
The Battles begin

- Habaki POV -

As I looked into the case I saw my hero outfit lying there more or less just as I had asked for. At first I had pondered if I should with a classic Japanese look with a kimono, but that just didn't feel like the most sensible thing to do.

At last I had ended up going with black combat trousers, both flexible enough to still fight but still was some form of protection. I had also gone for black combat boots, they should be pretty versatile and had its uses in most situations. Above the torso I had decided to go with a black compression shirt as an underlayer and a black cargo ish jacket with pockets just under my shoulders and one on each of my pecs. All in all I looked like someone who had just come from a shopping trip in Army Star. 

I had decided to go with all black as it both complimented my hair, but also could be used for stealth when it was dark. I wasn't too sure about what a hero's job actually consisted of, but I was pretty sure it wasn't just what I saw on TV. 

I had also asked for some reinforcement around my shins and forearms for extra protection. The last thing was a pair of fingerless gloves, they both helped with my grip and absorbed sweat so I wouldn't have a worse grip around my sword. 

After I had put it all on I looked around. Kirishima had exposed his upper body only covering up his shoulders with some red circular things, a face mask outlining the outer side of his face, some combat trousers and boots, and a belt with like an open jagged skirt. Made sense to leave most of his skin open to get the most use out of his quirk. 

Most of the other guys had just gone with full bodysuits and belts around their waists. The most distinctive however were definitely Bakugo and Iida. Bakugo had giant gauntlets around his hands, a black eye mask that protruded back in a spiked pattern, a red and black shirt, and black trousers and boots to top it off. Well there was one way to intimidate someone, and it didn't help his face was contorted in between a sneer and excitement. 

Iida one the other hand was wearing a full suit armor with a helmet. Exhausts protruded from his upper back area, but the most striking thing was his boots. They were enormous with pipes coming out from his calves to fit his quirk. How he had got the boots on in the first place was beyond me.

''You look manly.'' Kirishima had turned towards me looking at my outfit. 

''You too, you opted to use most of your quirk I see.'' I answered back. 

''Yeah, couldn't dream of not doing that. It would be too much of a hassle me constantly breaking my clothing.'' I nodded. 

''How do I look.'' Kaminari had joined us.

''Not all that much different, I like the glasses.'' Kirishima answered. 

I tried not to laugh, but it looked like he was about the pull out Exodia on me. I had watched a bit of Yu-Gi-Oh when I was younger in my last life, and his gauntlet just reminded me of one of the characters gauntlet. 

''I like your jacket, the lighting stripes matches with your quirk and hair.'' I answered, not allowing any form of laughter come out.

''Eh that's all.'' He got a depressed look on his face. 

''Well let's get out, I'm not sure how much All Might is into timing his students changing but lets hope it isn't the same as Aizawa-sensei.'' I said. 

''Yeah, but can you actually believe it, All Might is our teacher.'' Kaminari asked excitedly, his depressed face completely gone. 

''I know, one of the manliest heroes are going to teach us.'' Kirishima said.

''Did you guys not read the curriculum we got handed out, it stood there that All Might was going to be teaching us.'' I asked curiously.

''Hmmm, I don't think I did. I was a bit too occupied about thinking back on the tests.'' Kaminari answered thoughtfully. 

''Neither did I, I just threw it in my back and forgot about it.'' I looked at Kirishima bewildered.

''So you didn't know we were going to have hero training?''

''Not really, I mean I suspected it, but I only knew it when All Might said it.'' Kirishima replied with Kaminari nodding his agreeance. As we got out to Ground Beta, All Might stood there with his huge iconic smile and waited for us. 

''That's it everyone, you all look cool. Now, shall we begin?'' He said in his deep and raspy voice. I swear every time the man spoke I felt like doing some productive and I couldn't figure out why. 

''For this class you will be split into teams of 2. You will fight against another pair either as heroes or villains. This will all by done indoors. Most of what you see is out in the open, but you've got to know, how it is to fight with limited space, and not cause too much damage.'' He continued. 

