
MEHJABEEN ( Forbidden Is Always Chocolaty )

Sleep well?" Edwie yelped and grabbed the luxurious blankets around her breasts. The sexy Blonde lounged on the foot of the bed, back against one of the banisters. He had on a huntsman's leather breeches and top, unlaced and careless, with enough of his chest exposed to show his blinding physics. His feet were bare and pointed in her direction. "What are you doing!" Edwie demanded. "Keeping an eye on our new captive" he stretched with pure contentment and raised one knee to rest his wrist on it. "Where would I go?" Edwie shifted the blankets and scrunched them up closer against her. Dim light crept around the heavy curtains drawn across the massive windows. "Have you been there all night?" Edwie did see the watch guard retire to his nest of stones after dinner. This Blonde Beast who played on her foot had a nest on the other side of the room, although she assumed he shared something a bit more comfortable with his girlfriend in another room. Perhaps not. "I'd had to get past the watch guard, " Edwie said, annoyed. The sexy beast smiled, a wicked glint in those eyes of his. "So you did contemplate your escape." "Naughty, naughty. Do we need to put you on a leash?" "Stop it," Edwie demanded, although something about the threat promised her this happy boyish side isn't his daily routine. The beast shifted off the bed, and said, "It's time to get dressed. We have somewhere to go."

Somvanshiya · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Daisy Blue Falls

As Edwina flew into her land of excitement, Quen made the rest of the gello balls to be placed on her rest vacant fingers.

He knows the little goblet of water was contained with the coolness and thus gives the receiver a happy vibe, throughout the last drop of the gello present in their skin.

Thinking of which Edwina beams at him at his thought to always ahead to consider her pleasure in all his doings which brought dreamy eyes on her with a blush adorning her cheeks. As she was drowned in the current happening, Quen's lips tugged into a lopsided smile on seeing her change of complexion.

He very well knows what's running in her mind as she is an open book full of shimmering thoughts running around which soever sadly gets emitted by her facial expressions. Thoughts to bring the girl who flew away dropped in his mind and so he did the one thing he is very familiar with.

Smiling at the reaction yet to arrive, he caresses her hand which was still in his hold, and waits for the flying spirit in her to walk home.

When she woke up from whatever trance she was in and blushed pink and internally face-palms for doings. The way she is crowning her head facing her long-toned legs might seem too right with her but Quen not in his dreams minded her stupidity as an odd thing and speaks the one thing she dreaded for the whole while.

Edwina is a mess around the corner with the connection she is feeling all the while by his hands on her wrist, one of her most sensitive parts. Out of nowhere, she hears a voice, a familiar one answering her long-time nagging quest in her mind.

" The tree we see afar in the middle of the water pool is the Legendary Moon Tree. And right from there, can you see the rays of the moon emitting from up the only hole in this cave apart from this can you? " Quen buzzed her a quick call and she nod noticing and asks

" I-Is it the real glow of rays from the moon or is it one of the wandering magics inherited by the cave? " Hearing her he continues,

" Yes, it is dear. A real one indeed. The specialty of this one is nowhere in this universe. That too in the dawn you could see the Moon's rays shining throughout the universe apart from this cave.

And the main highlight is the Rays are shown only on the Moon tree which makes the tree as well as the cave glowy and aspiring all over the living eternity.

In short, it is a power source for the living spirits in this cave.

The pool, it's a sacred one that was once found by the ancestors. And the myths say it thus holds long-lasting magic in its falls and the flies which were buzzing in the opening of the cave threads are the imaginary warriors, assigned in ancient times to protect the sacredness of the ancient lake.

Coming around the path we are moving, this waterway leads us through the tree-line scenery and later nearly ends its travels by passing through the forbidden territories that fall beyond our kingdom's territory.

But don't worry, we ain't gonna break a leg or two in search of something new. And a quick heads up honey, no species in this kingdom or beyond the border can pass through those rough water lines. And our kingdom had beforehand cast a powerful spell and created an imaginary wall around the forbidden territories to stop anyone who wants to pass through.

As I know your head might have suggestions or wishes to get through those, but you can't be getting past them.

And the reason for this precautionary arrangement is the liveliness, sounds, and colors that live in this cave were too good to be true is the ugly truth.

And there was a strange reason for keeping numb and leaving this beauty hidden to the fellow beings because these vixen spirits might make sane Elves or any species that entered this path addicted to its glamorous charms.

Once in a while visiting this cave is good enough for all. If not the case, they might remain as one of the beauties residing in this tunnel. The end! " Quen smiles at the last part thus taking her from the imaginary screenplay rolling before her eyes.

The things she just got in were too much to take in for a day like this. And this feeling she feels in these circumstances isn't the first time. The pulls she felt are similar to her early dawn journey to the mystery falls hidden in the forbidden territory.

