
Monster High: Magic Mayhem

My school's saying "Never tickle a sleeping Dragon" actually has some literal merit to it. My name's Harry Potter know as, the-boy-who-lived, man-who-conquered, and other dumb titles I can't get rid of. After defeating Voldemort I became a researcher into magic for many years, improving magic once again in seclusion for everyone's benefit. The pure-bloods weren't happy and tried to have me killed for my views, seeing as things were changing and I would not follow tradition. So I hid my self and worked on my experiments, one day I was working with a dragon when it sneezed into a mixture causing a explosion. So now I'm here in an advanced lookalike world that has bloody monsters and muggles walking around together like its normal, and I'm the only magical wizard here in a better version of my teenage body! Man, what I wouldn't give for some firewhisky right about now.

TheMostDapper · TV
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8 Chs

First Day Jitters

Disclaimer: "Now I know how a tv dinner feels." Haa! Haa! Okay I think I'm far enough, I don't want to ever meet a ticked off Bloodgood. Wait, what would she do to me anyway, probably something horse related. 'Back at my house,' "Muahaha!" 'A chill just ran up my spine,' she's not that strong is she? I mean she is technically dead and decapitated, I would have to just steal and hide her head, right? Alright game plan ready, now what....Crack! Rain, just great, well, it can't get any worse! Scraaal! Dam you popular movie cliches! What even is it? ...It just had to be a pterodactyl, where even am I? 'Looks at nearby sign.' Isla Sorna the hell!? Forget this, okay folks here is the next chapter I won't waste time right now cause we all know how Jurassic Park goes, so later! Graaaaah! 'Looks over my shoulder.' And Spinos were my favorite. 😥 Welp, 'starts running, 'AHHHHHHH!

P.S. I've changed the beginnings from greetings to movie quotes for being easier. So, the shoutouts are still going on strong, but I have yet to have anyone send me one. 🙁 I know I'm lazy, sue me. Enjoy the chapter!



Speaking: "Merlin's beard!"

Thinking: 'Idiot. Doesn't realize I know this place like the back of my hand. Oh shoot that's new!'

Whispering: ´Shut up! Do you not know rule #3? Never ask a women her age or weight?`

Telepathic/transformed speech: *So, this worm thinks he can take on a goliath?*

Actions: ^Picks up candy dish, looking for something good.^

Parseltongue: _Ahhh! I'm ssso hungry!_



Frankie POV:

'Oh! My! Ghoul! This can't be real,' I couldn't help but think with my brain going into near overdrive! 'A magical is going to be teaching us actual magic! Not to mention he's a guy too, and not bad looking at al---No! Bad Frankie! Don't go there!' During my internal dilemma I failed to notice the other ghouls surrounding me having their own little debates in their heads as well. Or that Headmistress Bloodgood walked off the stage to get ready for all of the classes that began today.


The first bell ringing was what snapped all of us out of our world shattering dazes, and the stampede initiated once again sweeping me along with it. By some obscure miracle I ended up at my first class on time, 'Magic Basics 101 let's see how this will go. And if not well, I still have my magazines to help me. I should probably go over them one last time since Cleo was definitely something I was not prepared for.' I keep thinking this over as I walk inside of the room.


As I walk in I can't help but notice what looks like a larger than normal snake with what appears to be bumps on it's back watching the students as they come in. 'Must be the teacher's pet I suppose, wonder what kind of snake it is? It's not native to here at the least, probably somewhere south?' As I sit down I can't help but peek at one of my Magazines and flip to the Oracle section, 'I'm gonna need all the help I can get. "Nothing is what it appears to be," yeah like that's gonna help me.'


"Oh my ghoul, that bites!" Out of nowhere a girl is hanging upside down in my face, she is petite with pink toned skin with what appears to be a darker pink heart tattooed under her left eye. Having black hair with pink highlights in two big pigtails, wearing modernized 18th century frilly clothes also having a lot of pink, with punk type tied high heeled boots, also pink, also two silver paperclip looking earrings. My first thought is, 'This ghoul really likes the color pink!' My second is that, 'This is my first chance to make a friend here at school!'


