
Civil War II

"We can help you Hank. We know you've lost a lot. Remember what happened with Jean? Remember how dozens of people died, including Janet! We can stop all of this if you just step back!" Reed spoke, as he took a step forward.

"Fuck you!" Dr. Hank roared out. His wife's name was his taboo. "Cease him." Reed sighed, and immediately, Dr. Strange moved. He began to form a hand seal, as a magic circle appeared before him. Instantly several golden ropes materialized and shot towards Duke and Dr. Hank. Duke's eyes began to crackle with lightning, but right when he was about to blast off, a round blue shield came flying from behind him and smashed into Dr. Strange who was unguarded, causing the spell to collapse.

The next second, a familiar figure in a blue suit landed in front of them and caught the shield, before flashing them a small smile.

The next minute, several figures landed before them. Duke recognized some of them, as a small smile formed on his face.

The figures whom Duke could recognize were Natasha, but with a white hair color instead of red and Clint.

Apart from them, there was a woman in a black sleek panther suit, a fierce looking man in a yellow and black wolf costume with long sharp claws appearing from his knuckles.

There was also a man in a blue and red spider suit who was glaring at Tony Stark. If Duke didn't know any better, he would think there was some sort of cosplaying event going on around. There was also a tall well built green skinned woman in a revealing purple and white costume. She looked like a sexy and calm female version of the Hulk.

"Look here guys we're not here to fight. We all know what happened when we tried to fight off the avatar of the Phoenix Force. Duke here just wants to go back to his earth, there's no need for us to try to fight him." Cap said, as he turned around and looked at Duke.

"I heard from Jean herself that he was sent here to try to free her. " Namor clapped back at Cap, as Duke rolled his eyes. "And you don't think she's trying to manipulate you? How stupid are you?" Duke spoke, as Namor squinted his eyes and clenched his fists.

"Even if you're not, you're too dangerous to be left running around in the multiverse. Who knows if you'll get corrupted like Jean and try to destroy the multiverse one day."

Tony Stark chipped in as he retracted his head gear and looked straight at Duke. "This is madness Tony, and you know it. Not everyone is like Jean who'd allow herself to be corrupted by the Phoenix Force." Cap said, as Tony rolled his eyes. "This was exactly the same attitude you had and then Thanos happened!!" Stark roared.

"Enough! The Illuminati have already decided. He's too dangerous to be left wandering the multiverse." Reed spoke, as a small blue stone appeared on his chest. "An Infinity stone huh. A bunch of power hungry hypocrites." Wolverine roared out, and bared his sharp teeth, as spider man sighed as he looked at Tony. The only emotions he felt towards his mentor and father figure now was just pure and absolute disappointment.

Duke chuckled as he took out a small tube like structure from his pocket, tapped on it and instantly, a his suit appeared which he grabbed and put it on at hyperspeed. He was never one to shy away from battles. He wasn't scared even if the opponents had infinity stones in their arsenal because in his opinion, the Speed Force was stronger than any infinity stone in the multiverse.

Dr. Hank also smiled and picked up a small tube from his pocket. With a smile, he tapped on it, as the suit latched on his skin and began to form around his body, like Tony's suit.

"This is the last warning, stand down!" Tony's helmet instantly formed around his head, as a golden stone materialized on his chest.

Dr. Strange also formed a hand seal, as the strange jewel tied around his neck opened up to reveal a green glowing stone. "Two more Infinity Stones? The infinity stones are supposed to be used to safeguard earth, but you guys want to use it on us? We're only trying to help you guys realize the right thing!" Spider-Man roared out, as he got into a stance.

Duke immediately sped up his perception, as he began to examine and evaluate the other team's fighters. First off, in their lead was Reed Richards, whom Dr. Hank had deemed the smartest man alive. He could stretch his body, and had the Space Infinity stone in his arsenal. Their second leader was Tony Stark whose iron suit was far advanced compared to the one on his earth, coupled with the mind stone.

The next was the sorcerer with the eldritch magic and the time stone. He was the most dangerous in the team, and Duke didn't know if he could even take him down. Aside from them was the stupid fish man whom Duke was planning on taking out first.

After him was Sue, whom he had met earlier. At the moment he didn't know what her powers were. Beside her was a fiery man whose entire body seemed to be made out of flames. And beside him was a monster made out of stones....

"We are safeguarding the earth, by taking him down." Stark spoke, as he powered up his suit. "Nat, Clint, I leave Sue and Johnny to you. Jennifer take out the thing. Logan, Shuri, try to distract Strange for as long as you can. Hank, Parker you guys take out Reed and uhh Duke, go easy on Namor, after that, head out to help the others. I'll handle Stark." Cap spoke and readied himself.

The next second, no one made a move as they all kept examining their opponents. "Attack!" Reed roared out, as Stark moved first. He powered up his suit and blasted a beam of energy towards Cap, which he blocked with his shield. The next second both of them clashed, as Stark grabbed him and flew out with him.

Dr. Strange began to perform a set of hand seals, however, Shuri, the girl in the panther suit and Logan in the wolf suit appeared before him. Both of them rushed towards him and engaged him in combat. Dr. Strange was not someone who had much experience in close combat, and could perform better in long ranged fights, however, Logan and Shuri were always closing the distance to him, making it difficult to cast any spells.

