
Marvel: Electro

Jack, a police officer, dies at the hands of his own fellow police officers after offending a wealthy businessman. As he lay dying, he wasn't angry with them, but strangely, he felt jealous of the rich businessman. He envied his power and the ability to manipulate people to his will. Jack yearned for that kind of influence, the power to stand in a position where he could accomplish anything and control anyone. However, he was killed before he could achieve his goal. Yet, fate granted him a second chance when he was reincarnated into the Marvel Universe as Electro. **** This is going to be an AU where things don't follow the original timeline of MCU, but majority of the plot will be based on the MCU.

DivineLordOfSloth · Movies
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Chapter 5

Max and Vers quickly left the crash site, hoping to avoid any unwanted attention. They had barely driven away when two black SUVs arrived at the scene. A dozen men in black suits stepped out of the vehicles, wearing earpieces and sunglasses. They heard a voice in their ears say "Fury, report."

Nick Fury, the leader of the team, responded. He didn't have a shaved head and a goatee, like he did in the movies. He looked like the actor Samuel L Jackson. "We're at the site, sir. We'll check it out and get back to you."

He and his men approached the crater with their guns drawn, ready for anything. They scanned the area for any signs of life, but all they found were some metal scraps and debris. The crater was empty.

Fury spoke into his earpiece again. "The site's clear, sir. There's no one here."

"Are you sure?" the voice asked. "We detected a heat signature from the ship. There must have been someone inside."

"Maybe they got out before we got here, sir." one of the agents suggested. He pointed to some footprints on the ground, leading away from the crater. "Look, there are tracks here. And another set that joined them. They must have had a partner or a hostage."

Fury followed the agent's gaze and saw the footprints. He ordered his men to follow them and look for any surveillance cameras nearby. "Whoever was in that ship, they're not alone. They have someone helping them or someone they're holding captive. We need to find them before they cause any trouble. Lock down this area and search for any witnesses or evidence."

The S.H.I.E.L.D. team had been sent to investigate the crash site after they received an alert that an unauthorized ship had entered the atmosphere. They had scanned the ship and detected a human-like heat signature inside. They had assumed it was a rogue agent, and they had dispatched Fury and his team to capture them.

Fury was not the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. yet, even though it was 2010. He was still a senior agent, working under the command of Alexander Pierce. Max had noticed that most of the events that had happened in the movies had not occurred yet.

Meanwhile, Max and Vers had checked into a motel nearby. Max did not want to take Vers to his house. He was afraid that the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents would track him down and endanger Lisa and Ana. Max was sure that they were on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar, and he did not want to risk exposing them.

Vers told Max her story. She said that she was a Kree warrior, sent to Earth to stop the Skrulls, a shape-shifting alien race that wanted to conquer the planet. She said that she had crashed on Earth after a battle with a Skrull ship, and that she had lost her memory. She said that she had a device that could contact her squad leader, but she needed to find a way to activate it.

Max listened to her story and asked her a question. "So, if the Skrulls can mimic the DNA of anyone, how do you tell who is a Skrull and who is not?"

Vers answered him. "Well, Skrulls can only copy the DNA, but not the memories. So, any test of memories should help you figure it out. Well, that was until now. I found out that they have a machine that can read the memories of any person. This will make them completely impossible to find, but I guess they can't carry it around everywhere, so the memories test should work if they arrive on this planet."

Max nodded and showed her the telephone in the motel room. He said "This is what we use to communicate. You can do whatever you want with it. Given the state of this place, I don't think the owner would even care if you break it."

Vers walked up to the telephone, picked it up and said "Hello"

Max asked her "Do you also say 'hello' before you talk to someone over a communication device?"

"I don't know. This was the first time I ever said it and this is supposed to be my first time using this device, but somehow instinctively I said it. What is that word?" Vers said, confused.

Max explained to her "We just use it for greeting the other person on the call or to check if they are audible."