If this paranoid thought in her is right then, she might have cracked the inevitable pathway that no one in this arena dared to.

One thing is for sure.

Edwina was about to get a little shower the experience she observed is going to have a toll on her real soon. In-between her hazed trail, she could hear the sound of the shower running on. Its volume is very slight, but being an Elf little things might come in handy at times like this, and right at that moment, Quen pulls her out of the trails and nudges her sides to look around the corner. And there it is!

Daisy Blue falls! The daisy-hued streams were spurting over the basalt rock, arranged like a pillar of barrier that poured eel-like over the ledges. Its glamorous passage at the foot of the crippled mountain threw up bubbles of spray. They sparkled uneasily in the dying light and shimmered like beautiful drops.

There was a whooshing vortex at the bottom. It was caused by the plummeting funnel of water that meandered from on high. It looked like a drape of blue aluminum, such was its lushness. The cascade was sieved with silver at its fringes, lending a hallucinatory quality to it.

Wagtails were bobbing and dipping on a rock, foraging for juicy flies. The tip of the rock pierced the rhapsody pool like the upturned nose of a dwarf. Runoff water tingled the rock as it seeped away, distilled as pure and clear as an angel's tears.

There appeared to be a little cave under the arch of the waterfall which also happens to be where the ride is moving to. The two waterfalls streamed above them turned into one infinity pool of bliss. From it, the last spillway flowed, as smooth and fluvial as silver dew.

It tumbled over the gravelly bed with the honeyed sensuality of a lover's kiss on their skin. It was chiming as it slid, svelte and slinky, past their feet.

The chinking, tinkling sound was caused by its languid slickness echoing from rock that glinted in the aureate light.

When they cross beneath the fancy lines, the vibrant atmosphere gets sucked into a blanket of darkness caressing them physically and mentally, and then like a whoosh they are plucked out from the dark side and into the so-called arrived destination.

The vegetation and green patches can be seen around them. But the cave they just passed is nowhere near their eyesight but the sensation of the water sliding on their skin as well as the sound of the falls was still present in their bubble. It's like they have never gone in and out the door of the cave.

As they arrived, the whirling cone stood up near a rocky edge. Quen, being a reminder of a gentleman, walked her out of the Whirlpool and along the edge of the rocks, thereby leaving the swollen noise of the large pool behind.

The sounds changed to a gentler swoosh-plunk and hiss-plop. It was still a salvo of sound, but it had a gentler slushy-ness to it and fades away into thin air but the memory contains every single feeling they had together.

Right the moment their feets stood near the shoreline of the river flowing roughly on the other side, Quen took the perfect chance to lift his presence in her mind by speaking mockingly in a girly voice.

" Yay!! I'm so excited! Can't wait to see you tonight my love! Hope I see you soon. God, I'm starting to miss you even before parting ways. I got to know what you planned for us tonight. My love! " Quen sounds a lot more girly with a pitchy tone.

Hearing his words Edwina can't stop her language to sputter the words that she somehow controlled all along the edge of the emotional ride they had.

" Whatever your desire might be, I will be along the way to you complying with your words. Don't get me wrong but I'm totally from the bottom of my heart into leaping your day into the memorable day you desired for all the years we left apart... See you soon, my love! " Edwina in a hazed voice seductively uttered every syllabus without her knowledge and was now peering into his darkened eyes in a nervous gesture when the truth dawned on her... (Traitor! You have done it yet again.) She squeaks at her consciousness a bit taken back by her sudden confession to Quen.

" Your eyes are a window to your soul, Edwie. And which thereby makes me know your inner soul's liveliness.

You're infatuated with the things I've done to you and I'm no good of a man to pull you with those strings. So let's call it a night! But you still owe me tomorrow. Till then sleep well."

Saying he reassuringly kissed her forehead and jumped back on the breeze that hit us on our feet and flew away to his nest which lies way further in between the kingdom.

When the long-gone breeze re-lashes Edwina with its absence nowhere nearer, she sighs out in frustration and calls the water spirit- Willow by swinging her hands in circles to carry her to their nest. Within a minute the Willowy element takes the form of a water cloud under her feet. Her feet are still intact in the soil but she isn't moving the cloudy water, carrying on her frame at a calculated pace of her walking around.

It's quite good to use magic for our living, but she isn't someone who used to depend on them. Just when she is out of her mind cells, she summons the over-enthusiastic spirit to serve the purpose of its living. So she isn't gonna get lost somewhere in the woods around the time of dusk.

The grass and soil that touches her feel ticklish and likewise raise her sense of the current scenario happening around her. On her way home, she greets her childhood friends and their parents, and neighbors on a walk through the streets and the various animals and species of aquatic life can be seen on a spreadsheet near her doorstep.

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