
Marvel: Electro

Jack, a police officer, dies at the hands of his own fellow police officers after offending a wealthy businessman. As he lay dying, he wasn't angry with them, but strangely, he felt jealous of the rich businessman. He envied his power and the ability to manipulate people to his will. Jack yearned for that kind of influence, the power to stand in a position where he could accomplish anything and control anyone. However, he was killed before he could achieve his goal. Yet, fate granted him a second chance when he was reincarnated into the Marvel Universe as Electro. **** This is going to be an AU where things don't follow the original timeline of MCU, but majority of the plot will be based on the MCU.

DivineLordOfSloth · ภาพยนตร์
25 Chs

Chapter 6

Fury enters the motel room, wary of his surroundings. Vers looks at him and asks Max, "Are you sure he can help me find her?"

"Well, we did make quite an impression on him, but he should help us once he hears your story." Max says.

Max then turns to Fury and says, "You should turn off the intercom and take a seat."

Fury replies, "I ain't doing any of that. Just start talking."

Vers then tells him who she is, who the Skrulls are, and why she is looking for a woman who might be crucial.

Fury is overwhelmed by the information and says, "Hold on a damn minute. That's a lot to take in. So, you're saying these green aliens freaks go around invading planets by shapeshifting into the natives and taking over. How many of them are on this planet?"

Vers replies, "They are very few in number after the war with the Kree Empire. There should be around 20 of them here."

"Damn. So, how do we tell which one of us is the alien freak and which one is normal?" Fury asks and Vers explains the DNA and memory tests.

"Why did you bring this shit to our planet? Aren't you the Kree Starforce, the saviors of the galaxy?" Fury says.

Vers replies, "Like I said, they are after a woman from this planet who has invented a light speed engine. We have to get to her before they do."

Fury says, "Light speed engine! Did they watch our sci-fi movies and think they were real?"

Max says, "Just find this woman named Wendy Lawson and we can verify her story from her."

Fury then looks at Max and his clothes. He then asks him, "What planet are you from?"

Max replies, "New York."

Fury chuckles and says, "You expect me to believe that a normal human can just pop up out of nowhere, take a hit from a weird space weapon, and be fine."

Max says, "Well Fury, people have secrets. But I can assure you that I'm from Earth. I even have my social security number."

Vers leans towards Max and whispers, "Are you not going to tell me either?"

Max whispers back, "I'll tell you later when we're alone."

Fury then asks, "Then why didn't you call the cops when you found this alien." Pointing to Vers.

Max replies, "It wouldn't make a difference. The outcome would be the same. Now, do your job and get us the file on Wendy Lawson. Vers also mentioned something about Pegasus. See if that helps."

Fury says, "Fine." And then takes out his phone. He dials Coulson's number and after a few rings, Coulson answers the call.

Coulson asks Fury, "Sir, where are you? Did you get anything from them?"

Fury glances at the Skrull who impersonated Coulson and asks, "I'm still working on that. By the way, do you remember the name of the guy who was building a rocket we met last year?"

Coulson replies, "Yes sir. I believe his name was Daniel."

Fury relaxes and says, "Forget about him. I just had a hunch it might be him again. I need files on a person named Wendy Lawson. Make it quick."

Coulson replies, "Sure sir."

Fury hangs up and Vers turns to Max. They look at each other in awkward silence. Fury's phone chimes, indicating a notification. Fury looks at it and says, "That was fast. Anyway, I got the information you guys wanted."

He opens the file and says, "Wendy Lawson, scientist of the Pegasus project. She's dead."

Vers is shocked to learn that her only lead is dead. Max asks, "Is there any more information about her?"

"It says that her files weren't digitized and are stored at the Pegasus base. We can go there in person and check it out." Fury says.

Max turns to Vers and says, "Don't worry. We might still get some answers after going through her files."

Vers gets up and says, "Then we should get going before it's too late."

Max then turns to Fury and asks, "What do you want to do with them?" Pointing to the Skrull corpses.

