
MHA: Code

Cover made by: Display. Thanks a lot man! Reborn in MHA, average family, Code quirk. This MC is a particularly ruthless, manipulative bastard. Quirk is Code, which allows him to use/change Binary & Genetic Code. There will be politics and economics involved. Probably no love, since he is a bastard. Plans to have an easy life full of debauchery. "We can expect great things from this one" I own nothing except my OC. [dis cord.gg/6YYvm6tj6t] [ pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ] Remove the empty spaces

Alcoholic_Panda · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
141 Chs

Recap 7-8,

Words 2300,


Day Y4 Day 154- Turned 8

Recap of 7-8

(started the extreme training age 8- body is 10 years, can handle the strain from the training

torture starts now

There was noting important this year. I just improved the old "Techniques/Skills".

Trained my body a lot. Since I have the body size of a 10 year old, I can handle more stress from training now. Not that my body is normal by any means necicery. I have been running, stretching, training since i was 3. Combined with the "Seimei Kikan/Life Return", where i have been consuming a lot of minerals to strengthen my very bones while they are still in their growth phase.

I continued to study lot of programing and biology. I am confident to start messing with the more important areas of my body, and by that i mean one mistake and i could die.

Sure i messed with the heart and the brain, but that was a little change in the natural way the body works, and it had failsafe's in it. Now for the things that I plan to do... there isn't anything natural about them.

I started hacking around, taking a bit of money here and there. And started improving the SpyFly's. Those little guys are so useful, the blackmail alone makes them worth it, not to mention when some idiots, reveal important information i can then sell on the black market later on

(I need him to be 9 years old, and have a good enough body to fight, something along the lines of 13 year old Robin from young justice) the real stuff happens when he is 9 years old.)

Training Momo, really it has its perks, i continued tp fight a lot with the Yaoyorozu bodyguards, they are some of the best bodyguards in the world, retired soldiers from different contrives come here. they have solid quirks too.

Not to mention the facilities they have, it isn't top tier but its very close to it, you have your classic gym equipment, and then you have the expensive stuff like compressed weights.

Not to mention the sauna and pool. I added those to my training, i warm up my body in the sauna, then go into a pool with cold water. This would be very stupid for a normal human to do, but for me not so much, I'm doing this to stress my body even further. There are studies that show this has great health benefits, but normal people can't handle the stress that it causes.

For example, if you heat a metal and then rapidly cool it, there is a chance for it to break, same with the human body.

Never the less I get a great benefits from them, my body has gotten stronger. If i keep up this routine.

Momo... the kid admires me, for some weird reason, most likely a childhood crush, since I'm quote "cool" . I can use this to mold her into a better minion, but sadly for her, the feelings she has for me won't be returned back, My teenage years were hell, teens are moody, think the world rotates around themselves and bitch a lot, and I'm not looking forward to spending any time with someone else other than Tetsuya. Maybe Todoroki would be some nice company, his quirks makes it difficult for me to fight him, he would be nice company if he wasn't such an emo revenger.

Now Momo had a lot of confidence issues in the show, that will need to go, and she was just too damn nice, that's going to need to go as well. If someone like Mineta harasser her I'll train her to just crush their balls into paste, her parents can easily handle the backlash.

Despite everything I am grateful to the Yaoyorozu family, me using their facilities speed up my training by a lot.


===Y5 Day 155 - Turned 9

"Mother why do you insist on doing this every year?" I say with a tried voice

She throws these parties every year, and each year she goes too far with the useless decorations. Why the hell is there a dog here... and why is he drinking my juice

"Shin~chan, your birthday must be celebrated, and i wont have many chances to do this when you are older" she starts to 'scold me' before continuing

"And why didn't you let me invite more people, its not nice to not invite your cousins?"

"How many of them do i actually know, and how many want to 'meet me' just to get to take pictures with me to say that they know me? " i deadpan at her

"Ummmm..." yea, I'm not wasting time with people who want to use me and give nothing back in return

"And why is that soon to be dead dog here?" his ears perk up when i mention him

"Isn't he cute, my friends asked me to take care of him for a while, I have been thinking of getting a dog, what do you think?" she tilts her head and asks me with hopeful eyes. Yea like that's ever going to work on me

I kneel beside the dog, and say in the coldest voice i possibly can "If you poop, pee, or make any noise while you are here, I'll skin you alive doggo, are we clear" he starts shaking, before he runs off to hide under the couch

I get up and look at my mother "Looks like he doesn't like me, and i don't want a dog, but you can get one if you want" if she gets a dog, I'm betting it will run away within a day of staying with me. dogs can sense what kind of person you are, and they are not going to like what they find about me.

Anyway while Tetsu is stuffing his face with pizza, and Ran and Momo are giggling in the Corner, I'll do my yearly recap, right now.

(I basically replaced Sonoko from Detective Conan with Momo, Ran and Sonoko were best friends and Sonoko was filthy rich just like Momo)


Recap of year 8-9

(real shit starts now)

training triples, more extreme, now that his body can handle it

(at 7 year old, he was tall as 8-9. at 9 he is tall as 13 year old )

(That's Robins age in Young Justice, and he was kicking major Villan ass, so yea)

Rokushiki - Soru Geppo-Rankyaku

Nico Style - Tokita Ohma

Water Crushing Fist - Bang

Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist- Bomb

Explosion Fist? Young Bang

Razors edge- Rihito from Kengan

Pink Muscules- Kenichi the mightiest disciple- Akisame

=Baki- Cord cutting karate- stabbing a finger in his flesh and severing vital nerves , mostly the meridian nerves, the big ones that branch out to smaller nerves)= Shigan

I have worked a lot on the theory of these moves over the past year, tried it myself, did simulations on how they would work

First, the easiest to figure out was

Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist- Bomb, it works on the same principle as Rangyaaku but with both arms and legs, to do that i need to strengthen my whole body, especially the fingers on my hand, since they are the ones that will be cutting the 'air'.