"I mean us vampires are so misunderstood that magazines like this are allowed to publish garbage like this about us. Not all of us like to feast on b..b...blo, oh you know what I mean." As she keeps going on I can't help but agree with some of the things she keeps saying. 'I think I finally found my first friend in this place. Now I just have to find a way for me to keep her as my friend.'


Just then the bell rang out singling the start of the class, the teacher has yet to arrive and his snake was still watching the door. Two ghouls burst through the door out of breath, one is yellow skinned with red fiery hair spiked back wearing a tracksuit, the other having tan skin with green scales, a head of green snakes for hair, wearing ripped jeans, a red t-shirt with a white vest overtop, and red framed black reflective sunglasses covering her eyes. The snake-haired one speaks first out of breath, "Ember, that was too close imagine if we were caught late on the first day?" "I know Megan, I wouldn't want that, hey that's a cool snake?" The now named Megan noticed it finally, "Huh! What the!"


Harry POV:

'How any of them did not realize that it's me yet I do not know, I mean it was obvious when I thought back to it in my first year of school.' Megan and Ember then burst through the door, and Megan realizes something is up with me being a snake. 'I should've realized I'd be found out by a Gorgon, oh well there's next class I suppose.' I then proceed to pounce off my desk before them, while I transform out of my animus form to land on my feet. I then give them a smirk to let them know they are in trouble.


"Thank you Miss Burns for the complement. Now that we all are here, let's begin shall we. Oh and Gorgon, nice work figuring out the snake was me, though with your parentage I should've prepared better, good job! For that I am letting you both off with a warning, don't do it again." Ember begins to jump in place and catch fire, literally, becoming very excited, "That was so hot Professor, how did you do it, can you teach me, does it hurt when you change?!" "Calm down Miss Burns, wouldn't want to burn down the school on the first day would we?"


Once Ember realized what she was doing she stopped jumping and catching fire, turning a bright orange in her cheeks while rubbing behind her head. Megan was still looking at me in bewilderment, "Just what are you man?" I smirk as I answer her, _I am only me little hatchling. If you musst know I have ssome ssnake running through my veinsss._ "Now will both of you please take your seats so I may teach you about magic?"


Both Ghouls listened and did as they were told, I couldn't help but notice that Megan Gorgon walked to her seat in a daze. 'Probably should've saved the Parseltongue for later in the year.' "Good morning class, my name while teaching is Professor Potter, as a fellow student I am just Harry. Let it be known I will not play favorites, I will keep my student life and teacher life very apart. I only have a few requests while in class proper respect being shown, cooperation, and that you do the work yourself. I will know if it isn't you own work, so you are warned."


"Seeing as everyone is finally here let's get the elephant out of the room shall we!" I then turn around and transfigure my desk into a small elephant, then I face them once more to see their reactions, and I am not disappointed. They all have looks of both astonishment and amusement, with quite a few laughing at my gag. Turning back I turn my desk to what it is meant to be and I conjur a glass of water, "My bad I have a tendency to try to have fun while trying to ~break the ice.~" I then drop the glass and freeze the entire thing into a block of ice as it lands, to my enjoyment laughter fills the room again.


"Ahhh, laughter, the best thing to enjoy besides a good meal! Gags aside you are here to learn the subtle and exact art of magic, only once do you have complete comprehension of the magic that you are working can you things as such as I. Once you prove to me that you are responsible and will not mess around will, you be allowed to us it freely. Respond to me, is that understood!" 'I did all of that while channeling Snape as best as I could, like a boss!'


"Yes, Professor Potter," was the unified reply. "Huh, look I'm not trying to scare you all, but you all must take this seriously you could be irreversibly hurt while messing around. One of my old friends broke his wand in his first year, he had an attitude about him because of his family's money situation. Another who I once considered my enemy was the complete opposite, he had it all money, status, everything handed to him on a literal silver platter, who knows what happened? Yes, you there, Miss Stein I believe?" "Umm, they eventually came to fight each other?"


