

A/N: I've thought over the Voldemort issue, and I believe I've found a solution. I can't kill off Tom Riddle. But, MC can make sure his quest for power is not as smooth as he'd hoped.

For starters, as you saw last chapter, he'll replace the important Horcruxes with fakes, so he can't destroy the magical objects.

The rest, you'll have to see.

Yes, HP plot will happen, but I don't think I'll write much on it. As for Cap America, you'll see. I've already made my mind up on that.

Thanks a lot guys, for all the comments, and help!


27th December 1934:

Sitting down in the chair in Salazar's room, I take the Diadem in my hand, and look at it. Taking a deep breath, I simply put it on my head, and black out.

"Well.. fuck." I say, looking around at darkness all around me.

I can see my body, hands, legs, but nothing else. Shrugging to myself, I pick a direction, and start walking.

About an hour of walking later I see a silver wisp ahead of me. Walking faster only moves that wisp away from me, though.

With a thought, I float above.. whatever I'm standing on, and move towards the wisp, which stays in it's spot.

"Mason Aves. So, you're the descendant who decided to take the Diadem." The wisp, which turns out to be the spirit of Rowena Ravenclaw, says.

Landing in front of her, I shrug, and say, "Well, yes. The Hat hinted that I might need this Diadem. Didn't tell me why though. He just said it'll help me in my control."

Rowena looks at me, and then circles around me. She stops back in front of me, and says, "You're good. Almost perfect Mental defences, and a pretty good handle on the mind arts. Your Psionics do need work though."

Pausing, she squints her eyes at me, and widens them. She whispers out, "Helena. So that's what happened to her. Yes, those calculations look accurate, and it'll work. But you'll have to do everything perfectly."

What. The. Hell. She read my mind like it's an open book! I did not even detect her!

"Oh, don't be surprised, child. I've had decades of practice, while you're still young." Rowena says, bulldozing through the conversation, while hearing my thoughts.

I ask, "What was the purpose of this Diadem? Is it for your rebirth or something?"

Rowena snorts at that, and says, "Children, always thinking the same thing. No, my child. While living again will be fortunate, this is not, as you're thinking, a soul container."

"Then?" I ask, prompting her to get to the point.

Rowena smirks, and says, "This Diadem was made so I can train my descendants properly. Never thought I'd get the chance to train my daughter too. Prepare yourself. Your training starts now."

And with that, she attacks my mind, this time making me feel where she is. Boy, what did I get myself into.

--- A month later---

"Maso~n! Why don't you just go out with me?" Dorea whines, sitting on my left, while I'm working on my homework. Biting her lips, she whispers, "Is it because you think I'm ugly?"

Ana and Darla have already left, leaving me to deal with Dorea. They'd already said that they're not getting in between this issue.

Putting my quill down, I pull Dorea's chin up, and as she looks hopefully in my eyes, I softly say, "Dorea, I've said it before. I already have a girlfriend."

"Yes, a girlfriend who doesn't exist! I've never seen you talk to anyone else in Hogwarts, and I know you spend most of your Summer in the Chamber. So, unless you join Ana and Darla in their fun time, in which case, I can just join you three, I don't see what girl you have as a girlfriend." Dorea bluntly says, staring straight into my eyes.

Goddamn. Thanks for that mental image, Dorea! Now I can't concentrate on my homework.

Clearing my throat, I say, "Sorry, Dorea. But no. I already have someone, and I refuse to lead you on, while I'm pining after that girl."

Dorea scowls, and slams her book shut. She says, "Well, then find her to accompany you when you're doing your homework. I'm leaving." And leaves, tears in her eyes.

I sigh to myself, and continue doing my homework. Was I wrong? I mean, I probably could have worded it better. But I'm not going to risk hurting Helena just so I can get laid.

Homework done with, I pack up my stuff and leave for the Chamber, by creating a portal in an isolated corridor.

The Rebirth Potion has been going well. I don't have to add anything for another month, but just stir it once every night, at exactly 12 AM. It's boring.

Getting inside the Potion lab, I'm met with Helena reading a book from Salazar's collection. Seeing me come in, she shuts the book, and says, "You like her."

I stumble, and almost drop my bag as she says that. I look at her, with fear in my eyes. I firmly say, "I love you, and I have loved you for these past 3 years."

Helena comes close to me and looks in my eyes. She smiles softly, and says, "Yes. But you like her too."

Gulping, not out of fear, but sadness, I say, "Helena, I promised you I will get you a body, and I'm not going back on it. But, you've helped me so much, that just getting you a body is not enough. I want to see you happy, for a change. Me liking Dorea will get in the way of that. So, I'm not acting on my feelings for her. I love you, Helena. I promise. I will not betray the trust you have in me by going after another girl."

