
Marvel: Little Genius

Reborn in the Marvel world, becoming Tony Stark's illegitimate child and gaining all the wisdom of the mechanical prodigy Hiro Hamada from the Big Hero 6. This is a story about a mechanical little genius and his charming old man... ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Movies
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369 Chs

Chapter: 225

"Baymax, how's the situation?"

In order to deal with the threat brought by Dormammu, Mark has spent a lot of time at the dimensional border. He now wants to know how far Fury's plan has progressed.

"Master, the plan is going smoothly. Director Fury has successfully completed his undercover mission by faking his death. He has now been transferred to a safe house by Agent Hill and has received an injection of highly concentrated nutrient solution for physical recovery. He is expected to regain consciousness in about 5 hours.

As for Captain, he has been falsely accused and persecuted by HYDRA and is now on S.H.I.E.L.D's wanted list, currently on the run."

"It seems that things are progressing relatively smoothly, and everything is going according to plan. However, I still need to provide some assistance to Captain. I don't want our hidden orbital weapon to be exposed prematurely because of HYDRA.

Where is Captain now?"

"According to the tracking of the city's surveillance cameras, Captain is currently operating together with Agent Romanoff, located in the central shopping mall. They plan to use the computers on the mall's counters to decrypt the information left by Director Fury."

"Great. Establish a connection to the computer they are using through the network. Baymax, your task is to help block any tracking programs on the drive and monitor the situation around the mall. If anyone resembling an agent appears, immediately send me an alert."

"Understood, Master. Establishing a secure line for you. Communication connection has been established successfully."


"This drive has a Level 6 positioning system. Once activated, S.H.I.E.L.D. will be able to locate our position."

Inside an Apple store in the mall, Natasha explained to Captain in front of a display table.

"How much time do we have?" Captain asked.

"About nine minutes," Natasha replied, connecting the drive to the computer.

[Now you can check the files in the drive with confidence. I have helped you isolate the positioning system in the drive. ]


The sudden appearance of the text on the computer screen startled both the already tense Captain and Natasha. Fortunately, their strong mental resilience prevented them from attracting the attention of the surrounding store employees.

[Sorry to scare you, Captain and Agent Romanoff, I'm Baymax. The master sent me to assist you in tracing the truth. The positioning system and encryption system in the drive have been cracked by me. You can check it with confidence. ]

After reading the new text and seeing Baymax's virtual image on the computer, Natasha patted her chest and said, "That scared me! I told myself that although my computer skills are not exceptional, I shouldn't have been traced so quickly. But if Mark is here to assist us, things will be much simpler."

"You're right. When Fury came to see me, he mentioned that he had been in contact with Mark before. He told me that if I needed help, I could go to New York to seek assistance. But I didn't expect to be pursued by S.H.I.E.L.D. now. It won't be easy for me to get to New York."

"Yeah, life is unpredictable. Who would have thought that a spy like me would be working under the banner of the World Security Council, while the WWII hero and the symbol of national spirit, Captain America, has become a fugitive? Who could have imagined that?" Natasha teasingly joked with Captain.

"Baymax, what does the content of these files represent? They seem to be program codes."

After opening the folder that Baymax had decrypted, Natasha was completely puzzled by the chaotic letters and symbols. She immediately sought Baymax's help.

[To be precise, this is a set of algorithms for predicting personal future behavior based on big data. Based on this set of algorithms, person with potential threats can be identified and eliminated by the Helicarrier.]

"This is the truth of [Insight Project]!!" Upon seeing Baymax's explanation, Captain, who had previously discussed [Insight Project] with Nick Fury, immediately understood.

"But even so, it doesn't explain why S.H.I.E.L.D. agents would betray Fury." After learning the truth, Captain became even more puzzled about Fury's attack.

[This is because the S.H.I.E.L.D senior management has actually been completely infiltrated by the people of HYDRA. The assassination of Director Fury was orchestrated by all HYDRA people lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. ]

"What!? This can't be. I already destroyed HYDRA before I fell into the ice. Why are they still present within S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Captain's face was filled with shock upon seeing the message provided by Baymax.

Beside him, Natasha also felt somewhat incredulous, or rather, she was unwilling to believe it. She had some understanding of the Operation Paperclip that occurred after World War II, where S.H.I.E.L.D. recruited many strategically valuable HYDRA scientists to expand its scientific team.

But in Natasha's understanding, she had always believed that she was working for the side of justice. Every completed mission was a kind of redemption for her past, and it was with this belief that she faced danger, survived again and again, and accomplished challenging tasks.

However, if everything she had done in the past was not for justice but merely serving HYDRA, it would negate all her values. At the same time, everything she thought was redemption would turn into new guilt, becoming an unshakable nightmare.

In the silence between the two, another text appeared on the computer screen:

[If you don't believe it, then Captain, you can go to Camp Lehigh, New Jersey to verify it. This is where the program originated, as well as the place where S.H.I.E.L.D was originally established. ]


"Baymax, how is the situation with Captain and the others?"

Inside the laboratory, Mark was fine-tuning the circuitry of a device, and to his left, a portal remained open, connecting to the Sanctum in New York.

Inspired by the original storyline, where Doctor Strange had once opened a portal and maintained it in his basement, Mark also opened such a portal, connecting his laboratory in Los Angeles to the Sanctum in New York. This way, he could focus on both research and missions.

"They have already gone to New Jersey to verify the HYDRA situation, but it seems that there is an artificial intelligence program within the military base's servers. I couldn't infiltrate it, so I had to block all its external network channels."

"Well done. It seems I need to accelerate the production progress. I don't want them to arrive while the new equipment I prepared for them is still unfinished.

By the way, how is the progress in the production room in the basement? Only when that thing is completed can I confidently entrust you with overseeing everything at the Sanctum in New York without being distracted."

"The basic framework has been assembled, but it will still take another three hours to complete."


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