My eyes lit up in affirmation, "Very good Miss Stein! If you were in my old school you would've gotten ten points for your house ranking. Oh yes, at the end of class, say twenty minutes, you will be allowed to ask questions about me, nothing too personal thank you." Some of the students had strange looks about them that I couldn't decipher, I just filed it away for investigation later. "Now when they went about their fight they used their magic in a pseudo-duel, only magic nothing else. Ron the poor ended up throwing up slugs for the rest of the day until he was cured of it, and Draco the rich ponce was turned into a ferret, it still kinda resembled him sorta. So you see why I am being strict yes, I don't want some petty squabble between friends to turn into something nasty or more lurid in nature."


I glance over each ghoul and look them in the eye to see if they understand, to my relief they all do, "Alright seeing as you all understand what lies ahead I will answer two questions before we start, hands up!" The entire class raises their hands for a chance, "I see, very well how 'bout you Ms. Webber." A aquatic ghoul then stands up, she has light tealish blue scales covering her entire head with a curled ridge resembling hair on top, and a dome holding water to breathe covering her head, wearing a monster high leatherman jacket, brown slacks, and a blue shirt. "Um Sir, if you don't mine me asking where are you from? Cause the accent kinda gives away that you are most definitely foreign," she asks meekly. "Very well miss Webber, I am originally from the U.K. and lived not that far from London before being hidden, satisfied," with a nod she sits down.


"Now who's next, how about you Miss Toralei Stripes?" A Tiger Type cat ghoul then stands up, she has orange tabby base fur covering her body, whisker like marks on her cheeks, bright green slitted eyes, and longer fur that is deep reddish orange with tiger stripes acting like hair on top her head. She wears a leather jacket with a pinkish red on the inside, the same colored top with a black cat claw strip design, black pants ripped to show red leggings underneath, and finally a gold belt with a silver belt buckle having the monster high symbol on it. "Meow, so Professor, do you have a special ghoul-friend or not," Toralei says this lustfully. "Ugh, should've expected this, better to nip it in the bud, I do not Miss Stripes at this time and no more of that. Let's move on with finding your cores shall we," I plead while being thoroughly embarrassed with what she asked.



After that first, highly embarrassing, class, for me, got their act together they accessed their cores pretty easily, that is once I explained what a magical core was. The only students that pretty much had all the trouble were the undead and reanimated ones, since they explained to me that they technically had no idea what life force was for them. So I explained it to them that it was that something that kept you together and drove you, basically what made them themselves, afterwards they made severe improvements. Once the bell finally rang and they went to leave I handed out the edited books of what they would learn, what made them edited is that they were exercises, theorywork, and simple spells only. See the magical core of a person is like muscle, the more you 'exercise' it the bigger and more powerful it gets. The rest of the day's classes went like this as well, I'm taking it slow since they have never worked this muscle before, and they are going to be pretty sore later.


As I start to clean up I can't help but think of all of the looks and signals that were thrown my way all day today, it was both flattering and disturbing really. Flattering, because unlike with the marriage proposals these were genuine, they were only looking at the man and not the title that would announce him everywhere he walked. Also disturbing, since they appear to be really thirsty mentally, and looked at me as if I was a nice cool lemonade to solve their problems. I really hope none of them have heat cycles, 'cause I'd might have to call up death for advice, and I don't think a skeleton has much of a love life. 'I wonder if I'd summon a different Death being in what is probably a different universe, wait, could he be a she here? Okay note to self: summon Death at your earliest convenience.'


Oh yeah I forgot to mention 'cause it completely slip my mind, sorry about that, I'm the Master of Death, surprise! Honestly, it's not what it was cracked up to be, sure I can't die from old age, since I stopped aging, no normal things will kill me, guns, accidents, etc. heck even magic can't kill me. But, that does not mean I am invincible, I still get tired, need food, sleep, and can still feel pain. It's just like having unlimited potential in a sense, I can train, get better at things, I even picked up guitar, one thing is the worse about it though....the complete boredom of it! I mean I can literally do everything in the world, but then what after it?


