
MHA: Code

Cover made by: Display. Thanks a lot man! Reborn in MHA, average family, Code quirk. This MC is a particularly ruthless, manipulative bastard. Quirk is Code, which allows him to use/change Binary & Genetic Code. There will be politics and economics involved. Probably no love, since he is a bastard. Plans to have an easy life full of debauchery. "We can expect great things from this one" I own nothing except my OC. [dis cord.gg/6YYvm6tj6t] [ pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ] Remove the empty spaces

Alcoholic_Panda · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
141 Chs

Battle of the Minds

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

[ pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ]

Word Count 1980


"Well Kodo-san. Are you excited as I am" Nezu said cheerfully, both of us were heading to a weird building

"Do you know why I chose chess?" Nezu says with a bit of glee in his voice

"Chess is a finite, two-player, zero-sum, perfect information game. Luck has no part in this game. Theoretically, there is a perfect solution at least in theory"

"But..?" Nezu grins as we enter the room he has prepared for us. It was completely white. Soundproof as well.

"But, that's only if you understand the 10^120 states of the board. Which means every possible position and combination that could be made with the 32 chess pieces."

We go to the center of the room. There were two chairs and a table waiting for us. They were completely White.

The same as the chess board and chess pieces. The board had little groves that made up the lines. But the chess pieces were identical.

I get it. You have to rely on your memory to know which pieces are yours.

"Correct!" Nezu jumped on the raised chair. The chair doesn't make a single sound.

I see, the mind games have already begun. And it's not completely white either. There are grooves in the walls, patterns that mess with the brain.

Nezu is one sick bastard.

And he chose Chess instead of making some sort of new mind game.

I'm sure he has plenty of tricks for when we get later in the game

Because of how Smart both of us are. We are actually predicting the entire game. And I can't just use my supercomputer game for this to make the perfect move each time. There is a reason why A. I programs can be beaten. They only make the perfect move, which makes them predictable. Setting a trap for them is simple once you get the hang of it.

Nezu can do it as well. This game will be on how well we can read the opponent's logic.

"Now for the rules:

A single error here means instant loss.

You must make a move within 5 seconds.

To win the trial you must win the game, no ties.

There will be additional rules added on later.

Do you understand?" Nezu put his paws together as he looked at me

I smirk at him " I do. But what does this have anything to do with hero work?"

Additional rules.. He is planning something

"Well, who will start first?" Nezu asks me with a smile. Completely ignoring my question and here he goes again with the mind games

White on average beats Black in 55 percent of them, but for elite players, the winning percentage is 64 percent. For people like us, it might as well be 75%. The player who makes the first move has a huge advantage.

But the way he said it. I'm only hearing 'Do you want a handicap'

This bitch is looking down on me.

"I say we flip a coin for it" I smirk as I pull out a coin from my pocket. And quickly flip it in the air. The coin was pure gold, and because of the way I flipped it was rotating so fast that you couldn't see which side it was at all. Making it impossible to calculate which side it will land on.

"Hoo, you just carry a gold coin in your pocket?" Nezu says with an amused look

"People are stupid. They see gold in front of them and they freeze up, but I'm sure you know all about people's stupidity" I smirk at the rodent and I see him flinch a bit

I can play mind games as well. And I'm not afraid to go for low blows. Nezu was experimented on by scientists for years. He holds a deep grudge.

The coin falls on my palm. and I quickly place my entire palm on the top of my other hand

I look at Nezu "Heads"

He nods "Tails"

I lift up my hand and the result was 'Heads'

"Sigh.. Looks like you go first"

"No.. I will go second. After all, it looks like you need all the help you can get" I say mockingly making Nezu frown.

Hmm, I expected him to get madder than that. After all, I just insulted the thing he prizes most. His intelligence.

"Great and one more things" Nezu smiles as he presses a button. Small mechanical arms came out from the table and started messing around with the board. The end result was 3 separate platforms with smaller platforms on it

I see "3D Chess"

Nezu smiled "Exactly. You dont mind do you?"

I smirk at him" Not at all. Victory will be just that sweeter"

This just got a lot more difficult. There are no black and white boards. everything is white. And a single error results in a loss.

I lift up one of the pieces. Humm it's heavy and it's magnetically attached to the board. Interesting. I wonder why..

"Well let's begin shall we?" Nezu claps his hands

Let's go. I chose the side on the bottom, and Nezu has to choose the side on the top. Since he is short I dont know how he will reach the pieces.


A mechanical arm shows up out of nowhere with Nezu holding the joystick.

Never mind. Both of us start setting the pieces

"Let the game begin" Nezu makes the first move


40 seconds in. In this high-pressure, high pace game and I start to hear a light buzzing. But Nezu looked like he doesn't hear a thing

Now he is messing with my hearing. It's a sound frequency that only young people can hear. Nezu as an animal should have been able to hear it but he is quite old. It's possible that he is as old as All Might. Minus 5 to 10 years.