Helena sighs, and sits down. She prompts me to sit in front of her, and says, "I have seen a lot of things in my.. death, I suppose. I've seen couples being happy alone, or with a baby to care for. I've seen two men being happily in a relationship, and I've seen two women being happy together. I've seen a couple add another man in between them, and still stay happy, and I've seen the couple add another girl and still stay happy. I've even seen 4 people be in a happy relationship."

Looking at my uncomfortable face, she asks, "Do you know why I'm telling you this?"

I shake my head, still sad about betraying her. She says, "If those people can stay happy with an additional person in their relationship, why can't we? You're willing to give up the girl you like for my happiness, why can't I accept that girl with open arms, for yours?"

"Huh?" is all I can say, when she says that, finally connecting the dots.

Rolling her eyes, she says, "I want to meet with her. Tomorrow. Bring her here when you come to meet my mother."

"Huh?!" I ask, again, for confirmation in what she's saying.

"Yes. I'm sure. I will decide then whether or not you can date her. If she disagrees with you courting both me and her, then you can court her instead of me. I will still be thankful for the body, and the second chance you're giving me." Helena says, and floats through the walls, leaving me sitting there in the room.

Did she just say what I think she said? She wants to meet Dorea? Well.. either I'm going to be the luckiest man in Hogwarts, or the unluckiest, depending on how it goes.

Shaking my head, deciding not to think about it for now, I move towards the secret compartment containing the Diadem. Time to go meet the mother in law again, I suppose.

"Welcome, My child. Ready for another lesson?" Rowena asks, as soon as I'm in the mental plane.

Nodding my head, I say, "As ready as I can be, I suppose."

Without any warning, she attacks my mind, this time, I feel only a faint sign of her being in my mind.

It's been going like this for the past month. She would attack my mind in many subtle ways, while I would try to find her. That's it. I had to find her presence in my mind.

But, now that I can feel her as soon as she enters my mind, she does not restart. She says, "You've managed the first step. Find the intrusion. Now, fight the intrusion."

Sighing, I simply get to work. I really hope that there's some reward to it other than just improving my mind.


The next evening, after my 6th Year classes are over with, and it's time for me to do my homework, I see Dorea sitting in our usual spot doing her homework.

As I tap her arm to gain her attention, she scowls at me, and begins gathering her stuff to leave the table. Shaking my head, I simply say, "Come with me. I'm taking you to meet someone."

"I don't want to come meet anyone, least of all with you." Dorea says, showing angry tears that were in her eyes.

Shaking my head, I say, "Please Dorea. You'll want to meet with this person, I promise. If you don't like them, you can just come right back up."

"Fine! Let's get this over with!" Dorea says, finally done packing her bag.

I see Ana and Darla coming into the Library. Darla asks, "Everything alright, Mason?"

I nod, and say, "Yeah.. I'll talk with you later. I have something important to do right now. Sorry, Darla."

Kissing her cheek, and doing the same for Ana, I take Dorea to an isolated corridor. Making sure no one's observing me, even using my new found scrying sense to use, I create a portal to the Chamber, and enter through it, Dorea following behind me.

Scrying sense is something I just developed on my own. Usually, wizards don't, and can't sense it when someone is scrying them, making it the perfect tool for spying. Not even the best Magic users can sense that.

My Psionic abilities allow me that benefit.

I've felt an eye on me many times since awakening that skill a couple weeks ago. Most of those times it was Dumbles or Dippet, keeping an eye on their investment. I made sure not to do anything suspicious during those times, other than reading medical books, and doing my homework. I have no idea, for sure, who the other person was, but I think I have a pretty good guess.

Thankfully, the Chamber is warded from scrying, and none of the teachers will ask me where I was during that time, as scrying on people has not been legal for 70 years.

Anyway, walking in, I pull Dorea with me, when she's reluctant to come forward. Once we're under the giant statue of Salazar Slytherin, I turn to her, and say, "This.. is something even more of a secret than my Animagus form. You can't tell anyone, not even your sister about it. Promise me."

"Fine. I promise, I won't tell anyone, not even my sister." Dorea says, rolling her eyes, but still crying a bit.

I know I hurt her, but I was in an uncomfortable situation too. She should understand my side too, you know.

For the first time since my 2nd year in Hogwarts, I enter Dorea's mind, to make sure she isn't lying.

'Where the hell is this person he wants me to meet? And why are they in the chamber? And why is he saying "they" instead of him/her? Does he not want me to know if it's a boy or girl, yet? Gasp! Is it a guy?! Oh, no, how can I be angry at him if it's a guy he's in love with! I can't be angry with him for being different!'

Okay, that's enough! Getting out of her head, trying not to laugh at her thoughts, I simply pick her up bridal style, making her go "eep", and blush.

"What are you doing, Mason?! I thought you had a girlfriend!" Dorea says, poking her fingers together, and blushing red.

Shaking my head, I say, "You'll see."

And with that, I slowly float into the air, and go towards the door to the Room.

"MASON! YOU'RE FLYING!" Dorea screams, in excitement, right in my ears.