"I am going crazy. I have to inform my squad leader and start looking for answers." Vers said and immediately opened up the telephone. She then took out a small device from a pad on her gloves and attached a few wires to the phone. She hoped that she could use the phone line to send a signal to her ship. She pressed a button and waited for a response.

Max watched as Vers worked on the phone, connecting some wires and gadgets to it. He did not disturb her, knowing that she needed to contact her people. After a few minutes, Vers picked up the phone again and tapped on the screen on her gloves. She made some adjustments and then the phone started to ring.

On the other end, Yon-Rogg answered the call. He saw a hologram of Vers appear on his device and he was relieved. He asked her "Vers, is that you? Are you safe? Verify CTC-56"

Behind him, a woman with blue skin and dark hair looked displeased when she saw Vers. She was Minn-Erva, another member of the Kree Starforce.

Vers replied "GRXV-1600, Vers. Kree Starforce. Yes, I am safe."

Yon-Rogg sighed and asked her "What happened? Where are you?"

Vers told him "I was captured by the Skrulls. They tried to extract my memories, but I escaped. I am now on planet C-53."

Yon-Rogg said "Good. Stay there. We are coming to get you. It will take us a day to reach you. So, don't do anything and stay out of trouble."

Vers said "I can't do that. When I was captured, I heard the Skrulls mention a name. Wendy Lawson. They are looking for her. She must be important. I have to find her before they do."

"Vers... don't be reckless...wait for us..." Yon-Rogg tried to warn her, but the communication was cut off. Vers looked at the phone and saw smoke coming out of it.

She checked the phone and asked Max "What happened?"

Max explained "Well, devices on our planet have power ratings, that is the maximum amount of electricity they can handle. I guess your alien communication device overloaded the phone and fried it."

Vers detached the device she had connected to the phone and put it back on her glove. She said "Well, I said what I needed to say, so it doesn't matter. It's better that the connection was cut off. I don't have to listen to Yon-Rogg telling me to do nothing. How can he expect me to sit still when I have so many questions and no answers?"

Max asked her "So, what are you going to do next?"

Vers thought for a while and asked him "Does your planet have any database of all its inhabitants?"

Max shook his head. Vers then asked him "Ok. How about the name 'Pegasus'? Does it mean anything to you?"

Max replied "Well, the first thing that comes to my mind is the flying horse from Greek mythology, but I doubt that's what you are looking for. But don't worry, we are going to have some visitors soon and they should be able to help you."

Vers was confused and asked him to explain. Max summarized "Our planet is not as united as yours. It is divided into different countries and regions, and many of them don't get along well. You were flying a spaceship that this country didn't recognize and thought that you might be an enemy. So, they will send a team to investigate. They are called S.H.I.E.L.D. and they deal with all kinds of weird and dangerous stuff. They have the resources to help you find the person you are looking for."

Vers looked at Max and said "Your planet is way more complicated and messed up than I thought."

'Well, you are from this planet too, so don't act like you are better than us.' Max thought to himself.

He then suggested "They should be here soon. Do you want to watch a movie while we wait?"

Vers asked "What's a movie?"

Max said "Think of it as a recorded version of a play. It's a form of entertainment."

He then turned on the TV and started switching channels, looking for an old movie. He wanted to trigger her memories of her time on Earth. He stopped at a channel that was showing the movie Titanic.

Max said "Try this. You might like it."

Vers decided to give it a try, not only because she was curious, but also because she felt a strange familiarity with the movie.

(To clarify the timeline, this story takes place in 2010, before any of the other Marvel events, except for Captain America's origin. Carol Danvers was abducted by the Kree 10 years ago.)

They both sat on the bed, leaning against the wall and watching the movie together. Max opened a bag of chips and said "Having something to munch on while watching a movie is a great experience."

Vers tried the chips and said "Wow, this is delicious. Your planet may be technologically backwards, but you guys nailed it with food."

Max said "Well, since we didn't spend time building space exploration machines, we spent that time in other things."

