
MEHJABEEN ( Forbidden Is Always Chocolaty )

Sleep well?" Edwie yelped and grabbed the luxurious blankets around her breasts. The sexy Blonde lounged on the foot of the bed, back against one of the banisters. He had on a huntsman's leather breeches and top, unlaced and careless, with enough of his chest exposed to show his blinding physics. His feet were bare and pointed in her direction. "What are you doing!" Edwie demanded. "Keeping an eye on our new captive" he stretched with pure contentment and raised one knee to rest his wrist on it. "Where would I go?" Edwie shifted the blankets and scrunched them up closer against her. Dim light crept around the heavy curtains drawn across the massive windows. "Have you been there all night?" Edwie did see the watch guard retire to his nest of stones after dinner. This Blonde Beast who played on her foot had a nest on the other side of the room, although she assumed he shared something a bit more comfortable with his girlfriend in another room. Perhaps not. "I'd had to get past the watch guard, " Edwie said, annoyed. The sexy beast smiled, a wicked glint in those eyes of his. "So you did contemplate your escape." "Naughty, naughty. Do we need to put you on a leash?" "Stop it," Edwie demanded, although something about the threat promised her this happy boyish side isn't his daily routine. The beast shifted off the bed, and said, "It's time to get dressed. We have somewhere to go."

Somvanshiya · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Hide Your Feets

Feeling the difference of density in his palm Quen tranced out from his riviera and got the picture that his Littleton was now holding her custom-made package and was up to wear it on her hip. But before she could drape it over her hipster, Quen got his hands on her back and pulled her nearly close by just leaving a semi-inch distance between them.

Looks like they made their bubble around them. Without wasting any nanoseconds he quickly got hold of the bag and circled his arms around her to let the vineries wrap around like a belt and finally tied the baggage around her hip as he caresses her thin cloth leaving no thought except the sensation of touching the skin underneath her clothesline as faster than a sloth can move.

And she has no idea when she gave him the bag she is holding. Must be her conscience got struck by the electric touch he gave back then. Quen on the other hand smirked at the things her conscience is doing beyond her sensing knowledge.

If possible she will blame the sense as a traitor, he thought. And that's what she's been doing internally. As now Quentin was done braiding the thread-like vineries of both ends of the bag, he gingerly took a step or two back and checked her out by taking a little too long this action didn't sit well with Edwina as now she looks like an utterly messed up mess.

And this happens whenever he does this one thing which will make her already rapidly beating heart haywire. And with the mocking smirk he's offering her she is cent percent sure that her cheeks might resemble the flaming spitfire on her dual cheeks if possible her whole body does that too.

As he was already eyeing the contrasting hue radiating from her, a very familiar action caught his hawk-like eyes. Edwina out of embarrassment did her usual feet-digging antics by digging a hole inside the Sandy pathway and is in the process of burying her feet inside the no named hole. Halfway through her process of casketing the poor legs, Quen speaks his mind.

" Why do you always dig a hole and hide your feet whenever I try to admire your whole version thoroughly? Think I should play hide and seek as I did beforehand for the rest of my life to see your beautiful foot, huh? Darling! " He prompts her intentionally knowing that the thing he asked her is the one she's too obvious at.

It's one of the things Quen caught out from her numerous occasions of starting to be nervous around him whenever he let his actual emotion flow. Likely even if he tries a little too hard she won't cross the level to least admit the effect he is having on her. On the other hand, Edwina has no clue what her hormones are doing to her.

The little bit she knows that she wasn't gonna say her change in her skin tone as well as her speeding beats of the little beast inside the cage. One thing Edwina knows for sure about Quen is that he likes to know the inner truth about him affecting her normal functioning and is stubborn to make her say it from her tongue. It may sound childish but it's what he wants from her right now. And she promised herself that she will not confess this matter shortly.

As the atmosphere of the garden is slowly turning and getting denser with the inclusion of romantic times indicating the twist of the day is to begin sooner. Quen silently enjoyed seeing the state she was in and was nowhere near easing her out because he needed her to open up as she did when they were best friends.

But still, they were but now a step higher like more than friends. And he cannot let her slip every time he makes the scenery air around them cozy and warm for only her to skip the turn of events that were to happen with.