A lot of these martial arts intertwine, i need finger strength for a lot of them, so In reality I'm making preparation for most of them, that's why training the basics is important. the fingers are a prime example.

Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist, Shigan, Razors edge, Cord cutting karate they all rely on extremely strong fingers. And this is just one small part of the body.

So i focused on my fighters a lot this year, together with the outside partial training to toughen them up, i changed them on the inside as well, making them stronger. I should be able to use them for stabing attacks soon


-The incident (some thugs ambush him in the 'bad part of town'

went there on purpose less cameras, Divine Demon, and butchered them

The incident:

I was getting restless of not having anybody to test my more, dangerous skills. So i decided to disguise myself and take a stroll in the 'bad part of town'. After an hour walking there, a group of people showed up, and started to surround me and pressure me into going into the ally, which was a dead end.

"Hehehe, boy you made a bad call coming here"

"Hmm he looks like he will catch a fair price, such a cute face, I think I'll have some fun with him before we sell him" A hug man says with a lustful smile,

"No way, you ruined the last merchandise, this one will be worth a lot, you aren't getting anywhere near him. Sting you and your boys take him down and drug him." a fat guy in a suit says

A person with a Scorpion quirks comes out from the group "No problem Boss"

He starts walking towards me and maliciously smiles "Don't worry kid it will only hurt a little, then when you wake up you will be starting your new life as a slave"

I grin as i hear his words, i will have absolutely no problem killing any of them, and some look like they may even put up a fight

"Oh really. then I extend the same courtesy to you. Don't worry dipshit, it will hurt a lot, and when you wake up you will start your new life.. in Hell!" I waste no time activating Devine Demon at 10%, this is the current maximum I can hold out for a few minutes without it having any side effects on my body. But a few minutes is enough for these guys.

"What the HELL!" before Sting could even move, i rip his throat out

"Shoot him, Shoot him now!!!" the fatso yells

"Hehehe" I just dash to the next person and break his neck. Judging by their reactions and eye movement, they didn't even see me move. So I'm assuming i looked like i just appeared in front of them, fucking wimps

They start to shoot at me, but i didn't train for nothing, my brain processes the direction the bulets will go, and i use my overwhelming dexterity and flexibility do dodge the bullets while moving towards them

"Hiii say AWAY" he screams like a little girl as i shove my fingers in his throat.

"Shen do something" the fatso calls out to his right hand, i think

"Kill himm, somebody Kill HIM" a White Peacock yells out

I just keep killing them, while dodging bullets, they suck, how stupid are they to surround me in a circle and start shooting

"Keep Fireing. Keep Fireing!!" Shen

Yea, sure, keep shooting yourselves... what a bunch of morons

2 minutes Later, only the Peacock is left

"Please don't kill me, I'll give you anything, I have money I" I grab his face, with my hand shutting him up

"Oh don't worry, you see I have studied the human body extensively, but this is the first time I will be using it for torture, so i wish you luck, because it will be extremely painful." His eyes widen in fear

"And the sooner you give me all the information you got the sooner you get to be released from your pain. I want bank account, safe houses, anything and everything, so it will be entirely up to you, how much you will suffer"

"P-please" he begs, terrified for his life, I just give him a smile that will haunt him for the rest of his miserable afterlife in hell



Y4 Day 150

Hearing- Eric from FT

I had an idea, well i knew it but i didn't think of it until know, this is why i rewatch all the stuff i have in my 'entertainment folder' containing all the manga, anime, tv shows and movies from my past life.

So if I'm ever in a place where i can't use my eyes, that would limit me a lot since i can't use my Advanced Eyesight to predict their movements.

So when i was watching FairyTail again, i saw Eric or better known by his alias Cobra, he used sound to hear the muscle contraction in a persons body to predict their movements. This will further improve my safety and increase my efficiency in battle. So that's how i started with this Project. Now making a human ear capable of actually hearing muscles moving is impossible. No matter how much I change or improve it it cannot be done by a human. But then it hit me, what if i completely change my ear to something not human, a bat for example.

I can code the cells in my body to change complete into something else, something more useful. Lets say i get a bats DNA, i I only extract the strand that focuses on his ears, I can use it as a base to change my own DNA to match it.

People with Mutation Quirks are mostly half human half animal. If so why could i just copy their DNA as well. Can i actually copy the Quirk Factor in their DNA?

That's when my mind was completely blown away. My Quirk potential just skyrocketed. This will require a lot of testing,


(Back to the party)

I have barley slept in the past 4 days. The easiest DNA i could find was from Fish and Meat products. Now i have been trying to run simulations on turning my self into a fish man, or at least making a pair of working gills. But that hasn't been going so well.

My current 'OS' is incapable of doing the necicery calculations to make it work.

That means its time for an upgrade, Supercomputer Software here i come!!!

Word Count 2300

(started plaining this ability 2 years ago, time to bring it to life, I'm feeling a bit emotional *wink*)

A/N Rakashas palm


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