Vers agreed, since she was also enjoying the movie they were watching. She snacked on the chips aggressively and watched the movie with full concentration.

Vers finished the last chip from the bag. She then tried to grab another chip from the bag but didn't find any inside it. She looked inside the bag and was devastated to find out that she had finished all of them.

She had devoured the whole pack of chips in just five minutes. Vers turned to Max with a sad look. Max smiled and said "There are more on that table."

Vers immediately brightened up and ran to the table to grab the chips. Max had already expected this and brought five bags of chips. Vers brought all of them to the bed and they continued with the story.

Vers was fully engrossed in the movie while Max was wondering 'Aren't they taking a little too long to get here? We didn't even make an effort to hide from all the cameras.'

The movie was close to its end. It was the scene where the iceberg hit the ship. Coinciding with the sound from the movie, someone banged on the door.

Vers, who was distracted from her movie, was pissed. She immediately got up and opened the door. She shouted "Who the hell is it?"

When she opened the door completely, she was met with three men dressed in black suits and standing at the front was a black man. He looked at Vers' outfit and asked "Sorry Ma'am, we are from the national security and we were investigating a plane crash nearby. Have you seen anyone suspicious around here?"

Vers replied "No. Now I have a movie to catch up to. Bye."

Vers turned to leave, but a man from the group pulled out a weird machine and aimed it at Vers to fire. He fired it, sending out sparks of electricity from the machine.

Vers was completely distracted since she was angry, but she didn't get hit. Instead, everyone present there heard a zap, the one you would hear from electric arcs and then Max was standing between the men and Vers.

Vers now turned back to see what was happening. She saw the weird machine in one of their hands and immediately recognized it.

Vers pulled Max back and said "Skrulls" shooting at the person holding the weird machine. An energy blast from Vers' fists hit him and he fell to the ground.

"What the fuck just happened? Hands in the air. What did you just do you freak?" Fury shouted at Vers since he didn't see that man pull out the weird machine and try to use it on Vers. All he saw was that a man randomly appeared out of nowhere and the theater lady just shot something out of her fists.

Vers pointed to the man on the floor and said "I guess that should answer all your questions."

Fury was shocked when he saw the unconscious man's body slowly morph into an alien form with green skin and a weird face.

Fury was freaking out. He turned to his partner, Coulson, and asked "Coulson, are you seeing this shit?"

But he didn't get any answer from him. Instead, he saw him charge towards Vers with a furious look. Vers reacted quickly and blasted him in the chest with a photon blast. He flew back and hit the wall. He also changed into a green-skinned alien.

Fury didn't know what the hell was going on. The sounds from their fight might attract attention, so Max grabs some bedsheets from the room and covers the bodies.

Max then said to Vers "Help me get them back into the room. We can't let anyone see them."

Vers refused "I am not touching them. Let them rot here."

Max said "I don't know about other planets, but over here, people would lose their shit if they learn about you and the Skrulls."

Vers eventually helped Max and they got the bodies inside. Vers then asked Max "What should we do with him?" Pointing to the shocked Fury, who had recovered and was now on guard against the two people in front of him.

Fury asked "Who the hell are you? Are you aliens? If yes, then keep your battles to your own damn planet. Don't go around disturbing other planets."

Max said "You will get answers to your questions, but you have to follow us inside. We are lucky that people are sleeping in the motel. Now come inside before we are busted."

Fury asked "How do you expect me to follow you into a room after watching everything that happened here?"

Max replied "Do you have a choice? You want answers and even if you try to run from here, she can easily take you down."

"Hey! You are making me look like the bad guy here." Vers said.

Max said to her "Do you want answers to your questions or not? I am trying to help you here."

Vers didn't object much and Fury followed them to their motel room. Max looked around to see if there were any devices recording them. It was easy to search since he could see the electricity and he just had to look for a phone with that.

Seeing that no one was recording, he headed back into the room.

[I tried giving Captain Marvel some emotions and a character arc since the movie didn't explore much in this. Give me your input and suggest how I can improve it.]

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