But Edwina has something more in contrast to his thought and tries to speak casually as if she hadn't felt embarrassed a little back.

" Sheesh! Where are my manners? Thank you, my Prince. You are too lovely and sweet. And if I knew you pretty well, you must've been asking me right the moment to owe you a good time shortly. So, hurry on and say, my prince, whatever it is I will most definitely nod my head like a doll and make that happen." Though Edwina had said that in a calming tone yet blushing sweetly like a beetroot sauce, Quen saw that facade she wore on and knew very well that she was delaying the matter he asked before and looked beyond nervous inside the mask and was winning the game pretty well.

If he hasn't known her better he might think that she's being serious about what she is talking about.

All the offering Edwina offers is quite tempting to his liking, but he's never into making people uncomfortable.

" You, my dearest Elffy owe me dinnertime in yours or mine's nest. The choice is yours, honey." Clever him that he said what he is trying to do for years now. Elffy knew that he got what he wanted. Quen is being so stubborn for a long while to introduce Edwina as his beloved to his parents, the king, and queen of Elffenda.

Although they have already known her since childhood, only two seasons back they come to know about their bond budding as lovely birds.

Edwina isn't afraid or scared to admit that she loves their son, it's just that she's nervous as a black ant whenever the topic turns over to meeting her future in-laws. Even this time Quen indirectly proposed his long-term commitment to her by calling a dinner meeting with his parents. So, yeah now she's undercooked and shocked yet again by the words he uttered.

As she is under the influence of a shock treatment a distanced sound, not that, but more like a throaty laugh somehow managed to reach her deafened ears.

" Your looks define you as if you're left in an unknown world with only two choices for your survival. Prohibit no. one: no chocolates till your lifetime duration or Prohibit no. two: give up your love for Daisy flowers. There you go, so what's your say on this sugar cookie? " Yet he gets another reason to make her look like a complete bin of unmentionables.

With the look Edwina is giving nowhere near specific, Quen knows that he made her go through that situation yet again. He knows that she is a sucker for chocolates and is crazy for Daisy. He might look like a creep with a growing smile on his face.

And so, not to seem utterly rude, he blinks away the mischievous glint from his eye and masks a serious look towards her. Happening around Edwina, the scenario isn't something happening in her life. It's quite similar to it though.

" You really wanna start the day by saying no to your love, huh? Love? " Quen questioned again as a way to divert the change of subject by showing his signature smile. Right now, in this case, Edwina's mind alerts her to speak up thus he might leave her alone but her language isn't responding accordingly her body does a thing or two on its own to save her from embarrassing herself all over again by leaning over him, knowing very well that she isn't gonna say a word in this state.

And the truth is she can't always get to quarrel with this matter feeling grateful for her conscious act.

" Lead the way, my prince " Edwina mumbled so politely that might be compared to whispering if not for the opponent being the magical creature the usual might never hear a word she has uttered from the beginning.

Upon hearing the words she said Quen fist bumped in the air out of happiness but regained his beaming self before Edwina senses the state of happiness radiating from him as she now leaned on his chest hugging him slightly. Regaining his composer he cleaned his throat to voice the first thing he thought about the content of the matter.

" Glad that you got this message, Elfie. And if there was a change of circumstances I really wouldn't mind scooping you up on my shoulder and might carry you to wherever I pleased. So thank your charms, beautiful! " Quen said with a smirky smile adoring his face on seeing her perplexed expression which so ever gave him the way to yet another amazing idea for the rest of the dawn.

Without any further questions, Quen places his arms around her hip bone which caught Edwina by surprise,e and later tugs her on his chest with her frame standing iced in his sides and thereby making her walk along him through the valley of the garden street.

When Edwina finally gets to her senses, she mumbled a bit louder.

" Honestly, Quen. You are acting weirder than normal and your being normal is weirding me out. Care to explain it to me? '' Out of nowhere, a pretty good question erupts from her, whichever got Quen to go stuffed around her for a few minutes and a roll of laughter fills her ear... She awaits for his laughter to die down and it does but as he walks furthermore through the end of the valley only silence prevails aside them.

Which-so-ever makes her finally loosen up at the serene climate and thereby finally let herself go wherever the place Quen got his mind on...but yet his reply hasn't come up. Time dragged on making her eventually drop the silly quest. Once Quen feels the reduction of awareness over Edwina he relaxes as he walks her ahead.

