
Modern Gu Cultivation

In a world teetering on the edge of light and shadow, Sam Walker discovers an ancient map leading to realms beyond imagination. As he navigates the treacherous landscapes of Durinia and the mysterious Pushp Lok, Sam encounters legendary creatures, secret societies, and a mission that could alter the fate of two worlds. From battling abyssal beasts to uncovering the secrets of the Maha Vishwavidyalaya, Sam’s journey is a riveting blend of adventure, intrigue, and discovery. Haunted by a cunning adversary and guided by enigmatic allies, Sam's quest for truth and justice takes him from bustling towns to the eerie confines of an otherworldly prison. With the power to traverse dimensions and a burgeoning strength fueled by mystical realms, he must protect the vulnerable and unravel the mysteries that bind his fate to the ancient prophecy. Join Sam as he embarks on a thrilling odyssey where every step unveils new challenges and every decision could tip the balance between hope and despair. "Modern Gu Cultivation" is a captivating tale of courage, resilience, and the unyielding spirit of a hero determined to shine light into the darkest corners of existence. --- Mass Release Chapter 16-20 on Date 13th June 2024 --- Support UPI: cosmicmystery@ybl

CosmicMystery · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 27: Unearthing Histories

Sam felt a sense of purpose as he made his way through the bustling streets of Durinia. His immediate goal was to find the town's library or a local scholar who could help decipher the scroll. The setting sun cast long shadows over the town, giving it an eerie yet magical ambiance.

He stopped a passerby, a middle-aged woman carrying a basket of vegetables. "Excuse me, ma'am. Could you tell me where the town's library is located?"

The woman pointed towards a tall, imposing building at the end of the street. "That's the Durinia Grand Library. It's one of the oldest buildings in town."

"Thank you," Sam said, nodding his gratitude. He made his way towards the library, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The answers he sought might be within those walls.

The library was an impressive structure, its stone facade adorned with intricate carvings and statues of scholars from ages past. The massive wooden doors creaked as he pushed them open, revealing a vast interior filled with rows upon rows of bookshelves. The smell of aged paper and leather filled the air, a comforting scent that reminded Sam of old bookstores back on Earth.

"Welcome to the Durinia Grand Library," a voice called from behind a desk. An elderly librarian with spectacles perched on the tip of his nose looked up from his desk, peering at Sam curiously.

"Good evening," Sam replied, approaching the desk. "I'm looking for information about the Maha Vishwavidyalaya and the abyssal beasts. Can you help me?"

The librarian's eyes widened slightly at the mention of the ancient school. "The Maha Vishwavidyalaya, you say? That's a subject steeped in legend and mystery. Follow me."

He led Sam through the labyrinthine aisles, the shelves towering above them. They stopped at a section filled with thick, dusty tomes. "This is our history section. You'll find both official and unofficial accounts of Maha Lok here."

"Thank you," Sam said, picking up a heavy book with a leather cover. The title read, "The Chronicles of Maha Lok."

"I'll be at my desk if you need any assistance," the librarian said, before leaving Sam to his research.

Sam sat at a nearby table, flipping open the book. The pages were yellowed with age, the text written in an elegant script. He began to read, absorbing the rich history of Maha Lok. 

The Chronicles of Maha Lok told the tale of a vast continent, rich in resources and magic. It spoke of ancient civilizations that had risen and fallen, each leaving behind remnants of their knowledge and culture. Sam learned about the Great Wars that had shaped the land, the alliances formed and broken, and the mysterious forces that had always been a part of Maha Lok's history.

One passage caught his eye: "The Maha Vishwavidyalaya, or the Great World School, was founded during the Golden Age of Knowledge. It was a place where the greatest minds of Maha Lok gathered to study and preserve the world's wisdom. It is said that the school held secrets that could unlock the very fabric of reality."

Sam's heart raced as he read further. The book mentioned the fall of the Maha Vishwavidyalaya during a cataclysmic event known as the Abyssal Collapse. This event marked the beginning of the abyssal beasts' appearances, corrupting the land and its creatures.

"The Abyssal Collapse," Sam muttered to himself. "That must be connected to the abyssal beasts."

