
Monster High: Magic Mayhem

My school's saying "Never tickle a sleeping Dragon" actually has some literal merit to it. My name's Harry Potter know as, the-boy-who-lived, man-who-conquered, and other dumb titles I can't get rid of. After defeating Voldemort I became a researcher into magic for many years, improving magic once again in seclusion for everyone's benefit. The pure-bloods weren't happy and tried to have me killed for my views, seeing as things were changing and I would not follow tradition. So I hid my self and worked on my experiments, one day I was working with a dragon when it sneezed into a mixture causing a explosion. So now I'm here in an advanced lookalike world that has bloody monsters and muggles walking around together like its normal, and I'm the only magical wizard here in a better version of my teenage body! Man, what I wouldn't give for some firewhisky right about now.

TheMostDapper · TV
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8 Chs

New World, New Experiences

Disclaimer: "It's been so long." Alright, back again with another chapter in this Monster High and Harry Potter crossover. Just to let you guys know I'll try to stick to the canon story as much as I can, but it will diverge at points and in characters. Sorry, but I am writing it in my own way so what are going to do? Just to let you know advice about what to change to make it better is highly appreciated, and haters will be ignored with extreme joy. So let's get this show on the road! Oof! I look over to my right to see Headmistress Bloodgood had just elbowed me, "Young man you should know you have to have an actual disclaimer for this to be considered one!" Oh yeah, real sorry teach. Sorry about that guys, I do not own Monster High or Harry Potter they are owned by their respective owners. There you go miss. "Thank you very much Mister Dylan." Okay see ya guys!

P.S. Another quote, another guess for a shoutout, who will win!? Oh, and guys I'm thinking about adding some OC's. They have to be monsters or a few humans, not many humans will be in the story so keep that in mind. I'll explain more after the chapter, so send me in your OC's and I'll give you the credit for them and thank you beforehand for allowing me to use them. Anyway, adios amigos!



Speaking: "Merlin's beard!"

Thinking: 'Idiot. Doesn't realize I know this place like the back of my hand. Oh shoot that's new!'

Whispering: ´Shut up! Do you not know rule #3? Never ask a women her age or weight?`

Telepathic/transformed speech: *So, this worm thinks he can take on a goliath?*

Actions: ^Picks up candy dish, looking for something good.^

Parseltongue: _Ahhh! I'm ssso hungry!_



After the discussion ended in the Headmistress's office we decided to break for lunch, 'Hopefully there is something edible for me to eat, I haven't eaten at all since that stupid Drake decided to sneeze and ruin a perfectly good experiment!' Since it was still a tad early she decided to give me the grand tour of the place, 'A magical must have helped build it a long time ago since the inside is so much bigger than the outside.' Some of the classes were basically monster versions of their human counterparts, 'Dead Languages, Mad Science, Clawcalus, I'm never gonna get over these monster puns for awhile.' There were a lot of things to see like the catacombs for the undead, would take too long to completely see them, the bottomless pool for water monsters, and finally the Creepeteria for meals. Almost in a permanent state if chuckling I tell her, "Miss, I'm still not going to get over this place, it is a jokerster's paradise for puns, hehehe!"



"Hmm, oh yes I noticed that a long time ago, it still makes me 'lose my head' from time to time." I couldn't help it but break down laughing, "Stop please, your gonna make my 'head roll off,' buwahahaha!" We both have a good long laugh as we walk into the Creepeteria for some grub, 'I hope those are not one of the options!' Coming up to the line I grab a plastic tray from a stand and move to the window with Bloodgood right behind me, the food looks pretty similar to what I can eat, but I can't help but feel there is just something 'wrong' about it. 'Oh well, beggars can't be choosers, and I wonder if I can even process it, with it being made for monsters.'



