
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · ภาพยนตร์
158 Chs

Ch. 133 - Revenge is not as sweet as expected

"Where am I? Who are you?" Odin sweated a bit as he didn't expect that the moment he stepped on the grounds of Midgard, he would suddenly be ambushed and brought to Hel.

"You are a Sorcerer, aren't you? Does Ancient One know about this?" Earlier, he saw the familiar portal and it made him remember about Ancient One, so he thought that someone under her was pulling the strings.

"Odin Borson." Suddenly, Odin felt a chilly breath behind him, mentioning his full name.

"Who are you?" Odin squinted his eyes at the walking figure however, the dust was clearly obscuring his vision.

It didn't take long for the figure to walk out of the clouds of dust, revealing Hela in her full glory.

"I have long waited for this moment." Hela muttered as she conjured two necroswords on both of her hands.

"Hela." Odin's eyes went wide as he muttered the name of her long lost daughter.

"What's the meaning of this? Frigga told me that you have softened, which is why I decided to visit. It turns out, you've been manipulating her so you could kill me. You haven't changed, Hela." As if he's a genius, Odin immediately formulated the 'plan' that Hela made just so she could make him come down and face her.

"You have grown senile." Hela shook her head as she sniffed in the air.

"I....could smell your fear. Out of so many people, I didn't expect to smell fear from you, Odin." As she said that, she pointed her necrosword at Odin.

"Fear? I've long abandoned such emotion. Fine, let's settle this. For the peace of the Nine Realms!" Odin then gripped his Gungnir as he channelled his Odinforce throughout his body, making him shine like a real God.

"Weak. Age has made you weak." Hela could feel that Odin's Odinforce has gotten weak.

"And so are you. Years of being sealed, I could tell that your connection in Odinforce has also gotten weak." Odin said as he assumed a stance.

"We'll see." Hela said as she didn't hesitate anymore and dashed towards Odin.


"50 bucks, Hela will win." Pietro said while putting $50 on the table.

"Pietro! Gambling is bad! Anyways, mine is on Odin, $60." Natalya reprimanded Pietro before shamelessly betting also.

"Yeah, I think Odin will win, I mean he's a Godking for a reason, right? And besides, he defeated Hela back then so perhaps the same will happen now." Wanda shrugged off her shoulders, to be honest, she hasn't seen that much on Hela. It's like she suddenly came out of the blue and became Doflamingo's wife.

"Really? Sigh, you guys underestimate Hela too much." Doflamingo shook his head in disappointment as he placed his credit card on the table.

"I bet $1,000,000,000 on Hela." The moment they heard Doflamingo's words, everybody except Matilda was wide-eyed.

"Seriously!" Pietro's eyes turned into a dollar sign as he was thinking of betting on Odin also.

"You're that confident, huh? I wish I had that too." Matilda muttered under her breath, however she was still heard by Doflamingo.

"Love problem? Let me guess, it's about Tony, right?" Doflamingo nudged Matilda with his elbow as she glared at him.

"It's not about him, it's me. I was hesitating on spending the rest of my life with him." Matilda said while looking down on the ground.

"I don't have any good advice to give you but, whatever your decision is. I'll always be on your side." Doflamingo then patted her head before turning his attention back on the fight.



Deflecting the Gungnir with her Necrosword, Hela then stabbed Odin with the other as it failed to penetrate through Odin's armor.

"Tch, fuck you and your runes." Hela used the curse that she learned on Midgard.

'What is fuck? Is that a spell? A curse maybe? I need to be careful!' Being oblivious to the language of the humans, Odin was clueless about the words of Hela and thought that it must be a battle oriented spell.

Using magic to manipulate the ground, the muds and stones encased themselves on Hela's feet as Odin used this chance to grab the Necrosword that deflected his Gungnir and launched a knee strike towards Hela's chin.

However, contrary to his expectations, Hela stood still as she just bent her head as little, without any injuries on her face.

"How?" Odin knows how strong his strikes are, so it's impossible for Hela to take it on without suffering any consequences.

"It's a gift from someone who truly loved me." Hela said with a smirk as the ring on her finger shines lightly.

It's the Ring of Power! And it's part of the reason why Doflamingo is confident that Hela would win.

Although without it, Doflamingo knew that she would still win against Odin as Odin is already way past his prime while Hela is just slowly getting back to her prime and perhaps growing even stronger than her prime self.

'Love?' Odin was shocked by Hela's words and as he was about to respond, Hela didn't give him the chance as it was her turn to give him a knee strike on his chin.