He continued to read, finding more accounts that varied in detail. Some described the abyssal beasts as demons from another realm, while others suggested they were once ordinary creatures corrupted by a dark energy. The books hinted at ancient artifacts and spells that could combat the abyss, but the information was fragmented and incomplete.

As he read, Sam found unofficial histories that were more speculative, written by adventurers and scholars who had traveled across Maha Lok. These accounts were filled with personal anecdotes, myths, and legends. One book, titled "Whispers of the Lost," spoke of hidden ruins and lost civilizations that held the key to understanding the abyssal threat.

Sam took notes, scribbling down anything that seemed relevant. He found references to powerful artifacts, such as the Orb of Clarity and the Blade of Purification, said to be capable of cleansing the abyssal energy. There were also mentions of secret societies dedicated to protecting the world from the abyss, their knowledge passed down through generations.

Hours passed, and Sam lost track of time as he delved deeper into the library's vast collection. The librarian occasionally glanced over, noting Sam's intense focus but not disturbing him. 

Sam found another book, "The Guardians of Maha Lok," which detailed the efforts of various groups to combat the abyssal threat. These guardians were often solitary figures or small bands of warriors and scholars who traveled the land, seeking out and destroying sources of abyssal corruption.

"The abyss is not a natural part of our world," one guardian wrote. "It is an invader, a parasite that feeds on the life force of Maha Lok. We must find and eradicate its source."

Sam closed the book, his mind racing with possibilities. The information he had gathered was invaluable, but it also raised more questions. The scroll from the tree might hold the key to finding the Maha Vishwavidyalaya and, ultimately, a way to combat the abyssal beasts. But he needed to decipher it fully, and for that, he needed help.

He decided to return to the librarian and ask for any additional assistance. "Excuse me," Sam said, approaching the desk once more. "I've found a lot of useful information, but I need help deciphering this scroll. Do you know anyone in town who might be able to assist?"

The librarian adjusted his spectacles, looking thoughtful. "There is one person who might be able to help. Professor Aeloria, a scholar of ancient languages and history. She lives near the edge of town, in a house marked by a blue door. She has a reputation for being quite knowledgeable about the old legends."

Sam felt a surge of hope. "Thank you. I'll go see her."

He carefully packed up his notes and the scroll, thanking the librarian for his help. As he left the library, the evening sky was turning dark, and the first stars were beginning to appear. The town was quieter now, the hustle and bustle of the day giving way to a more subdued atmosphere.

He made his way to the edge of town, searching for the blue door. The streets were narrow and winding, lined with stone houses that seemed to lean into each other. Finally, he spotted the blue door, distinct among the more muted colors of the surrounding buildings.

Taking a deep breath, Sam knocked on the door. Moments later, it opened to reveal a woman in her early fifties, her gray hair pulled back in a bun and her eyes sharp with intelligence.

"Can I help you?" she asked, her voice firm but not unkind.

"Are you Professor Aeloria?" Sam inquired.

"I am," she replied. "And who might you be?"

"My name is Sam Walker," he said, holding up the scroll. "I'm a traveler from Rivenwood, and I need your help to decipher this."

Professor Aeloria's eyes widened slightly as she took the scroll from him. "Come in," she said, stepping aside to let him enter. "Let's see what we can find."

Sam entered her home, feeling a sense of anticipation. The interior was filled with books and artifacts, a testament to Aeloria's scholarly pursuits. She led him to a large wooden table and unrolled the scroll, her eyes scanning the symbols with interest.

"This is very old," she murmured. "Where did you find it?"

"In an ancient tree near Rivenwood," Sam explained. "I believe it's connected to the Maha Vishwavidyalaya."

Aeloria nodded. "You may be right. These symbols are similar to those used in the Golden Age of Knowledge. It will take some time to decipher, but I believe we can do it."

As she began to work, Sam felt a renewed sense of hope. The journey ahead was still uncertain, but with the help of Professor Aeloria and the knowledge he had gained from the library, he was one step closer to unraveling the mysteries of Maha Lok and finding a way to combat the abyssal threat.

The night grew deeper as they worked, the stars shining brightly outside. Sam knew that this was just the beginning of a long and arduous journey, but he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. With determination and the support of newfound allies, he felt confident that he could make a difference in this world.