
Modern Gu Cultivation

In a world teetering on the edge of light and shadow, Sam Walker discovers an ancient map leading to realms beyond imagination. As he navigates the treacherous landscapes of Durinia and the mysterious Pushp Lok, Sam encounters legendary creatures, secret societies, and a mission that could alter the fate of two worlds. From battling abyssal beasts to uncovering the secrets of the Maha Vishwavidyalaya, Sam’s journey is a riveting blend of adventure, intrigue, and discovery. Haunted by a cunning adversary and guided by enigmatic allies, Sam's quest for truth and justice takes him from bustling towns to the eerie confines of an otherworldly prison. With the power to traverse dimensions and a burgeoning strength fueled by mystical realms, he must protect the vulnerable and unravel the mysteries that bind his fate to the ancient prophecy. Join Sam as he embarks on a thrilling odyssey where every step unveils new challenges and every decision could tip the balance between hope and despair. "Modern Gu Cultivation" is a captivating tale of courage, resilience, and the unyielding spirit of a hero determined to shine light into the darkest corners of existence. --- Mass Release Chapter 16-20 on Date 13th June 2024 --- Support UPI: cosmicmystery@ybl

CosmicMystery · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs

Chapter 26: The Shadow of the Abyss

Sam stood at the edge of Rivenwood, the village that had become his temporary home, feeling a mix of anticipation and trepidation. The villagers had been kind and generous, but he knew that his journey had to continue. The ancient scroll and the mysterious Maha Vishwavidyalaya awaited his discovery, and he could not afford to linger any longer.

Chief Korim stood beside him, giving final instructions. "The nearest town is Durinia, about two days' walk from here," Korim said, pointing to the path that led through the dense forest. "Follow this path until you reach the main road, then head north. The townspeople there might know more about the ruins you seek."

"Thank you, Chief Korim," Sam replied, shaking the chief's hand. "You've been a great help."

"Be careful, Sam," Korim warned, his eyes serious. "The road is not safe, and the abyssal beasts are a constant threat. Travel quickly and stay alert."

With a final nod, Sam turned and began his journey. The forest closed in around him, the sounds of Rivenwood fading into the distance. He felt a sense of excitement mingled with the ever-present awareness of danger. The path was narrow and uneven, and the thick canopy above cast long shadows on the forest floor.

As he walked, Sam's mind wandered to the recent battle against the abyssal beasts. The memory of their ferocity and the toll they took on the villagers weighed heavily on him. He knew that understanding the nature of the abyss and finding a way to combat it was crucial.

"Pushp," Sam called out mentally, "what more can you tell me about the abyssal beasts? Why are they such a threat to this world?"

"The abyssal beasts are ordinary creatures contaminated by abyssal energy," Pushp replied. "This energy corrupts them, making them irrational and violent. They become stronger and more dangerous, driven by a relentless urge to destroy. The contamination is highly infectious and can spread rapidly, turning even the bravest warriors into monsters."

Sam shuddered at the thought. "And these attacks are common?"

"Very common," Pushp confirmed. "The abyssal energy seems to have a will of its own, seeking out new hosts and spreading like a disease. It's a pervasive threat that affects not just villages like Rivenwood, but larger towns and cities as well."

Sam nodded grimly. "We need to find a way to stop it."

The forest path eventually led him to the main road, a wide, dusty trail that stretched north and south. He turned north, heading towards Durinia. The journey was slow and arduous, and Sam soon realized that transportation in this world was a significant challenge. There were no cars, no trains, and the only sign of travel was the occasional cart pulled by tired-looking horses.

"I need to find a better way to travel," Sam thought. "Walking everywhere isn't going to cut it."

As the sun began to set, he spotted the walls of Durinia in the distance. The town was larger than Rivenwood, its stone walls towering over the surrounding landscape. Guards patrolled the perimeter, their faces grim and watchful. Sam approached the gate, feeling a sense of relief at having reached his destination.

"Who goes there?" one of the guards called out, stepping forward with a hand on his sword.

"My name is Sam Walker," Sam replied. "I'm a traveler seeking knowledge about the Maha Vishwavidyalaya. I come from Rivenwood."

The guard scrutinized him for a moment before nodding. "Very well, you may enter. But be warned, stranger. Durinia is not as safe as it appears. The abyssal beasts have been attacking more frequently, and the townspeople are on edge."

Sam thanked the guard and entered the town. The streets were narrow and crowded, filled with people going about their daily business. The atmosphere was tense, and he noticed that many of the townsfolk carried weapons or kept wary eyes on their surroundings.

As he walked through the town, Sam overheard snippets of conversation that confirmed his fears. The attacks from the abyssal beasts were a constant threat, even more severe than what Rivenwood had faced.

"The beasts came again last night," a woman said, her voice trembling. "They broke through the walls and killed several guards."

"I heard they're getting stronger," another man replied. "We can't keep them out much longer."

Sam felt a knot of anxiety tighten in his chest. If Durinia, a well-fortified town, was struggling against the abyssal beasts, then the threat was far greater than he had imagined.

He decided to head to the town square, where he hoped to find someone who could provide more information. The square was bustling with activity, merchants selling their wares, and townspeople hurrying about. In the center stood a large, stone fountain, its water sparkling in the late afternoon sun.

Sam approached an older man who seemed to be directing some workers. "Excuse me, sir," Sam said politely. "Can you tell me more about the abyssal beast attacks? I've just arrived from Rivenwood and want to understand what's happening here."

The man turned to him, his face lined with worry. "The beasts are relentless," he said. "They come almost every night now, and we're losing people faster than we can defend the town. Our guards are exhausted, and the townsfolk are terrified."

"Why are they attacking so frequently?" Sam asked. "Is there any pattern to their attacks?"

The man shook his head. "None that we can see. They seem to come from nowhere, driven by some dark force. We've tried everything to fend them off, but nothing works for long."

Sam frowned, deep in thought. "There has to be a reason," he said. "Something driving them to attack."

The man sighed. "If there is, we haven't found it yet. All we can do is keep fighting and hope for the best."

Sam thanked the man and continued to wander the town, gathering information and observing the people's behavior. It was clear that the situation was dire, and the threat of the abyss loomed over every aspect of life in Durinia.

As he walked, he couldn't help but think about the scroll and the Maha Vishwavidyalaya. Perhaps the knowledge contained within the ruins could provide a clue to combating the abyssal beasts. But first, he needed to find someone who could help him decipher the scroll.

"Pushp," Sam called out mentally, "do you think there's anyone in this town who might be able to help us with the scroll?"

"It's possible," Pushp replied. "Towns like Durinia often have scholars or libraries. We should seek out any place where knowledge is stored."

Sam nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. He would start by finding the town's library or a local scholar who might be able to shed some light on the scroll. The journey was far from over, and the challenges were only growing, but Sam was determined to see it through.

With the sun setting behind the town walls, casting long shadows over the streets, Sam set off towards the heart of Durinia. The adventure was just beginning, and he was ready to face whatever lay ahead, armed with determination and the faint hope that somewhere, in the depths of Maha Lok, lay the key to ending the abyssal threat once and for all.