowd became a stampede rushing into the doors, leaving me behind all on my own. "Hey, wait for me!" Once inside I see a kiosk, walking up to it I snag a map, obviously someone just wanted to mess with students so they were late when designing the school. Going over the map I find the main office where I can get my schedule, but apparently there is another class that wasn't in the brochure for the school "Magic Basics 101." 'What, but I thought magic died out along with most males, must be a history class or something.'


Deciding to look into it later I try to speed my way through the crowds to make it to the office, 'Dumb zombies, sorry but why do you guys have to be so slow!' Finally making it to the office I'm surprised to find it mostly empty of students but a voice calls out to me, "Ah, Miss Stein, I'd notice that electrified hair anywhere, do come in." Freaked out a little I walk in the door and see Headmistress Bloodgood behind the desk, well her body is her head is resting on top of the desk. "Umm, hello Headmistress Bloodgood, hope you have a great first day today." "Thank you Miss Stein I assure you that I will, now here is your class schedule. I suggest you hurry to the Auditornium, wouldn't want to miss orientation now would we."


As I skim over my classes I can't help but notice I have 'Magic Basics 101' first thing today, which is the one class that I know nothing about. "Miss Bloodgood, do you think to can tell me about the 'Magic Basics 101' class? Since that is the only class that I do not recognize at all." "I have had a few other students ask the same thing Miss Stein, all I can tell you is that they are a master in that field. You and the other students will all have to wait until orientation to find out more, now you are dismissed."


On the way out of the office I can't help but grumble about not being told anything at all so I didn't see where I was going. "Oof! Ahhh!" I had crashed into someone and she did not look happy at all to say the least. Apparently she was a mummy girl, and had money to say the least, her mid torso along with some of her arms down to the ankles were wrapped in golden bandages, wearing a light blue silk top and many pieces of expensive jewelry, her hair was brownish black with gold highlights going through it. And the look on her face was all that was needed to know what she was thinking. "I am so sorry i was not paying attention to where I was going! Who are you, you're not injured are you?!" "Well at least some peasants know how to show proper manners then others. My name is Cleo de Nile, but it wasn't like you didn't know that already." "Umm, I'm sorry but I have never heard of you before."


"What, how have you never heard of me, the gorgeous Cleo! The de Nile family, Ramses the pharaoh, we live in the giant pyramid in town!" "I'm sorry but I was only made about sixteen days ago, so I'm still learning things." "Ugh, Ghoulia put this on the todo list: make sure influence is constantly renewed and up to date for most. Now that's over, new girl you should know I am the Queen of this school, just be a good subject and we'll get along, chao."


A zombie girl with white pale skin, long blue hair, white glasses, red pants, and a red and white striped shirt then walks up and moans out an apology. "Oh, you must be Ghoulia! It was nice to meet both you and Cleo, even if she is a little bossy." Ghoulia then grunts in agreement and walks off to find the golden mummy. 'They were okay, oh shoot orientation is going to start soon!'


I run as fast as I can and arrive just as orientation was just starting, "Good morning Students, I trust you all had a spooktacular summer away from school!" Getting a few yeahs here and there she continued, "Very good, as you all have noticed there is now a new class open for most in your schedules called 'Magic Basics 101'. Before I continue I will give you all a brief history lesson for behind the class, starting a couple hundred years ago. The Witch Trials, which persecuted all magicals leading to their mass extinction. This of course lead to unforeseen consequences that are still felt to this day."


Seeing she still had their attention she continued, "With the loss of magicals all monster populations were starting to decline worse than they ever were beforehand. The number of stillborns were higher than ever, males started dying out leaving no next generation to come around. Fearing the worse, the Monster Council agreed to use the magiks left behind by the magicals in case of catastrophic emergencies. Thus, they created a process that would combine the blood of two female monster partners to make one of them become pregnant with a child related to both of them. But, sadly the process was flawed, since both parents would be females no more males would ever be born."


"Now I can tell you that the situation is getting better slowly but surely!" Seeing all of the confused looks she pressed on, "It was recently found that one last magical had survived by being secluded away and being raised away from it all. That is not the last of it however, they also happen to be a male as well!" The shocked looks she received from around the room were worth it in the end, thinking she should have brought her camera. "And, without further delay let me introduce you to your new Magic Teacher and fellow student, Harrison James Potter!"


