
Infinity War Saga V: Mind Stone; Avengers regroup on Earth


Walking down the beautiful streets of the town, a couple could be seen holding hands with happy smiled etched on their faces.

However the next moment, the man, a handsome man about thirty years of age suddenly stopped and clutched his forehead reeling in pain. His woman, a young beautiful woman with dark red hair rushed to him and gently massager his forehead, as the pain subsided in a while, before she kissed him lightly on the head.

The next moment, both of them were about to walk away when a long spear instantly ripped abdomen the body of the man, as his body morphed into that of a red skinned alien in a suit of armor with a golden gem on his forehead.


His woman couldn't help but cry out and turned around only to see a humanoid alien holding onto a long spear coated with the blood of her beloved. She instantly held out her fingers about to attack when her body was hurled flying through a building by an attack from another female looking alien holding onto two short rods.

Before both of the aliens could realize, the red skinned man suddenly flew at impressive speeds and crashed into the body of the male alien, sending him flying, as the female chased behind...


After a few minutes of intense clashes, the red skinned man and the dark haired woman were both hurled flying through the glass roof a large mausoleum near a train station and crashed into the ground.

The male alien with the spear immediately rushed forward, wanting to put an end with the battle when he sensed a foreign presence right near the train station.

He then turned around only to see a familiar face, a handsome man dressed in a suit of armor walking towards them with a murderous gaze.

Right as the man made his entrance, another figure crashed through the roof, dressed in a falcon suit with large metallic wings behind his back.

He instantly rushed forward, crashed together with the alien male, engaging him in a fierce bout of combat.

Seeing two of their old teammates coming to their aid, Wanda and Vision couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

The alien female was about to rush towards the newcomer, Steve Rogers, Captain America, when a silvery blue blur of light instantly crashed into her body and sent her flying a few meters.

The blur then blasted forward at immense speeds and arrived before the trio in a split second. "Are you okay sis.?" A young man dressed in a light blue sweatshirt and black jeans with short silver hair materialized and looked at Wanda with concern.

"I'm fine Pietro, but vision is injured. We need to get him to safety.." She said and allowed Vision to lean in on her as she supported him.

Sam Wilson, one of the newest members of the Avenger team who went by the moniker, the falcon arrived before his teammates and folded his wings, as the aliens regrouped.

"Lord Thanos, our father has sent us here to retrieve the stone. We are not leaving till we have it in our hands.." Proxima Midnight of the Black Order pointed her rod at Vision, as her mate, Corvus Glaive readied himself for battle.

The next moment they rushed forward at full speed, unleashing multiple attacks towards them.

"Wanda, take care of Vision, we'll take these guys.." Cap spoke and instantly bolted forward and intercepted Proxima Midnight, along with Sam, while Pietro on his own fought off Corvus Glaive while moving his body at hypersonic speed.


Proxima Midnight was strong, but she was no match for the combined attacks of Cap and Sam, and was sent flying from well timed kicks from the both of them.

She steadied herself in and was about to rush forward when two needles wrapped in a thick lightning current stealthily pierced her back as she roared in pain and fell to her knees.

The next moment, a familiar figure dressed in a sleek black suit landed before them with two batons strapped to her thighs like a ninja.


"You miss me Rogers?"

The newcomer, a redhead beauty who wore a beautiful silver chain on her neck turned to them and smiled before she bolted towards Proxima Midnight and engaged the alien fighter in close combat.

Meanwhile Pietro was completely dismantling Corvus Glaive with lightning fast attacks. Although Corvus Glaive was fast, far faster than the average man, his speed was only a tiny fraction of Pietro's hence he couldn't even react to his movements not to take of blocking his attacks.


Pietro landed a kick to his side, before unleashing dozens upon dozens of punches all enhanced with his immense momentum, all in a split second, before he sent him flying with another punch.

Glaive was hurled back with his body bent forward like a shrimp as he smashed through multiple pillars and puked blood.

Before he could even steady himself, Pietro appeared before him in a split second, before he thrust his hand which was vibrating at hyper speed right into the chest of the seasoned assassin, which made him puke blood on the spot.

"You didn't see that coming?" Pietro smirked, and removed his hand, as Glaive's lifeless body crashed into the ground.

'This move is so effective. No wonder Duke said to use it as a last resort..' He smiled before blasting away at top speed.

Meanwhile, Proxima Midnight was getting destroyed by the combined attacks of three skilled humans.

Cap landed a lightning fast punch kick combo, as Sam reached forward with an uppercut, and Nat pushed her back with a blow to the head from her baton.

Before the alien could realize, Pietro swooned in in a second with a flying side kick which instantly hurled her flying towards the corpse of her partner, while coughing out blood.