Fury replies, "I'll have someone pick them up. We can study them since this is our first alien encounter."

They all then leave the motel and Fury calls Coulson to pick up the bodies and move them to their labs. They walk to Fury's car and before Vers gets in, Fury stops her by placing his hand on her shoulder and says, "Before we get going, you're going to have to change out of that rubber suit. We can't have you walking around like a billboard for extraterrestrials."

Max says to Fury, "You're right, but where are we going to find clothes in the middle of the night?"

With no other option, they head out, with Vers still in her battle suit. Max and Vers sit in the back seat while Fury drives.

Vers asks Max, "He shouldn't hear us if we talk softly. Will you now tell me what you just did there?" Curious as to how Max teleported and saved her.

Max smiles and says, "Just a minute."

He reaches out to her shoulder and she turns to see what he is doing. Max then pulls out a small mic from her back.

Fury, who sees that through the mirror, says, "Shit."

Max throws the mic back to Fury and says to Vers, "Now he can't hear us."

Vers is both shocked and pissed at Fury. Max then whispers to Vers and Vers leans towards him, "I had an accident and ever since then, I can manipulate electricity. I can absorb it, generate it, and even turn my whole body into it. I couldn't do that last part until now, but seeing you in danger, my body somehow figured it out. Now I can do it at will."

Vers is amazed after hearing his powers and says, "That's so cool. That might also explain why every time I use my photon blasts, they are attracted to you. The photons must be drawn to the electrons. This is amazing to learn that I'm not the only one with powers. But I think this isn't the kind of secret you should be sharing with others."

Max smiles and says, "Don't worry. I trust you."

Vers just stares at Max silently, their faces very close to each other, before Fury breaks the silence by coughing.

She immediately snaps back and moves away from Max.

Vers feels a strange sensation in her chest as she places her hand on it. She wonders, 'What was that? What is this weird feeling?' She remembers how close she was to Max, how their eyes met, how their lips almost touched.

Max is feeling the same way. He thinks, 'She is so beautiful. My heart is still racing. What is this? Do I love her? Well, I did enjoy the time with her at the motel and the time watching the movie...' He recalls their time in the motel.

They both sit in complete silence, lost in their thoughts. Fury looks at them and murmurs, "Damn man, you managed to get an alien to fall for you." He salutes to Max in his head, impressed.

They drive for hours and the sun starts to rise. The sun rays enter from the window and illuminate both Max and Vers. They both look at each other and stare in complete silence, feeling a connection.

Fury feels uncomfortable and murmurs to himself, "God, when is this trip going to end? I'm stuck with two horny weirdos."

Fury drives faster now that there is more visibility and they arrive at the Pegasus facility. It is well guarded and completely fenced and Fury stops the car near the gate. A soldier walks to them and says, "This is government property. Do you have clearance to be here?"

Fury shows him his ID. The soldier checks the ID and then looks at Max and Vers sitting in the back. Before the soldier asks about them, Fury says, "Don't worry, they are with me."

The soldier looks at Vers and her suit suspiciously, but lets them enter. Since S.H.I.E.L.D. has high authority to operate freely, he doesn't question Fury much. Fury drives to the facility and is greeted by the Commander of the base. He asks, "How can I help you?"

Fury says, "We are from S.H.I.E.L.D. We are looking for a person who used to work here, Dr. Wendy Lawson."

The commander looks at them, staring at Vers's outfit, before saying, "Follow me."

They follow the course of the movie and are taken to a room where they are made to wait alone with no response from outside.

Max turns to Fury and asks, "Why are you so useless?"

"Hey. I got your asses inside the base." Fury says.

"Ok. We don't have time to argue." Max says and touches the digital lock near the door handle. He sends a jolt of electricity through it and unlocks the door.

"You are way more useful than Fury." Vers says as she walks out of the door, impressed by Max's ability to unlock it.

Fury doesn't react to what Vers says as he is shocked. He asks Max, "How the hell did you do that?"

"It's simple. I asked God to unlock the door and he did it for me." Max answers sarcastically and Fury gives up trying to find answers from Max.