After all, Nezu was saved by All Might when he was still a rookie. And it's said he had spent years under the experiments of humans.

The buzzing quickly increases. It can be ignored but it takes away a bit of your focus to ignore it.

"Anything wrong Kodo-san?" Nezu lets out a small smile

Annoying prick. I turn off my hearing. Changing my ears to be older just so I don't hear this specific frequency is a pain, and it's likely that I will never need it again. I can just read his lips if he talks

I look at him with a relaxed smile.

"No everything is completely fine"

Nezu frowns, probably wondering why it isn't working.

Another 30 seconds later and the game is somewhat tied but I hold the advantage. 33 moves have already passed. Normally it would be 22 if we waited for the entire 5 seconds. But both of us usually move pretty fast.

Nezu presses a button. The chess table moved by 90 degrees.

Nezu looked at me with a smirk " The chess table will rotate for 90 degrees every 2 turns"

Here comes another one. This is the simplest of them all. Even normal people will be able to tell by the shape of the board. But this room messes with the brain. By rotating the board by 90 degrees.

It changes your perspective of the normal way you look at chess. You might have planned to move a pawn somewhere but by changing the sides it increases the risk of an error. He is trying to make me mess up which spaces are supposed to be black and which are white.

And a single error here means a loss.

But if he thinks he can mess with a guy who has photographic memory he has another thing coming.

The game is nearly at its end.

5 more turns later

Nezu called out. "Check"

I block him. The board moves again by 90 Degrees.

Nezu positions to take out one of my remaining pieces. This entire round we have just been predicting each other's moves and keep blocking each other.

I call out "Check"

Nezu secretly presses a button. It didn't do anything. I assume it changes the frequency to something that causes a bigger headache. But since my hearing is turned off. It doesn't work against time.

We Check each every few moves until. The end finally arrived

"Checkmate" I look at the rat or whatever he is, with the smuggest grin I can make.

Nezu looked at the board with disbelief but quickly shook it off.

"Well. Kodo-san. That was certainly an interesting experience. You passed your test"

I shrug my shoulders "Was there any doubt? But I guess I'm officially one of the smartest people on the planet. Definitely above you" I point at Nezu who smiled, but i could tell he was gritting his teeth

"Yes. It appears so.. Run along now. I have a meeting to attend with the other teachers." Nezu tries to regain any bit of pride he has by pulling rank on me.

Technically he is my school principal. I should be quitting soon. Staying in U.A brings no benefits anymore. I'll force a few fools in the government to speed up the process of gaining a Hero Licence for me.

"I see, have a good day" I get up from the chair and start walking away. I give him a wave over my shoulder. Further showing how petty I am. Not even saying goodbye properly

~ U.A Meeting room.

"No Way! He beat you!!" Midnight looked at Kodo vs Nezu video.

"Seriously" Present Mic's glasses slipped a bit when his jaw dropped

Eraser and Vlad were just keeping a stoic facade. But both of them were shocked as well.

All Might just facepalmed. "Aiii. He beat you too huh? Did you make a deal with him? Please tell me you didn't. Do you know how much I have to pay for his meals here? It would be less expensive if he ate at a 5-star restaurant like a normal person."

The other staff members sweatdropped at All Might's statement

"No we didn't make a deal but he did defeat me. What a frightening child. So young yet so strong already. He can match All Might in a fight and beat me in a battle of minds. And he still has so much room to grow" Nezu said in a somber tone

"Yeahh. If he ever becomes a Vilian we are screwed" Snipe leaned back on his chair

"Eraser. You know him best. Do you think there is a chance for him to become a Vilian?" Cementos asked

Everybody turned to the teacher who was dressed as a hobo.

Eraser sighed when he saw the conversation had shifted to him.

"I'm going to give it to you straight. That's impossible. That kid will never become a Villain"

"Huh? Why? Everybody has a chance of becoming a Villain" Mic said in a confused voice

"Because of the image, he has build" Nezu says simply

"Exactly. Kodo is the Number One Marital Artist in the world. And is quickly becoming one of the most popular hero out there, even though he is still a first-year. Not to mention all of his economic and political power. He has the world eating out of his palms. Why would he risk all of that?" Eraser shook his head and the unreal power a teenager had

"But he isn't very heroic?" Ectoplasm scratched his head

"Well neither is Miruko. Come to think of it he went to her for the internship. I think both of them because of heroes for the same reason. To crack some skulls as she would put it" Midnight put her finger on her chin while having a thoughtful face.

They continued to discuss many things throughout the meeting

~ Kodo Residence

Inside his room, Kodo smirked as he listed and watched the conversation happening in the meeting room.

All according to plan.


A/N Idk I think this turned out well. I wanted to make it better but I couldn't.

This fic is almost finished on Pat. 2 or 3 chapters remaining. 4 at Max.

We are near the end guys.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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