Nat and Clint fought valiantly against Sue and Johnny however even with their experience, they still felt short to the fantastic four teammates who could control Force fields and flames respectively.

Jennifer or She Hulk was going at it with the thing. Both of them exchanging blows that would crush an ordinary human into meat paste without holding back.

Jennifer proved to be stronger and faster, as her very move coupled with her durability pushed the thing back several steps. Hank and Spider man quickly intercepted Reed Richards. Although Reed could stretch himself, Spider man's webs and sheer strength coupled with Hank's ability to shrink or enlarge wasn't something he could go against, unless he used the space infinity stone.

The fight quickly escalated, as the lab was torn to shreds and several buildings collapsed.

"You dare to mock me? The King of Atlantis?!" Namor roared out, as Duke appeared before him in a burst of lightning. "Shut up stupid." Duke chuckled, before he blasted forward, reaching Namor in a split second, with his body covered in lightning. Namor couldn't even react before he saw a lightning bolt appear before him in a split second. The next moment, a massive amount of force smashed into his body sending him flying.

Speeding up his perception, Duke chuckled as he spotted Namor paused in the air, near a tall building. He instantly blasted forward, several bolts of lightning jolting off his body, as he ran atop the building, grabbed him by the neck and smashed him into the building, as he ran.



.......Earth 199999, Waverly, Iowa....

Within a small farm house in an isolated location in the United States of America, several figures sat around a table in silence. Some of them looked bruised and battered, as some had regretful expressions on their faces.

They were the members of the Avengers, who had taken a time out after the fight with Ultron and the Hulk situation at Johannesburg.

Nick Fury stood before them with a frown as a digital screen appeared before them.

"Alright people, let's talk about the situation at hand. " Fury spoke. "What's there to talk about? We got out assess handed to us, literally." Clint appeared with his son Cooper on his shoulder as he spoke bitterly.

"I think we should address the two uhhh speedy situations. We lost the fight mainly because of them." Cap sighed, as Stark nodded. "You think it's Duke?" Nat looked at the unnatural expression on Cap and Tony's faces and said. "It's the only plausible explanation Nat." Stark spoke, as Banner nodded.

"It's not." Thor and Clint spoke together. "What do you mean by that?" Banner asked.

"I saw the face of the other guy speedy, uhhh the one without the scary suit." Clint spoke. Although his hair was silver like Duke, I saw his face, it wasn't him." Clint spoke as he took out a bottle of beer from his fridge and drank.

"Clint's right. Those twins, the fast guy and the girl with the magic powers, they're Pietro and Wanda Maximoff. Children of Eric Maximoff aka Magneto from the brotherhood." Fury tapped unto the digital screen as two faces appeared. "I had Mariah do a background check on them."

The next second, Tony heaved a sigh of relief. He obviously didn't want Duke to become his enemy. "So what about the other guy? The one in the scary suit?" Clint asked.

"Sigh. I think I know him." Thor said as he gestured towards Clint who handed him a beer.

"When I was a kid, my mum used to tell me stories of a God worshipped by the dark elves. They called him Savitar, a being who loved to enslave whole planets and women. He was known to move at light speed, and he looked exactly as he did now, from the stories my mum told me. One day, when the All Father went into a deep sleep after defeating the Frost Giants, my birthday, he broke into Asgard's treasury and stole the Space Infinity stone, but he was chased down by Hermod who was Asgards God of Speed.

In the end, Hermod was brutally killed and disembodied, and we never heard of him again, until now." Thor said, as he downed his beer rapidly. "So why is he here?" Fury asked.

"Apparently, he claims Loki stole the Space Infinity stone from him and he's here to take it back, along with the planet." Thor answered.

"But something wasn't right." Thor said as he frowned. "When we fought, he wasn't as fast as the stories portrayed him to be. He wasn't even as fast as Duke was the day I fought him, so I don't understand how he could've killed Hermod." Thor sighed and said.

"So now what? we have to face, a uhhh horny God from myths, a suicidal robot and the son of the Worlds most notorious mutant?" Tony asked as he facepalmed.

"Never thought I'd say this, but I kinda miss Duke. If he was here, this fight would've been a walk in the park." Clint sighed and said.

"Guys during the whole umm illusion thing from the witch, I saw something." Nat said, which startled the others. "I saw Duke." She added. "Bruce was right. He's not dead. But he's uhh in a different world where everything is the same just like it is here but different."

She tried her best to explain, as Cap, Clint, Thor and Fury looked on with confused gazes. "What do you mean?" Fury asked.

"She means he's on a parallel dimension or a different earth." Banner chipped in.

"Thanks Bruce. That made it even worse." Stark rolled his eyes. "What they're trying to say is, he's stuck in a different world which is identical to ours, and with versions of ourselves living in that world, except, those versions of us don't know him." Stark said, as the others nodded.

"Exactly, but the thing is, theyre trying to kill him." Nat said, as everyone raised an eyebrow.

A/N: Sorry for not posting yesterday. Just got back to school. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Lightspeed's suit looks like Savitar from the CW flash series.