
Marvel: Little Genius

Reborn in the Marvel world, becoming Tony Stark's illegitimate child and gaining all the wisdom of the mechanical prodigy Hiro Hamada from the Big Hero 6. This is a story about a mechanical little genius and his charming old man... ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · ภาพยนตร์
369 Chs

Chapter: 224

"I encountered some trouble in the real world, so I was delayed," Mark explained briefly, then looked at the looming Dormammu in front of him.

Seemingly sensing the abundant magic power within Mark, Dormammu ceased his collision with the Ancient One and stood in a standoff with the two.

"It seems like you have more trouble on your end. Why would Dormammu choose to attack Earth at this time? He should know that it's futile," Mark remarked.

Dormammu had coveted Earth for a long time, even before the Ancient One became the Sorcerer Supreme. Her vigilance against Dormammu had been ongoing for even longer. However, due to the Ancient One's immense power and the protection provided by the three major Sanctums left by Agamotto, Earth had maintained an undefeated record against Dormammu's invasions.

Perhaps due to the repeated failures, Dormammu realized that as long as the Ancient One was alive, his ambition to invade Earth had no chance of success. Gradually, he abandoned his policy of direct attack and resorted to manipulating young sorcerers through the use of the Kaecilius to achieve his invasion goals.

"We'll discuss that matter later. For now, help me repel Dormammu's current invasion," the Ancient One deflected Mark's inquiry, shifting the focus.

"Hmm?" However, from the Ancient One's voice, Mark could distinctly hear a hint of weakness, as if she had been injured.

"Is it because she got injured in the confrontation with Dormammu, or did Dormammu target her because she was already injured?" Mark wondered in his mind, but his body had already sprung into action.

Facing an entity like Dormammu, ordinary spells would undoubtedly be ineffective. Mark could only resort to the spells recorded in the "Book of Vishanti," as described in the book's pages. It contained the most powerful known white magic and defensive spells in the world, making it the perfect counter to beings from the Dark Dimension. Unfortunately, the spells recorded in the book were never meant for offensive use, only for defense.

However, in the current situation, using them to prevent Dormammu from continuing his attacks on Earth would be sufficient. After all, the Ancient One was injured, and even if they combined their powers, they couldn't defeat Dormammu at this moment. It was better to concentrate their efforts on full defense.

Indeed, with Mark's assistance, their coordinated defense left Dormammu unable to pose any threat. All of his attacks were nullified by the powerful defensive magic.

"Hmph, I took a short nap and didn't pay attention to Earth's situation. And now, Kamar-taj has produced yet another supposedly powerful sorcerer, lucky for you, Ancient One!

But boy, even if you don't sacrifice yourself in protecting Earth and manage to live a long life of a hundred years, what does it matter?

A hundred years is merely a flick of my finger to me. As for the Sorcerer Supreme by your side, hahaha, don't be deceived by her youthful appearance—she's also a centuries-old monster. Do you want to know how she achieved that?"

"Shut up, Dormammu! You won't fool him with your tricks and manipulation," the Ancient One interrupted Dormammu's speech with a loud shout, then looked at Mark with concern, afraid that he had fallen for Dormammu's words.

However, Mark gave the Ancient One a reassuring look and gestured for Dormammu to continue speaking.

"Weren't you curious why I chose to launch a direct attack on Earth? It's because the esteemed Sorcerer Supreme, who has always presented herself as righteous and pure, sustained an injury while harnessing the power of the Dark Dimension.

It was this opportune moment that I seized upon to take action. However, I never expected that Kamar-taj would produce such a powerful sorcerer like you, foiling my plans.

The Ancient One secretly draws power from the Dark Dimension to prolong her life and maintain her agelessness.

Boy, as you can see, the power of the Dark Dimension is immensely strong. It can bestow eternal life upon every living being. And I will generously grant this opportunity to every person on Earth, including you. All you have to do is let go of the restrictions and allow me to descend upon Earth. What do you say, boy? I can see in your eyes the yearning for immortality—"

Dormammu's voice was filled with temptation and seduction, making it difficult to discern whether it was his natural eloquence or if he had deployed magic to confuse and bewitch.

However, it's not to say that Mark, as a time-traveler who knew the original storyline, would be swayed by Dormammu's words. Dormammu was underestimating him.

"Dormammu, it's true that I long for eternal life..."

Upon hearing Mark directly admit his desire for immortality, the Ancient One's heart tightened, and she began casting a spell, preparing to subdue him and single-handedly battle Dormammu.

However, Mark's next words interrupted the Ancient One's actions, and she relaxed.

"But I will achieve that dream through my own efforts, using scientific means. I don't need your charity.

Besides, power itself isn't inherently good or evil. In the hands of a righteous individual, even the power of the Dark Dimension remains just. And as for ambitious evildoers like you, even if they wield white magic, it doesn't change the darkness within their hearts.

Moreover, I believe in the principle of equivalent exchange and don't expect a free lunch from heaven. You underestimated me if you thought you could deceive me with such childish words!"

"Boy, it seems I underestimated you indeed. Indeed, achieving such remarkable feats in magic at such a young age, how could you possibly be an average individual?

But as long as you yearn for immortality, I believe there will come a day when you bow down to me. The fear of death is not easily overcome. Remember, I welcome you to join the Dark Dimension at any time—hahaha..."

After speaking, Dormammu retreated into the depths of the Dark Dimension, and the boundary between the two dimensions gradually separated. It was clear that Dormammu realized the situation was unfavorable and chose to withdraw.

"Thanks for coming to help, Mark. What Dormammu said just now... it's all true. I didn't intend to keep it from you; I planned to tell you the truth after our battle ended..."

The Ancient One explained apologetically to Mark, but he extended his hand and interrupted her.

"You don't need to explain, Sorcerer Supreme. You have protected Earth for hundreds of years, shielding it from magical invasions. That's the best explanation and proof.

And what I said to Dormammu just now is truly what I believe. Power itself has no inherent morality; it is the users who determine whether it is good or evil."

"Thank you for your trust—" the Ancient One didn't say much. She knew that from this moment on, she had gained a companion who could share the burden with her, someone to fight side by side.

"Don't mention it. I also live on Earth, and I have taken on the responsibility of being a guardian. Protecting the safety of Earth is my duty.

Enough talk. Let me heal your injuries. Don't resist—"

Mark controlled his nanobots to enter the Ancient One's body, activating the runes and helping her heal her injuries.

If it were the nanobots before the upgrade, Mark wouldn't have been able to heal the Ancient One, especially if she had sustained magical injuries. However, with the assistance of the runes, whether it was physical or magical damage, it was easily overcome. As his father said, "Use magic to defeat magic."

After healing the Ancient One's injuries, Mark bid her farewell, saying, "Earth's technological side is currently facing a major crisis that requires my assistance. I have to go."

"Understood. Although Kamar-taj shouldn't intervene too much in matters of technology, if there's a place where you need my help, feel free to ask. After all, I owe you a debt of life."

"Don't worry, it's a small matter!" After speaking, Mark stepped into the portal and returned to the New York Sanctum .


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~Marvel: Little Genius (MLG) - +165 advance chapters & 2 Chapters/Day

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