
MHA: Breath of a Hero

A person who has never seen an anime or read a manga in his life gets reincarnated into the world of MHA. How will he fair in a world where 80% of all people have superpowers? Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia. All rights belong to Horikoushi Kouhei

OldSchoolNokia · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs


- Habaki POV - 

My morning mood had been broken by the torrent of rain pouring down. I quickly walked towards the train, seeking shelter every time I had the opportunity. I had stopped by a shop to see if I couldn't get my hands on a umbrella but they had all been sold out. I accepted that I wouldn't get to school dry. 

As I stepped on the train, the dampness of it hit me like a truck. There were a lot of people on it today, and most dragged a lot of rain with them. Even though it was unpleasant it was still better than being completely soaked outside. 

As the train continued its path towards its end station more and more people hopped on and it seemed as though no one was leaving, so I ended up squeezed between and elderly man and a middle aged woman. 

Finally ending up where I had to get off, I pushed my way threw the mass saying sorry more times than I had every done in such a small amount of time. Stepping out of the train was like a blessing, the fresh air hit me just right, with the invigorating smell of spring. That happiness disappeared quickly however as I now again was walking in the relentless rain. 

Coming up to the giants gates my feet quickened their pace, and as I made it inside I realised how wet I actually was. My hair was completely drenched and fell down my forehead, my shirts was more or less wet through and through and the thighs on my trousers had changed colour from like a light grey to dark grey. As I walked towards the classroom I thought to myself that I had to get an umbrella. 

Walking trough the hallways I was glad to see I wasn't the only one who hadn't brought something to keep out the rain. When I finally came up to the doors of the class I opened them without hesitation. As I came in it was still clear that we weren't that familiar with each other. Iida stood up an again did his formal 90 degree bow with a robotic hello, you would think he had been programed to do that whenever someone entered the room. There were slight murmurs of hellos and some just ignored that I came in. 

As I returned the hellos I went over to my usual seat by the window. Kirishima sat in his chair next to mine. As I greeted him i opened the window. The room was damp and humid so some fresh air would do everyone grate. It was still warm outside so I took off my shirt and hanged it on the window sill. 

''I didn't see you on the train, did you come early?'' I asked Kirishima. 

''Yeah, I thought because of the rain more people would take the train, so I decided why not just come early and avoid the rush hour and uncomfortable train ride.'' He gave me a huge grin looking at my sorrow state. 

''You wouldn't believe how many there were.'' I slumped down in my chair. A new voice spoke. 

''Wow, you look wet.'' I looked up to only see Kaminari look at me. I had to hold back myself from rolling my eyes at him. 

''And here I thought I was completely dry.'' I said in a sarcastic tone. As I looked at him I saw he didn't have a single spot of rain on him. He grinned at me. 

''No rain for me, it doesn't do my quirk any good.'' I nodded at his statement, before we could continue Present Mic entered through the door. 

''Yo little listeners, lets get this party started.'' He shouted with an enthusiastic voice as he began writing on the blackboard. 


'How boring.' Was the thought of the entire class. As he began teaching I realised I hadn't really spoken English in the last 15 years. Let's hope I hadn't lost my ability to speak it. Present Mic stood at the front of the room, discussing grammar and sentence structure. Glancing at the clock now and then, I got through the straightforward lesson with a sense of déjà vu. The simplicity of the class made it easy for me to answer the different questions he asked. I didn't really get to speak any English, we mostly just went over the different tenses etc. 

After that we had math with a hero called Ectoplasm, hadn't heard of him before. The math was a bump up from what it had been in middle school. I wasn't really surprised that there were different theorems and proofs here than in my last life. The appearance of people with superpowers surely had an effect on how the laws of the world worked. 

After math we had lunch where me, Kirishima, and Kaminari had headed out together. We had tried to ask Bakugo but he had declined or rather told us to leave him alone in a sharp tone and something to do with extras. His choice I guess. The cafeteria had a plethora of choices we could pick and I ended up going with a chicken katsu, what can I say I'm a sucker for chicken. 

The lunch went without a hitch and had primarily been made up of us telling each other a bit about our life. As we went back to the class we ended on the subject of heroes, classic. I mostly tuned out the noise of Kirishima and Kaminari gushing over there favorite heroes. I mostly just came with small inputs and answered questions if they were asking. 

As we were talking a voice could be heard out side of the door. 

''I am coming through the door like a normal person.'' A voice shouted and All Might stepped through the door. I hadn't really seen him before in real life, I had only gotten a glimpse of him one time when he had jumped away from a crime scene, and the only thing I could think of was, huge. The guy was absolutely massive, with muscles threating the jump out of his suit. 

Almost the whole class had erupted in murmur talking about him and him being their teacher, and when he said that they were doing Basic Hero Training people almost jumped from their seats. I looked around and was surprised at the reaction All Might got. I took the curriculum from my back, and looked it over. And it stood there plain as day:

All Might - Basic Hero Training

Did people really not read the curriculum when we got it. Let's hope reading was a part of our training. Before my confusion could continue All Might spoke again. 

''Today we are doing combat training, and with that we have these.'' In his hand he had a small remote with a button on which he clicked. 4 hidden compartments slid out of the left wall. There were a total of 20 cases in each of them with numbers on them. 

''These are your costumes made for your, with your quirk in mind and the own requests you came with.'' He gave a bright smile and showed a thumbs up. ''After you change gather in Ground Beta.'' And with that he disappeared out of the class. As everyone walked up to get their case which had been assigned to where they had been sitting, I couldn't help but wonder what people had decided on. 


Well that's nice to see. This time you didn't have to wait for 7 months for a new chapter. This chapter was more about me getting into the rhythm of writing again, so it really isn't the most exciting chapter but hope you still liked it. I guess you have a small suspicion of what next chapter is going to be about :D

Have a good day, evening, night or whenever you are seeing this.

- Nokia turns off -