"You might have stopped us this time, but Lord Thanos will set his foot on your world soon, bringing with him judgment.." Midnight wiped the blood from her lips, before both her and Glaive's bodies were seized by a bluish light and were teleported to their ship and disappeared.

"What the hell was that?" Sam blurted out and looked at the rest of the team who were almost as clueless as he was.

"It's the reason why I'm here." Nat sighed and gently caressed the chain on her neck. It was a symbol of her man's undivided attention and care for her, a symbol of their love.

"Stark informed Duke of an incoming threat and knowing my husband, he rushed off to save the world, however both of them seem to have gone missing and I need to find him."

She spoke again, as the others looked on confused expressions.

"She's right. Stark and Duke have left the face of the Earth and are currently in space." Suddenly a glowing portal materialized in their left as a figure in casual clothes walked out with a serious expression.

"Bruce?" Cap and Nat blurted our at the same time, as Bruce sent a small smile towards them.

"I don't know where exactly in space Duke, Stark and the wizard are, but it seems Thanos is coming to earth for the mind stone. We need an army Cap, or else the earth is done for.." Bruce sighed and spoke as the others frowned.

"I know someone.." Cap smirked before he took out a small phone from his pocket.


Within the deep expanse of space, a large round ship was moving to unknown destinations at immense speeds.

"Stark have you figured how to operate the ship?" Within the interior of the vessel, a middle aged man in a sweatsuit stood in the control center, studying the buttons of the ship with a youth in a metallic suit.

"You know what would be useful to us right now, wizard?" The man, Tony Stark stopped and turned around to face the man dressed in blue robes with a red flowing cape.

"What?" The sorcerer asked with a frown. "Silence. A little bit of peace and quiet should do the trick...now stand aside.." Stark spoke and pushed his aside with his arm, before returning to work.

Another young man with neck length messy silver hair dressed in a tank top, grey sweatpants and shoes with a round metallic device on his chest smirked while sitting quietly.


Suddenly, the entire ship shook from an impact as they staggered for a moment.

"Freeze!" The next second, multiple figures rushed into their ship out of nowhere and surrounded them. Duke instantly pressed on the round metallic object on his chest at super speed, before a sleek red suit covered in yellow lightning streaks instantly covered his body.

Time slowed down drastically in his eyes, as he took a step forward, birthing golden blue lightning from within his body which began to spread in al directions as sparks lit up.

He instantly incapacitated one of the intruders who was an female alien dressed in a green suit of armor and pinned her against the wall, with a short blade formed from his suit pointing to her neck.

"Freeze." His voice resounded, as the intruders looked on in shock, seeing their teammate incapacitated in a split second. However one of them immediately grabbed Peter who was distracted and pointed a futuristic gun at his head.

"Where is Gamorah?" He tapped on the side of his head as his cowl retracted revealing the face of a thirty year old man with short blonde hair, as he nudged the youth's head with his gun.

Stark instantly suited up, and Dr. Strange was no slouch either. Two magic circles formed under his fist as he readied himself for battle. Stark then pointed his energy thrusters towards another member of their group who was an alien with rough brown skin.

"I'll do you one better. Who's Gamorah?" Stark asked while readying his energy thrusters. "I'll do you one better, why's Gamorah?" The humanoid alien with the rough skin replied, as Stark, Dr. Strange and Duke raised their eyebrows.

"We attacked you because we thought you were Thanos' soldiers . This space vessel belongs to his army." The lady in the green suit with tentacles who had been incapacitated by Duke suddenly spoke, as Duke released her with a sigh.

"We are not Thanos' soldiers. In fact, we're trying to stop him ourselves, but we need to sue this ship to get back to our planet before he can retrieve more of the stones from our planet.." Dr. Strange spoke, as the man holding Peter in his custody relaxed and pushed him away.

"I don't if you guys have forgotten, but you know I can just open a space time portal right to earth right?" Duke retracted his suit and spoke with a laugh.

"And you've been quiet this whole time?" Stark felt like he was about to get a heart attack. "I thought you wanted silence?" Duke smirked. "Not cool man.." Stark facepalmed.

"Anyway, I think Thanos is going to come after the Space stone and Time stone before he goes to earth." Duke spoke and sat on a piece of metal.

"And why is that?" Peter retracted his cowl and asked. "Because he's gone to Vormir with Gamorah." The man with the gun, Quill, spoke with a frown.

"Besides a battle between Thanos and us on earth would be devastating to the planet. We could wait on a different planet and lay ambush for him." Duke chipped in and spoke, as Strange and Stark nodded.

A/N: Sorry for the late update. I think I want to bring this ff to an end so I'll be updating more often in future.