As I wonder about it I decided to screw it and ask Bloodgood, "Uh, Miss Bloodgood?" "Harry what did I say? When we're not on school time there is no need to be so formal with me, just call me Nora?" "Oh right, well I was just wondering if I can even eat this stuff without becoming sick. You said that I was technically a monster so is it safe for me to eat this stuff without side effects or no?"



She just smiles at my question as if I was a innocent child asking for something, "Harry does the term magic ring any bells to you?~ Your magic naturally acts as a shield to help your health, why do you think magicals live so long and age slower than others?~" My eyes widen at that jab and I facepalm myself, "How could I forget that, it was the reason why I always healed so fast." "Don't worry we all have our moments where our brains shutdown momentarily, though some more than others. Once you start eating it more often your body will have adapted to having it as part of your diet, you can still eat normie food by the way."



I look at her in surprise and thankfulness, "Thank you for telling me that, cause I don't think I could ever give up chocolate!" "It is of no consequence, I fancy myself a chocolate enthusiast as well." Looking back at the choices available I decide to go with what appears to be a Barbecue sandwich, along with a strange looking salad to keep it light, picking them up I head to the nearest table. Nora soon follows me to sit with a bowl of green soup and some biscuits, I don't know what is in any of this, so I'm just not going to ask to be safe. The food tasted different from what I thought it was going to taste like, but it wasn't bad for my first time eating it.



I soon finished eating but Nora was still in her soup, I swear I saw an eyeball, so I take a look around to familiarize myself since this is where I'll be having meals. It is pretty stylish, really fits in with the place being inside a school for monsters, creepy decor that's cool, bright and dark colors matching very good together surprisingly, and being very large and wide open to hold many people. I can't help but feel that this years Halloween is actually going to be a very good for me, something bad almost always happens to me. I see that she has finished so I stand up to try to be a gentleman, "Madam, would you honor me by allowing me to clean up the remains of your meal Miss," I say while in a mock bow. She giggles once more, "Very well my fine gentlemen, hurry back so we may discuss our business further.~"



As I then take both our trays up we both laugh until I walk back and settle down in my chair to talk. "Alright Nora, since I'm new to the whole monster thing I'm need you to tell be everything that I need to know." "Let's get started with one of the most important things first Harry, this is a all girls school." I start choking up and almost fall out of my chair, "Nora, what the hell, I'm a guy and you want me in this kind of school! I mean you do know that I am into girls right, no offense but you might be making a huge mistake!"



"Trust me Harry, I know that this is very frowned upon considering your situation, but the fact is we absolutely need a male such as yourself here at the school." "Excluse me, but pray tell what is wrong that I am apparently important to this school?" She takes a deep breath to think and explains, "Around the same time that all of the magicals died in our world monster populations started to decline do to the lost of them. Births became much less frequent and stillborns were beginning to happen more often then ever seen in years, and males were dying off at an alarming rate. Running out of options the Monster Council decided to use some magic that was left behind for their use in case of a near catastrophic emergency."



"I myself was only a curator at the time for the council before becoming the Headmistress, so I was able to witness what happened. With practically no males left the council used the magic to give the ability that females were able to have children with one another. Due to this, there has been no more male monsters born due to the parents lacking a certain necessary chromosome needed for males. Which brings us back to you Harry, since coming hear you are currently the only male monster around, as well as a magical to boot. Now, none of us are going to force you to do anything, honestly if I even thought of such things I would have resigned a long time ago. These are the facts, it is completely up to you what you will do with the knowledge i have given you."



I was completely floored about what I just heard, no guys at all, I had never heard such a thing in all of my life, except for the marriage contracts if a line is about to go out, but no way was I gonna let that happen to me. Gathering my wits about me I decide to investigate further, "Nora is this all completely true, the complete entirety of it?" "Yes, all of it is true, if you need proof I can get some from the history books in the library." "Actually I have a spell that I can use to read someone's mind, if you'd allow me I'll stay out of where you don't want me to look." "Yes please, and I've been wanting to see more of your magical abilities, I haven't seen magic since I was but a little girl."



