
Men-beast bastard

So my idea is simple. Get Sett from LOL and slap him in to one piece. Enjoy

Gaspart · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs


Four years had passed since Sett witnessed his mother's Sulong transformation. In that time, he had grown into a strong and confident young man, thanks to his mother's rigorous training. Mira had taught Sett the basics of haki. This invisible power could be honed through physical exercise and mental focus. Sett had taken to it quickly; by now, he had already begun to tap at this power. He still can't control it but can use that technique in clutch moments.

But there was one area where Sett still struggled: controlling his emotions. His mother had taught him to always remain calm and composed, but when it came to the subject of his mother, Sett could quickly lose himself in a blinding rage. He would fight tooth and nail to protect her, even if it meant risking his own life.

As for his father, Sett's hate for him was like fuel for his battle prowess. He did not remember the man, but from what he had heard from his mother, he knew that his father was a fighter in the arenas. Sett had promised his mother that he would never follow in his father's footsteps, but the thought of him still fueled Sett's desire to become the strongest fighter he could be.

Mira continued to train Sett in secret, beating him up and throwing objects at him to test his reflexes and endurance. In the beginning, She didn't tell him the reasons behind her methods, but Sett trusted that his mother knew what was best for him. With time, Mira answered all of his questions and educated him about haki powers used worldwide.


Mira sat down with Sett, her eyes fixed on her son's as she began to explain. "Haki is a power that lies within every living being," she began. "It's a manifestation of your willpower, your spirit. We know three types of Haki: Observation, Armament, and Conqueror's Haki."

Sett looked at his mother with confusion, unsure of what she meant. "Observation Haki is the ability to sense other living things' presence and emotions. Armament Haki is a defensive power that can harden your skin and give you an offensive edge. Conqueror's Haki is a rare power that allows you to control the will of others."

Mira continued, "Learning Haki takes time and practice. You have to strengthen your spirit and your willpower. I've been training you, Sett, in them by dodging exercises that I made you do, meditation to control your emotions, beatings, and workout routine. What is more, you were slowly learning those powers without realizing it. Those fights you've been getting into, they've been helping you build up your Haki."

Sett listened intently, absorbing every word his mother said. "I understand," he said, determined to learn more about this power. "I want to learn all there is to know about Haki."

"Sure thing cub, but as you experienced, learning to use those is really hard. I can use them only at basic version" Mira confessed her shortcomings to her son. "What do you mean the basic of haki?" He asked. With a sigh, she began teaching Sett about the powers in this vast world.

~~Flasback end~~

Sett, as of now, can use primary hardening haki from time to time. He still needs to be more consistent. As for observation haki, he cannot tap into this power because of his aggressive nature. But thanks to grueling training from his mother, his reaction speed and surrounding awareness become top-notch. Adding this to the fact that thanks to his mink genes, he can see further and hear more than humans, he became a force to be reckoned with. As towns folk finally learn to leave him alone, he, fortunately or not, avoids his usual fights. His mother taught him that haki grows fastest by using it in battles and pushing his limits. But for now, he doesn't have opportunities to do this. So his haki is still in the awakening stage and has little progress.

Sett looked out the window, his eyes gazing off into the distance as he let out a deep sigh. His thoughts were filled with worry about their financial status. His mother had also been kicked out of her last job, and they needed money more than ever. To make matters worse, she had fallen sick just last week.

He knew he had to find a way to make money and help his mother, but he didn't know where to start. Trying to get his mind back on track, he decided to take a walk and breathe fresh air.

When he was walking through town, he noticed something strange. The streets were bustling with people, and he didn't recognize many of them. Sett approached a passerby on the road and asked, "Excuse me, do you know anything about the new faces in town? I see a lot of more peaple that usually"

The passerby looked at him incredulously, "Are you kidding me? How could you not know about it? It's all anyone's been talking about for weeks! The best fighters from all over the paradise sea are coming to compete, and the grand prize is huge."

Sett looked at him with confusion and annoyance, "I've been out of town for a while; I guess I missed the news. But where is the tournament being held?"

The passerby shook his head, "You must have been living under a rock. It's being held at the new arena that opened up a few months ago. It's the biggest and most impressive one in the whole region."

After thanking him for the news, Sett thought, "I need to find a way to help my mother and earn some money. Maybe I can sneak out to the arena and see it for myself. And who knows, maybe I can even ask the manager about my father's whereabouts. But I can't lie to my mother. She'll be worried sick if she finds out. What should I do?"