
MEHJABEEN ( Forbidden Is Always Chocolaty )

Sleep well?" Edwie yelped and grabbed the luxurious blankets around her breasts. The sexy Blonde lounged on the foot of the bed, back against one of the banisters. He had on a huntsman's leather breeches and top, unlaced and careless, with enough of his chest exposed to show his blinding physics. His feet were bare and pointed in her direction. "What are you doing!" Edwie demanded. "Keeping an eye on our new captive" he stretched with pure contentment and raised one knee to rest his wrist on it. "Where would I go?" Edwie shifted the blankets and scrunched them up closer against her. Dim light crept around the heavy curtains drawn across the massive windows. "Have you been there all night?" Edwie did see the watch guard retire to his nest of stones after dinner. This Blonde Beast who played on her foot had a nest on the other side of the room, although she assumed he shared something a bit more comfortable with his girlfriend in another room. Perhaps not. "I'd had to get past the watch guard, " Edwie said, annoyed. The sexy beast smiled, a wicked glint in those eyes of his. "So you did contemplate your escape." "Naughty, naughty. Do we need to put you on a leash?" "Stop it," Edwie demanded, although something about the threat promised her this happy boyish side isn't his daily routine. The beast shifted off the bed, and said, "It's time to get dressed. We have somewhere to go."

Somvanshiya · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chocolaty Nails

Later some un-passed minutes on the very same day, Edwina gasped out in astonishment at the revealing clarity of yet another secret waterfall that Quen unfolds to her in this cave. Speaking of which, Edwina herself hasn't told Quen about her secret waterfall, and yet she now has no idea of how this beauty resides at the end of the border without her knowledge.

Ahead of her were huge string lights of vineries adored with lighting bugs sitting around the thread-like climbers resembling the twinkling stars. As she dived deep into the Waterford garden were staircases with a grand bluebell pathway.

" Intriguing! Now, that must lead to somewhere great! " Edwina gushed to no one in particular as she saw the hefty grown trees in the middle of the lake.

The willowy silver ray was glowering on the un-cropped nature, whereas water lilies floated freely around once they had fallen and gathered on the corner lines. On seeing the everlasting beautiful views around her, the delicious flavors emitted from the colorful blooms from nowhere make her senses go haywire.

The upper fountains in an ancient sculpture were surrounded by the floating lily pads drawing her eyes right into the scene and instantly yearning to have a stroll near it.

As her mind keeps on drifting from one scene to another from nowhere a hand gets hold of her arms and tugs her toward the multi-layered staircase of bricks and rough rocks and reaches the highest point of the little built-in stage.

Quen knows the view up here is unbelievably awesome. Similar to his thoughts Eddie's gaze flickers at the whole thing before her.

The luxurious free-form kidney-shaped swimming pool with waterfall and little ponds looks like a devil's eye adored with water lilies making the creepy thought into something cute. About the lake which got pooled is all the most spectacular things that she has ever seen in her life with the add-ons of surrounding trees, bushes, and flowers that terrace upward creating a private swimming oasis.

" What a beautiful & tranquil image it is" Her voice spoke on its own. Hearing her words he bopped his head in agreement, but not with the view ahead of them. It's her who is making him feel so intrigued at all costs.

As they stood facing their beauty, Quen's hand unknowingly raised to reach her flawless swan neck. Both were drawn in the riviera of speechlessness. Only the connection of him touching her skin is what brought them both into an eye-on-eye state with Edwina looking at him with a smile worth a million moons whereas Quen looks desirable with his face shining like a sculpted feature in marble.

Edwina on the other hand raises her brow in question at him for disturbing her devouring of nature, to which Quen blinks his eyes like he just got traced out from his bubble and says the first thing his mind suggests to him to say.

" It's not the end of scenery. There's still more to see, love. Ever heard the myth of daisy blue falls? " Quen rasped in her ears thereby making her shiver at his proximity level.

But the last sentence gets a troll over her, as she jumps up and down at his mentioning of the mystery falls. The shyness was long gone as the enthusiasm struck her features.

Quen knows what will make her move forward and right at the moment, he's using it well. But it's true. There are mysterious daisy-hued falls on the other end of the cave. To be said, Quen himself hasn't seen it but once he discovered its existence he promised himself to see the beautiful site of the card with his only love, Edwina.

His wishful thought made a line to his desired edge as they both strolled back to the minty ground near the lakeside's shoreline with a single thought that remained similarly glued to both their minds for the first time from the dawn's daylight.

But Edwina on her own knows one thing for sure, she can create them a pleasant ride. As said she quickened her pace to the shoreline thereby leaving Quen to walk on his own and later sat down on her knees at this point anyone must've shredded their clothes and shoes, to be plunged into it.

To be said she thought to do it then and there, but she isn't alone and her wish is nowhere near happening in the presence of Quen. And so for now she sticks with her former thought to create a ride by tracing her fingers on the shimmering glace.