POV Change Harry:

'I really wish we came up with a more convincing story for me than that. I mean seriously, it is so full of holes and vague as heck!' I thought this to myself as I listened to Nora bore on with the assembly from my perch on the balcony. As I was half listening I did not react to anything until I heard my name, 'I guess that's my que. Time to get this freak show on the road!'


I then run to the edge of the balcony and jump down, first impressions are important afterall, how else but jumping off a ledge! As I'm free falling I readjust myself so I am upright, prociding to apparate on to the stage next to Nora. My expectations of the reactions I would recieve were a bit different than expected, instead of screams or noise I get complete silence. I currently am wearing what is my teaching clothes, a white dress shirt with the Hogwarts crest on the left breast, matching pants and leather shoes, with a black half cloak with the hood down draped over my shoulders. I must say I clean up pretty good, even if I did add certain charms for effect and making them last a long time.


"Yes, thank you for that grand entrance Mister Potter!" I smirk, "I aim to please Headmistress!" Bloodgood then shakes her head in exasperation, "Now then, Mister Potter will display some of the techniques that you all will be able to learn. Keep in mind playing with them will not be tolerated, now if you please." "Very well ma'am."


I decide to only use simple stuff since they are still pretty new to magic after all, "Accio!" A wardrobe looking box then appears and I open it to find a scarecrow inside, "Wingardium Leviosa," and then it floats and lands where I direct it. "Incendio," the scarecrow then spontaneously combusts in a flash of flame, I then walk over to it and cast Aguamenti putting it out with water. Finally all of the lights fo out in the room and with a simple, "Lumos," and now everyone can see the ball of light I conjured. When I dispelled it the lights came back on and every monster was stunned, seeing my chance I take a bow and step behind the Headmistress.


She then directs their attention back to herself so that she can finish the orientation. "Thank you Profesor Potter for that excellent display of magical prowess! As all of you can see taking his class will allow you to learn a near forgotten art that requires great skill and concentration. While he is in his class he is your teacher, outside of it he is a fellow student, so give him the proper respect. This year's orientation is now over, please proceed to your classes, good day." And with that I just apparate out of there to prepare for my class.



Monster Types:

Frankie Stein: Frankie Stein is a partial descendant of the infamous Doctor Victor Frankenstein, who was a student of Monster High in the past. The reason for being partially descendant from him is that they share no DNA, they are considered family due to be related as creator and creation, making him a psuedo-grandfather to her. There is no true name for her species, on account that she and her family are made from various parts of multiple different corpses. The closest would be a Reanimated Cadaver, the body is made of dead body parts from donors and was an experiment in creating life. Therefore calling them Cadavers is the only closest thing people are able to classify them as.


Cleo de Nile: Cleo is a mummy that comes from the higher upperclass, coming from a rich family she was grown up spoiled rotten, and does not know the meaning of no. Mummies tend to be one of the higher society monster being typically of noble blood. There is no clear way of who is above another, but that is typically found out through the amount of wealth and influence that any family of mummies has by comparison. They can be prideful and full of themselves but can become humble if challenged and changed by those around them. They are decently known for their ancient curses, but most of that knowledge has been lost to time. Though weak physically, their influence can even reach the darkest parts of the sea through connections.


Ghoulia: Ghoulia is a zombie that has very little decay shown besides be very pale and works like an underling of Cleo de Nile. Zombies are inherently slow moving but through exercise they can get rid of their rigor mortis to be able to move at normal speeds, this however takes a long time. Most zombies are not very bright due to the decaying of their flesh and brain matter, so they developed their own language using a mix of groans, grunts, and moans. But to zombies that are born like Ghoulia they can grow and think very well sometimes on par with geniuses, but still can not talk English due to lacking of developing proper vocal cords.



Author's Notes: Okay Nightmare, you're all better now, just have to sneak to my room without running into Bloodgood. Nigh. Don't give me any sass, that trip cost me a grand because of you. "And what trip exactly cost you a grand because of Nightmare Mister Dylan?" Ahhh! Bloodgood! You see, eh, the thing is Nightmare may have gotten into some chocolate and---RUN FOR IT! "I suppose I'll have to speak for him, I am so bringing out the harness once I find him. Seeing as my compatriot is running for his own good, I thank you on his own behalf for supporting the story. Just send in your OC's and we will confirm whether we might use the or not. Thank you very much! Now, where is my riding crop?~"

Here's the pictures used in the story. Bye!