This time, Odin's chin was not protected by any armor or such, so his entire body was thrown away in the air as Hela threw both of the Necroswords on her hands to Odin's body that was still in the air.

Using his experience in battle, Odin managed to swerve his body slightly, just to make the Necroswords hit his armored body instead of his unprotected areas.

"Tsk." Hela clicked her tongue as Odin landed on the ground and threw the Gungnir towards her.

'This move. He wants to kill me!' Obviously, Hela knew this specific move of Odin, which is a technique that he always used whenever he would deal the finishing blow on his enemy or when he wanted to finish someone immediately.

"Rraahh!" With a war cry, Hela conjured a black shield in front of her and tried to defend herself from the Gungnir however, it just pierced through and Hela already expected this, she only intended to use the shield to give herself some time to sway her body a little bit, so the Gungnir would just pierce her side instead of her entire abdomen.

Gungnir is famous for being known as the weapon that never missed, in fact, she could dodge the Gungnir but that would make things more troublesome as the Gungnir would move on its own and would redirect itself towards her heart.

So, instead of making the Gungnir target her heart, she would rather let the Gungnir successfully hit her on her side instead of letting it redirect to her heart.


As the Gungnir pierced through her skin, it didn't fully penetrate her, thanks to the Ring of Power, making her skin more tougher than usual. Perhaps, if she wasn't wearing the ring of power, the Gungnir would've pierced through her body, forming a large hole on her abdomen.

"Impossible! That should've penetrated her body." Odin cast a glance on the ring on her finger and can't help but desire it for himself.

'That Ring gave her defenses like no other. Perhaps it is an artifact that someone gave to her.' Odin said to himself as he made a note to himself to take the ring for himself after he finished Hela.

Putting his hands in the middle, Odin tried to recall the Gungnir back to his hand but Hela had other plans for the Gungnir.

Despite being a brute, Hela also has experience when it comes to runes and the Returning Rune is easy to remove, so tapping her finger on the Gungnir, Hela successfully removed the Returning Rune from the Gungnir, making it impossible for Odin to recall it back to his hands.

"Despicable! I shouldn't have taught you Rune Magic!" Seeing the teachings that he taught to Hela back in the day being used against him, Odin felt bitter and regretted teaching Hela inside his heart.

"Maybe you shouldn't have made me into this. A bloodthirsty warrior!" Pulling the Gungnir out of her side, Hela used it like a javelin and threw it back to Odin with more force than the previous one.

"Fool! Gungnir recognizes me as its owner, it obviously wouldn't hurt me!" Odin mocked her as he just casually grabbed the Gungnir after it came close to him.

"I know but it's enough to distract you." Hela said with a smirk and soon, Odin felt pain behind him.

A large necrosword that seems to have pierced on the ground has penetrated him.

"Did you really think your armor could withstand my Necroswords? I purposely made it look as if it could defend itself from my Necrosword to make you rely on the armor but the truth is, the moment that you think you could defend from my Necrosword with your armor, that is your huge mistake." Hela then flicked her finger slightly as another large necrosword rose from the ground and penetrated Odin once again but this time, it penetrated him on his front.


Coughing up some blood, Odin could feel his Odinforce slowly leaving his body as his own life force and Odinforce is the same, so the moment his Odinforce is depleted, that will be the announcement of his demise.

"Any last words?" Casually playing with a small dagger on her hand, Hela confidently walked towards him with the intent to kill.

"I....wished I could've been a better father for you." With tears streaming down on his face, Odin looks like a poor old man that can be found in the streets.

Hela stopped in her tracks and lowered her head as she gritted her teeth.

"Always seeking redemption in your final moments. Better father? What good is wishing for that now? You were the one who cast me aside, banished me when I dared to challenge your reign. You chose to erase my existence from Asgard's history, labeling me as a monster!"

"I was simply blinded by my ambitions and the desire to maintain peace in the realms. But you must understand..." Despite being near to death (Is this a pun?), Odin still managed to utter a few more words.

"Understand? Understand that you feared my power, the potential I possessed. You were too weak to face your own creation. Instead of embracing me, you discarded me like a forgotten relic. I was your firstborn, Odin, your flesh and blood. And yet, you chose to raise Thor and Loki as your true heirs, denying me my rightful place." Hela soon stopped talking and Odin knew that his time had come, so he finally uttered his final words.

"I'm sorry for everything that I've done."


[Gimme some stenessss]

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