Questions suddenly flew at him from all different directions, it was totally obvious he wasn't prepared for this. From his pockets he withdrew a piece of paper, and began reading off of it. First day nerves was my obvious guess, from what I've heard this was the first time he was teaching. Basically the villains were to hide a fake bomb on 1 of 5 floors. The heroes job was to either capture the villains or get the bomb back. The villains could either capture the heroes or protect the bomb until the time limit. 

''Now we will draw lots to see who is going to team up.'' As he said it he drew a box, with all our names in it, from nowhere. He had nothing in his hand and then, poof, it was there. He placed his hands in the box and withdrew the first name, then he did it 19 times more. The teams ended up being: 

A: Izuku Midoriya & Ochaco Uraraka

B: Shoto Todoroki & Mezo Shoji

C: Momo Yaoyorozu & Habaki Takahashi

D: Katsuki Bakugo & Tenya Iida

E: Yuga Aoyama & Mina Ashido

F: Rikido Sato & Koji Koda

G: Denki Kaminari & Kyoka Jiro

H: Fumikage Tokoyami & Tsuyu Asui 

J: Eijiro Kirishima & Hanta Sero 

I: Mashirao Ojiro & Toru Hagakure

I looked towards my now teammate. It was fair to say that Yaoyorozu hadn't though about protection first when it came to her outfit. Granted I didn't really know what her quirk did, but I had some ideas. She was dressed in a red bodysuit with a high collar and yellow utility belts around her waist. The bodysuit was complemented by thigh-high boots.

However, instead of having a full bodysuit, she had gone with one showing skin around her stomach area up to neck, not really leaving much to the imagination. I wouldn't really judge by a first look, but from what I had learned and heard from Yaoyorozu it didn't seem like her to design something like this. 

My focus was then redrawn to All Might who had gotten another two boxes from out of nowhere. One was labeled Hero and the other Villain. 

''Now these will be our first teams to fight.'' He said dramatically as pulled a a ball out of each box. A and D was the drawn letters. ''Team A are our heroes and team D will be the villains. Everyone else head to the monitor room.'' All Might continued. As we walked there I said my goodbyes to Kirishima and Kaminari and went towards Yaoyorozu. It didn't seem like she was talking to anyone, so I probably wouldn't disturb her if I went over and talked to her. 

''Hello Yaoyorozu, looks like we've been teamed up together.'' I said, not trying to make it seemed forced, talking to new people had never really just been my forte though I had made good progress if I had to say so. 

''Hello Takahashi, yes it does seem so. What do you think of the training battles?'' She asked. 

''Hmmm, generally they are a good idea, this is the first time we are going to fight another person with the use of our quirks. It gives us a good feel for what it's like, but I don't think it is going to truly be a help if we are fighting a real villain. There are most likely some rules or limitations to what we can do, which a villain won't follow. Secondly the bomb is not real, so the pressure of that is non-existent.'' I answered, it had seemed she had some ideas before asking me. She nodded over what I had said. 

''I do agree with you, there are a lot more things to take advantage of now than there would be in a real scenario.'' She said.

''I thought it would be a good idea to get knowledge of each others quirks before it's our turn, then we have more time to make a plan.'' I said to her. 

''Yes, that doesn't sound like a bad idea, but let's make it quick, I would like to focus on the first battle.'' I nodded my agreeance and started off. 

''Well my quirk allows me to channel the air inside and release it either through my body or a vessel,'' I pointed down the katana at my side, ''also I can enhance my physical attributes by focusing on my breath.'' I gave her a short explanation of my quirk. 

''I did think it would be something like that, it was mostly the ball throw that gave it away. My quirk allows me to create any non-living object or material if I know the molecular structure of what I make.'' I almost gawked at the explanation of her quirk. I had seen her create a scooter and a cannon when Aizawa-sensei had held the first tests, but I didn't think it would be something like this.

''That sounds powerful with enough knowledge.'' I said to her with an awed voice. Before any of us could pick up the conversation again, All Might spoke into an earpiece. 