They then head to the elevator and Vers asks, "Which floor?"

Fury, with a smug smile on his face, says, "Fifth floor. I saw the base map in the room we were waiting. That's why you need a spy like me."

Vers and Max ignore Fury and head to the fifth floor record room, which is also locked. Fury says to Max, "Ask your god again."

Max touches the device and unlocks the door with a zap. Fury looks at Max and asks, "Does your god also know how to open bank vaults?"

Max replies, "Don't know. Haven't tried yet."

Vers says, "Max. We don't have time to waste. Yon-Rogg will be here tomorrow. I have to find out the truth before he comes, or else he won't let me investigate."

They walk through the record room and stop at a section. They turn to their left and start looking at the files stored there. They find the files labeled Wendy Lawson.

Vers takes them out and splits the files with Max. She looks at the files and finds the blueprint of the light speed engine she was looking for and then notices the terminated stamp at the corner.

Vers says, "Max. Look here, she was working on the light speed engine. I wonder why they terminated it."

Max replies, "I guess they thought that she was crazy." Showing her a notebook with weird shaped writings.

Vers takes the notes from Max and says, "She wasn't crazy. These are Kree glyphs. She is Kree."

Fury's phone starts ringing and he leaves the place to answer the call. It's his boss Alexander Pierce. Fury answers the call and says, "I'm here at the Pegasus base. Do you still have eyes on her?"

Fury whispers, "Yes. We are in the records room."

Pierce says, "Good job Nicholas." and ends the call, but Fury is now completely shocked. He immediately returns to Vers and notices that Max is gone while Vers is just staring at a photo.

Fury asks Vers, "Where is Max?"

Vers looks around and says, "He was here a minute ago."

She is lost in thought when she starts seeing flashes of her flying a jet, crashing it, and there being an explosion. This is triggered by a photo of Wendy Lawson, with her climbing a jet in the background.

Fury says in a panicked tone, "We have to leave now. My boss brought men here and I think he is a Skrull."

Vers asks, "How do you know that?"

Fury answers, "Because no one calls me Nicholas."

Vers says, "I don't know what that means, but I think you are sure that he isn't your boss."

She then shouts, "Max. Where are you?" Calling out for him.

There is no response and she calls out again. Vers is now panicking and she starts running through the record room, searching for him while calling out for him.

She finally finds him going through a file. Vers runs to him and hits him in the chest. She asks, "I was calling out for you. Why didn't you say anything?"

Max closes the file and says, "Sorry. I was going through this file and was distracted."

Vers sighs in relief and says, "Ok. We have Skrull trouble. We have to leave now."

Max nods and takes the file with him and runs behind Vers. They head back to Fury and leave the record room through the emergency exit. Vers asks Fury, "Why are they here in the base?"

Fury replies, "It doesn't take a genius to figure out our location after I requested the files on Wendy Lawson."

They arrive at the ground floor of the base and come out of the emergency exit. They are greeted by a squad of armed men waiting for them near the exit.

Alexander Pierce, Fury's boss, looks at Fury and says, "Hand them over and surrender. You shouldn't be helping them."

Max says, "I don't want to deal with this. Sorry in advance."

He then stretches out his hand and electric sparks fly out from his palms and hit everyone in front of him. They have no chance to dodge as the electricity travels faster than their reflexes. They all scream in pain before they collapse to the ground. The leader, Alexander Pierce, is the only one holding on, but he is still weak from the shock. He slowly gets up and asks Fury, "Is it something I said?"

Fury doesn't say anything and runs behind Vers and Max. Vers spots a jet and says to Max, "We should be able to escape in that."

Max nods and they run towards the jet while the rest of the soldiers in the base notice the unconscious S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and start shooting at Max, Vers and Fury.

They get on the jet and Fury asks Vers, "Do you know how to fly this thing?"

Vers looks around and flips a few switches and presses a few buttons. The engine roars to life and she buckles up. Fury and Max do the same. Vers then lifts off and they soar into the sky, leaving the base behind.

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