"Very well, if that is what you wish," I then grab her chin gently so she is staring directly into my eyes, "Legilimency." A vortex swallows up my vision as I enter her mind, it feels like being pulled along slowly on a small raft until it ends. I am now in what appears to be her mindscape, it looks like an exact replica of the school only in grey's how ever, 'I really should've expected this since she is the Headmistress.' I then start walking around trying to find her office, that is where she is in charge so hey memories should be located inside. Once outside the door I am greeted by Nora's horse she was riding on. earlier, 'This must be the representation of her subconscious making sure I don't do anything wrong to her while I'm in here.'



The horse's hide is in a shiny shade of a lighter kind of blue, built with powerful muscles stretched over a thin frame, it looks kinda frail compared to other horses, but it is strong since it is Nora's Midnight Horse from being a Dullahan. I calmly walk over making sure to show confidence and respect towards the horse, I then stop about ten feet away from him and bow down my eyes facing the floor. 'Remember Harry, just like Buckbeak, he is more scared of you then you are of him. Heh, I honestly wonder how Hagrid would act to Nightmare, probably just grab him and squeeze him into a big hug with his massive frame. Oh crap, I forgot to tell Hagrid I had a contract with a Dragon Sanctuary, I could have let him see and visit Norbert, well I guess it's actually 'Norberta' her being a female Dragon and all.'



Nightmare started to slowly approach me as if judging me for things that I have done, snorting once he stands right in front of me and starts rubbing me with his snout and licks my hair. As soon as he backs away I glare at him, "Did you really need to lick me? Do you know how hard it is to wash out the smell of horse spit?" He just looks at me with a blank expression before snorting and walking away. 'This is why I like flying animals the best, I can relate to them so much easier that the ones on the land.'



Once I finish wiping off my head I go directly into the office, for some reason there is a photo of me on the desk but I pay it no mind and continue what I was doing. After two hours of shifting through files, 'For a Headmistress, her memories are organized pretty messily,' I've seen everything that I need to. Cutting off the flow of magic I find myself back in the Creepeteria with Nora's face still in my grasp, realizing that I quickly let go. "I have gone over the memories you allowed me to view, and what you told me was the truth. I am sorry for not believing you Nora, it's just that I have not heard of any situation that is even remotely similar to this."



Nora's body detaches her head and shakes it side to side from having no visible neck, "It is perfectly fine Harry, I must say I would have probably done the same in your case." "Thank you, now how about we get me enrolled and find me a place to live." "Hmm, I usually offer up my home to transfer students, but with you being a male we might be able to get you an apartment. Think of it similar to a scholarship, the school will pay for all expenses such as housing, food, and toiletries but anything outside that will be out of your own pocket, agreed." "Agreed, and I still have some wizard currency with me, do you think we can exchange them? They are made of precious materials such as gold after all."



"Show me them first, the council will already pay a significant amount due to you being a magical. But, any research material you could offer will practically be considered national treasures to them." "That is actually pretty convenient, cause I still have some of my school books from my old magic school with me. I've already gone over them so many times I can recite even the colors from memory." "Splendid, let's be on our way, trying to explain anything to the council is already a pain, with you I might need a drink afterwards." "Oh I hear you and I agree wholeheartedly. At this point, I'm gonna need some Firewhisky at the least to sleep tonight." "Firewhisky?" "Magical alcohol that can make you burp out a fireball." "I'll have to try a bottle sometime!" "Okay here," I just transfigured two glasses out of some stones l had, "Accio Firewhisky." As I pour I give a toast, "Here's to new beginnings, and an even stranger life from now on." "Here, here," as we drink them in one go.