''Lets begin the first battle between team A and D. Okay, everyone, focus here and think over what is happening.'' He said, and with that team A moved into the training apartment. The battle began calmly with Midoriya and Uraraka scanning the floor they were on, until Bakugo surprised them with an attack. As the battle went on Midoriya and Uraraka had separated. It seemed Midoriya was taking most of Bakugo's attention, so Uraraka had decided to look for the bomb. 

The fight had ended with Midoriya running away, but eventually Bakugo caught up, and pulled one of the pins on his gauntlet. The only warning we got was All Might suddenly speaking very loudly into his earpiece. 

''Young Bakugo, stop. Are you trying to kill him?!'' I knew Bakugo had some issues against Midoriya, that was plain as day, but to this extent was disturbing. And then a huge explosion came from the training ground. When the smoke had cleared Midoriya laid on the ground with a big hole in the wall behind him. 

Meanwhile Uraraka had been unable to capture the weapon from Iida. At last the battle ended with Midoriya finally using his quirk to blow a giant whole through all the ceilings at the different layers of the apartment building. Uraraka had used this as a distraction to capture the bomb. 

Midoriya had been escorted out by a robot, and All Might had to get Bakugo, as he stood completely still from what looked like shock. When they had all come back All Might spoke again.

''The MVP from this scenario was young Iida.'' As he said Iida looked utterly confused. ''Could anyone tell me why that is?'' All Might continued. Yaoyorozu then raised her hand.

Then she went on a long spiel about how Iida adapted best to the test and the others were careless with their decisions. At the end even All Might looked surprised at how much information she gave. In my mind I couldn't be happier. It was clear that my teammate was a quick and logical thinker which should prove helpful here.  

After that team B vs team I took place. The match didn't take very long, because as soon as it had begun, Todoroki had froze the entire building including both Ojiro's and Hagakure's feet so they couldn't move. He had then walked in a leisurely pace up to the fake bomb and recaptured it.

Jeez, what were people feeding their kids to make quirks like this come out. At last it was our turn. It had ended up being me and Yaoyorozu vs Jiro and Kaminari. As we walked towards a new building, since the first one was completely blown up and the second was covered in water from he ice melting, we talked over our strategy. 

''I know Kaminari can generate electricity and discharge it after, I'm not sure how much or how many volts it is. Jiro on the other hand I don't know much about, I'm thinking it has something to do with sound?'' I asked questioningly at Yaoyorozu. 

''Yes, from what she has told me, she can use the headphone jacks hanging from her earlobes to hear the sounds and vibrations of the surroundings by sticking them into walls and other things.''

We had been placed on the villain team which gave us 5 minutes to prepare. 

''So we are not sure if Jiro can only hear things with her quirks and not like release sound waves. Maybe we should focus on Kaminari then. If Jiro's hearing is good enough, she will hear us even we try and sound proof it. But we could protect the room with things that electricity are naturally weaker against.''

''Yes, that could work. But then we would need insulators against electricity. We could use rubber or wood?'' She asked. 

''We need something with a high melting point, glass would be ideal there, but it would be easy to brake without the need of electricity.''

''I could make both a giant wooden plank that could fit around the door, but also a rubber sheet we could cover it in. That would both gives us insulators and barricades.''

''That sounds good, we just need to be able to make it stay in place.'' I said, she then held out her hand and a box of screws came out of her hand slowly. After that an electric screwdriver popped out of her arm and landed on the floor. I gave an impressed look. Then we went to work. When she had produced the wooden plank and the rubber sheet, I fastened them together with the screws and then prodded it up against the door. 

We had decided to go with the top floor, as it gave us the most time to prepare before they found us. Making the wooden plank stay stable had been a bit trickier, but had ended up going with 4 corner braces, which we could luckily fasten just before All Might's voice rung out.

''Team C vs G can now begin.'' 


Merry Christmas everyone, and happy holidays to those who don't celebrate it. This chapter was meant to be the battle, but I ended up just writing and then I got to point where I thought the chapter was a bit too long, but I promise it will be in the next chapter, unless ;)

And with that have a good day, evening, night or whenever you are seeing this.

- Nokia turns off -