Then and there, Edwina's gaze flickers to the flying colors surrounding them now were about to come to an end as the land ahead of them is adorned with greenery. And this meant to remind her of the little time they were having together was also gonna come to a finishing line too because there ain't any way these green patches were leading them to their respective nests.

But what made her question is the way Quen keeps on making her walk ahead, most definitely making her raise her brows in confusion. Quen on the other hand is remaining silent all along the walk awaiting for her voice to call him and the moment arrived for the dual time as she pulls his hand to let him know,

"Anywho, thanks a lot for the surprise and the long weekend walk Quen. It's good to spend time with you and I would love to be always with you. But the thing is hereby we needed to start hitting in the direction of the residency nest which isn't the way that we are on go now...

And I'm pretty sure that I owe you a good time tonight. Does it ring any bells? " Edwina blurts asinine, to which Quen laughs a throaty laugh and pulls her along the edges of the tree's trunk on the sidelines. And what she sees ahead gets her into a Surprise-O-Meter.

But Quen remains genuinely composed which doesn't surprise him that much at all. Like he thought the reaction he got from her by unveiling the secret passage which he found sometime back something that he guessed beforehand.

The scenery before them was a cave hole covered with varied flowering climbers threaded all over the cave's opening like a window sheet. The more she looked deeply around the corner the truths that got revealed were worth the try.

The flowers which adored were the Beauty-Flies sitting in each petal of leaves. Now and then a couple of flies would fly away and the vacant spot would be occupied by another set of Beauty Flies. Edwina got carried away as her legs on their own took her near the thread-like climbers and ceased her steps only when her hands came in contact with the illusional site before her. All she can sense is the presence of some richness-filled spell cast on these climbers.

It is an illusional thing because she can't get to pass through those showering flies. Suddenly a flute sound is heard, and instantaneously the climbers move aside like a passway for her to walk through.

" Fascinating charms!! " Saying, she jumped at the magic playing before her. When another flute sound arose the breezes around the corner gathered before her and gently held the remaining threads of climbers aside. Being an Elf Edwina should've been used to these tricks playing here and there. But here she still looks and acts like a hyper kid excited about seeing the things happening around her.

And she hears the laughter again. That's when she remembers that Quen too was present in this place and confirms her doubts that he was the one who played tricks on her because he was the one who gets to control the breeze and air. It's a family traditional heirloom kinda thing. When she turned around to face the person and all she saw was Quentin's intense gaze flickering deadly on her face. Don't know what else to do or say she smiles sweetly at him and raises a brow in question.

And she hears his calculated voice saying,

" My my... You never fail to surprise me. Do you? Cause every time I do or say things you seem to look and act like a newborn deer finding everything its eyes set on has a serene effect on it! " Quen said, grinning wide with pure amusement lacing in this tone and letting her dwell on the subject for some time.

Edwina grumbles underneath her nose by covering her face with her palms at her asinine. Around nowhere a voice spoke,

" And whenever you do that you're too cute to resist my heartthrobs, to hold you closer in my arms, and to never let you even a wee bit far from me. Come here, love!!! It's been ages since we had a lovely time. " Quentin's tone explained the seriousness of the situation and the words he said were driven deep down from his heart and he meant it when he said what he wanted right now.

Hearing his words, her body slightly shivers at the way he looks at her, and shifty turns around finding no will to stay rooted before him anymore, and shyly walks ahead the tunnel full of shimmering falls flowing on either side of the rock bridge where built-in with magnificence.

But what else has got her in this shivering state is the way he's smiling charmingly with his arms hugging his chest making his biceps bulge out as his chest looks slightly puffed and his other thingy which she can't find a reason to resist with.

As for Quen, he chuckled yet again on seeing her antics run away from him. And little did he know that he is no longer gonna give her any choices as he did before. And there ain't any choice left for her but to be stuck with him in the cave.

Somvanshiya Here! So far the story is going at a good pace! But nobody knows what might happen after this! Worry not, I'm an active writer, with promises to give you daily updates sometime twice! So motivate me with your Kind Gifts, Votes, Tags, and of course Comments and Likes.

Stay tuned for more!

Love you

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