As good as the thing may sound to her, Quen on the other hand was frowning at her playfulness to leave him all alone only to get her palms wet in the willowy water. But Edwina knows it's the only thing they need at the moment, so she slides her fingers in the willowy glimmers in a circle pattern to create a motion and leaves the rest to the water spirit to carry on the job she ordered it to. The water beds slowly turned into a whirlwind tornado.

As the ride is on board Edwina glances back at Quen who is smiling at his thoughts on picturing her action and without any further details shared between them Edwina steps into the Whirlpool. The willowy glimmers of the whirling cone will not make the passerby or even a thing wetter in the process of carry-on but it emits the chillness of the water on the person or a thing that contents of.

As she stood in the core of the tornado, with her back facing him, Edwina beckons Quen over her shoulder to join her. And in no way he's gonna deny the call of an angel, isn't he? Chuckling at his thought, Quen obliged her words as a command and slowly got near the waters to get sucked in.

Quen gets his legs going along the watery slide which he passed through was so cold that his body is quaking under entering the pool.

Right that moment, the Whirlpool sucks him in, making Quen feel and see before he was like he's been driven into an imaginary passage between a tornado.

At first, his only impressions are of a curtain of doom-black confronting him. But then his senses became fully attuned as he burst through the walls of water and looked up to see a hopeful, polestar-blue sky.

The fragrance of the sweet flowers whirling around the cone added to the already heightened peace level. Now as they stood in the eye of the Whirlpool, Edwina tries to get them to move past the point they were in. But before she could make a call for the spirit, Quen surprises her by playing the flute sound in his mouth as the windy breeze grazes their way and gently pushes ahead and carries the whirling cone to the destination he ordered it to.

The Whirlpool of the tornado is a magical thing, but can only be created with the consent of Elves of the family named underwater and air. Though Edwina's biological parents inherit the power to control the water spirits. As the prince inherits the power to bind the air spirits. Thus it becomes handy at times for their survival.

As they passed tunnel after tunnel in various directions, the end of their little ride together seemed to have no end.

Neither of them was complaining yet the quality time still gets draggy a bit longer than it should be, Quen thought. But his tranced state gets awoken by the sight of Edwina biting her chocolaty nails. Nervousness might've gotten high on her, whichever resulted in her biting the chocolaty nail which does taste exactly like chocolates. This isn't the first time she does that stunt. It's been a while since Quen has seen her in this case doing the same thing in various places.

Within a minute Edwina has grained all the well-grown, perfectly trimmed nails into a blunt one. But she isn't finished with her thing, her teeth were kept intact at her fingertips thereby emitting the chewing sounds to bite to eat the chocolate crisps. But suddenly out of nowhere her hand got tugged away from her mouth in a seizing way and that's when she noticed the taste of aluminum in her tasting bud.

Confusion itched her face as she looked at Quen whose eyes were zeroed to her fingertips in a drop of blood oozing out on her fingertip.

For Edwina it's ain't the whole thing happening around her is totally having a toll of clumsiness out of her and it gets triggered even a bit more to her comfort zone by her mouth openly running scolds to her conscious, alongside muttering incoherent words to endeavor suchlike thing. But to his eyes, she looks like a box of cuteness yet again done itself a little harm.

Quen's hold is likely that an iron grip with one individual won't be able to shake away too easily and it's making her feel even more vulnerable. In this state, the only thing she tried to do is to pull her hand away using all her strength thus being far from his reach, as Quen's gaze remained focused on the matter at hand. She tries to pull away but he's adamant and remains calm and composed.

Silence prevailed with Edwina's pouty lips pleading with him to let her go, as her numerous struggles gradually come to an end, on the other hand, Quen's face resembles a slight annoyance at her resistance, and a deliberate grin formed on his side lips after seeing her pouty lips... It's not utterly visible but it's there among his mouth's hidden features.

Silently without her noticing, Quen slid his hand beyond the Whirlpool and sucked a few drops from the pool in his palm by using his air spirit and fisted the element to hold on to the liquid in his palms.

Quickly brought it back and held it before his eyes and when he opened the ginger one after another the water turned into a molecule of bubble-like mercury that got separated from one another element.

On seeing it Edwina's thoughts ran haywire at what is about to happen, but in the meantime, Quen held her flawed hand and placed the goblet of water on her fingertips, which swallows the tips like a cap but the bubble is still intact in shape.

The Glowing water gello in her hands now looks like a pea ball. The chillness emitted along with the coolness of the breeze was heavenly, whichever soothes the ache in her tips, getting dissolved in the air.

In a few blinks of her eyes, Edwina could feel even more chillness drowning in her fingers.

The cause is Quen who does that.

Somvanshiya Here! If my work got your love and likes, my readers and fellow writers are as beautiful as me! With your Votes, Comments, and Gifts support me :D

“Love you all”

Somvanshiyacreators' thoughts