Monster Types:

Drake Harry's Version: In Harry's original world this was the term in order to identify the gender of a dragon, a 'Drake' is a male while a female is called a 'Dragoness.' There are a wide variety of Dragons in Harry's world and they differ quite significantly from those in the Monster High world. Harry's dragons are the classic large primal fire breathing monsters we all know. They all range in numerous different colors and varieties of abilities, due to being valuable collection points of valuable materials dragon sanctuaries were constructed in order to keep populations under control and prevent them from going extinct. They all share certain traits however, such as males being smaller than females and low fertility rates. If a mated pair of dragons do have a clutch of eggs they will become highly aggressive until they hatch and can take care of themselves. The mother is called a 'Nesting Mother' and will defend her eggs no matter what until her last breath, sometimes even facing potential death from starvation. While the male has the job of caring for the female, such as hunting for food, taking over so she can rest, and making sure she is still healthy enough to care for the young while in his times of absence.


Midnight Horse: Not unlike its counterpart in Harry's world the Threstral, these creatures represent death to those who see it. They are almost always bonded to a Dullahan, for it is rare for one to be free in the wild, that being the reasoning for their representation. Unlike their cousins from the other world they do not have the capability of flight from having no wings, nor are they rotting away they take on characteristics of the one that they are bonded to.


Buckbeak: Buckbeak was a Hippogriff that was raised by Hagrid at Hogwarts. It was set to be executed do to "severely injuring" the ponce know as Draco Malfoy. He was saved though by Harry and Hermione's use of a Time Turner in order to have Harry's wrongly convicted Godfather Sirius Black escape being captured by authorities. Hippogriffs are a relative of the Griffen species, instead of a eagle in the front and lion in the back, the lion is replaced with a horse. They are extremely prideful creatures, and can be offended if not given the correct respect. Their diets consist of being mainly carnivorous going after bugs, birds, and small mammals such as ferrets, look out Draco~, and worms if there is nothing else. When having offspring a nest will be built on the ground, laying only one fragile egg, a day later it hatches, a week after that it can fly properly. A few months are needed for long distance travel however.


Norbert(a): Norbert(a) was a Dragon that Hagrid tried to hatch in his wooden hut during Harry's first year. Supposedly he won her in a game of cards over ale while the previous owner wanted to know about how to deal with a Cerberus. Hagrid didn't realize it but he gave the man a way in to steal the Sorcerer's Stone from the school. Hagrid always wanted to raise a Dragon since he was young so he jumped at the opportunity, failing to realize his home was made completely of wood. When she hatched he thought she was a boy so he named her Norbert, when it came to light 'he' was a 'she' he renamed her Norberta. Sadly because of laws saying it was illegal to own Dragons he gave her away with help from Ron Wesley's older brother, a Dragon Worker, Charlie Wesley with help from the Golden Trio, accidentally being responsible for them having detention for being out after curfew once she was gone.



Author's Note: Nightmare don't you dare I just fixed the floor! Boom! Crack! Sonofa- oh! Sorry didn't see ya there. I was just playing fetch with Bloodgood's horse, ironically it is named Nightmare, but he's just a big old softie. Ain't that right boy! "Nigh!" Crack! Ugh, note to self Midnight Horses can't have sugar. Spat! And play with Nightmare outside from now on. Anywho, thanks for reading the chapter I appreciate those who support me, and you know how I feel about haters. Hey comments are appreciated as well as advice of what to do. And if you haven't already send me your OC's, you'll get credit for them, there will be few humans so mostly monsters please, thank you. The thing is I am terrible at designing characters and artwork, so I am counting on you for you help.

SPOILER ALERT: Here's the premise of the next chapter, be warned I will add a premise every once in awhile. Or I won't, I guess it depends where my muse takes me. So, it is a little time skip, Harry has officially been enrolled into Monster High, taking place almost a week later as he prepares for the dreaded nightmare everyone fears called Highschool. How will he get by being the only guy in a entire school of monster girls, he was scared of girls before but this is a whole new level. Will he live, die, will he ever go back to England, or will he find a home amongst those who are more monstrous beyond his wildest dreams. Find out next time in Monster High: Magic Mayhem!

And how could I forget the pictures! Until next time!