"Well no time like the present," I mutter as I change into my student clothing and out of my teaching ones. Why am I doing this you ask I still have student classes to attend being a teacher and enrolled student. How I am going to get this done you ask, with two words...Time Turner, and I've perfected Mione's work method of going about it. This Time Turner is capable of going back a week, so I just go about my day get my work done, turn back before bed, sleep, and wake up to the day before. The thing is Hermione had too many things in a single day over a week, I however have a smaller amount over the course of the week. I do this the Turner gets it's rest, I keep up with the school, everybody wins. 'Heh, Harry 5 Hermione 32, ugh. Well time for bed,' is what I think as I apparate to my bedroom.



Monster Types:

Draculaura Tepes: Draculaura is the daughter of the late Vlad Tepes, also know as Vlad the Impaler, and most notably Vlad Dracula and Mina Harker. Due to Dracula being technically alive he was affected by the loss of magicals, being a long lived vampire does that to them. With his age he became reliant on magic to feed upon, regular blood would not work for him with it being less potent in nutrients. After his passing leaving behind his wife and daughter, Mina converted both of them to become vegans so they would not become reliant on blood. They both had to flee to America since Dracula's death empowered the humans of Transylvania to attack. Along with someone seeing Draculaura eating a tomato, thinking she was eating someone. Thus allowing Draculaura to adapt and become a resident student of Monster High with her mother as support.


Megan Gorgon: Medusa Gorgon the most famous of her family for her ability to turn people to stone was lonely. Once news of the magicals dying out came around she became worried, her family was already so little and such news would invigorate the humans. A lone magical wonderer gave her a gift a long time ago should she decide to use it, the gift of an stone egg that would hatch to become her child. Later leaving for America for protection she imbued the stone with her blood and life force to hatch her own child Megan.


Ember Burns: Ember's kind are known as Fire Elementals, and can become fairly powerful in their elemental attribute. But, due to being associated that one element they are weakened badly by that element's weaknesses. For her's too much air can damage her control, and she is very bad at hydration because of the amount of heat she can create. Personality wise monsters associated with an element take on parts of that element in their personality. A Fire person would be sporadic, spontaneous, and could become very excitable very easily. Through maturing they calm down but can still retain bits of the element that surface under certain conditions.


Gilly Webber: Gilly comes from a species of freshwater monsters, her kind has been known to dwell in lakes, rivers, and swamps. Along with that her species is notorious for being the star inspiration for the classic black and white movie The Creature From The Black Lagoon. There is also somewhat of a feud going on between freshwater monsters and saltwater dating back hundreds of years. The real reasons behind the feud are long forgotten, but it still exists to this day in their descendants.


Toralei Stripes: Toralei is a member of the monsters called Werecats, they are similar to their canine counterparts but replace the dog parts with cat parts. And just like their counterparts they exhibit traits that would be found in both kinds domesticated and feral natured. Toralei herself is what is known as a Tiger Type Werecat, meaning that she displays the traits of a Tiger cat, aggressiveness, black stripes over reddish orange fur, sharp claws, etc. She does seem to get along very well with two other Werecats named Meowlody and Purrsephone even if they are the domesticated type. But, to the other races she is highly aggressive, most likely her Tiger side acting up in order to protect what she considers her territory.



Author's Note: I also don't own The Creature From The Black Lagoon. Just to let you know I escaped the Spino, now I'm stuck with some kind of feral woman who's decided that I'm her mate or something. Here let me show you. Brings out an old movie projector. Roll the clip!

Flashback: Oh god, oh god, oh go-----Ahhh! I trip and it sends me sliding down a hill, as I continue rolling I didn't see the cliff so I go soaring off into a gorge. I look up seeing the Spino glare at me, huff and walk off. Ha! Eat that you prehistoric wuss! Lucky for me this pile of leafs were her--OHH! A trap triggers and pulls me into the air dangling by my ankles from rope. Wait, a trap this means someone can come get me, I'm saved! I then hear some rustling around me when a person comes out and looks at me, she looks okay in my book but could use a shower and some clothes cause she is basically wearing rags. She looks at me and smiles, then cuts me down with me still tied up. Thank you ma'am for the help, but do you think you can untie me? She grunts and walks over, gets real close to my face and rubs our foreheads against each others, and drags me off to some cave.

Flashback end: And there you have, don't worry I'll get out of this eventually, I hope. Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter and thanks for the support, tune in next time! Bye!