Ow. I smile at her excited face, and turn to the empty face where the door is. I say, ~~Cunt! Let me in!~~ Goddamn Salazar.

As the door opens, Dorea looks at it in shock. It's the first time I've shown her this door, and it's only the 5th time she's even in the Chamber. The other times, our group had come together to practice transforming and being in our forms.

None of the girls had managed to practice in their house, as that would have gotten them in trouble if caught.

Entering through the door, I come at the end of the Living room, and knock on the door to the Potions Lab.

"Come in." Helena's voice says out loud, while I hear, 'She's looking at your butt, Mason.' In my head.

Turning towards Dorea, who's innocently looking at my face now, I sigh and say, "Come on in. But don't touch any of the potions."

Dorea comes in, and asks, "What is this place?" while looking around the lab.

Helena answers for me, and says, "This is Uncle Salazar's Potions Lab, Dorea Black. It's nice to finally meet you."

"You- you- you- you're the Grey Lady!" Dorea stammers out, and then exclaims.

Helena smiles, and comes close to her, while I sit in a corner to see how this goes.

Helena says, "My name is Helena Ravenclaw. Grey Lady is just the title the students gave me."

"Helena Ravenclaw? Like Rowena Ravenclaw?" Dorea asks, looking at me.

Helena pulls her attention back towards herself by moving Dorea's chin, which again makes Dorea shocked. She says, "Yes. I'm her daughter. This is the lab of Salazar Slytherin. And that is Mason Aves, a descendant of my sister, and Uncle Salazar, and the one whom you know as 'your Mason'. And I am what you know as 'Mason's hussy'. Pleased to meet you Dorea Black."

Mason's hussy?! Now that's just insulting.

"Pleased to meet you too." Dore mumbles, her manners kicking in subconsciously. She then widens her eyes, and takes a step back, and says, "Wait! You're a ghost! How can you and Mason even... do that!"

Helena chuckles sweetly, and says, "We haven't, as you put it, done that. But we do love each other a lot. Now, I want to ask you. Do you love Mason?"

"Of course I do!" Dorea shouts, as if insulted Helena even asked that question.

Helena looks her in the eyes, probably reading her mind, and then turns to me. She smiles, and says, "I like her Mason. I'm willing to share you with her, if she is."

Saying that, Helena turns back to Dorea, who looked shocked. A lot. Finally, it gets too much for her, and Dorea faints. Thankfully, I catch her with my telekinesis, and float her towards a Conjured coach.

"Did you have to shock the poor girl, like that?" I ask, scowling at Helena.

She simply chuckles, and returns, "You haven't seen in her mind, dear Mason. She was completely willing to share you with your other two friends, but no more than those two. Why don't you go back to your training while I explain everything to her?"

Sighing, I get up, and go towards the Diadem. Rowena is waiting, I suppose. Although, she's not going anywhere.


The next day, Dorea runs after me as I'm about to leave the Great Hall, and yells, "Mason!"

"Yes?" I ask, turning to her, while a few passer-by's look at us. Even most of the Great Hall turn to look at the noise, including the teachers.

Dorea clenches her hand, and says, "I thought about what happened yesterday, and I agree. I can't guarantee a perfect relationship, but I will keep your secrets."

Before I can say anything, Dorea gets on her toes, and pulls me down by my collar, and plants a firm kiss, with some tongue, right in front of everyone. We were right in front of the door so most of the teachers, and about 90% of the students see us kissing.

I close my eyes, enjoying the kiss, and pull Dorea close to me by her hips. About 20 seconds later, Dorea stops kissing, and smiles widely.

Turning to the students, she shouts, "HE'S MINE, YOU WHORES! DON'T EVEN TRY TI FLIRT WITH HIM NOW!"

"MS BLACK! 5 POINTS FROM SLYTHERIN FOR SUCH FOUL LANGUAGE!" Professor Merrythought shouts, but she has a smile on her face.

Huh? What's Dorea talking about? Girls never flirted with me. I would have known if they had. And why's Merrythought smiling? I enter her mind, thankfully undetected, and immediately sweat drop.

For fucks sake! They had a bet on who I would date?! What's next? Will I find out Darla and Ana were in on it too?!

Speaking of, Dorea joins the two on the Ravenclaw table, and the two hug her immediately.

I'll.. just leave. I can't handle any more shocks for now.


A/N: I'm not adding any other girl to this. Even writing two girls is something I'm going to have to figure out.

Now, he won't get too OP too soon, so no Sentry Serum, no infinity stone on his 20th birthday, stuff like that. But, he will not be weak.

As for HP side of things, as I've said above, he won't kill Tom. What he will do is replace the precious things tom used for Horcruxes.

While as an aspiring Doctor, he can't let Tom kill indiscriminately either, so he will stop Tom again and again. The rest, you'll have to wait and see.

As for the Basilisk, I'm still thinking on it. I don't need suggestions, I'll think for that one topic myself.

HP Plot survives!

HelloDarkness07creators' thoughts