
Marvel: Blackfire

In a world where superheroes, supervillains, and Gods exist; what will happen when one struggling high school boy gains a unique set of powers?

DaoistLighting · ภาพยนตร์
7 Chs

Chapter 3- Heist

Amir made his way through the familiar streets of Queens as he searched for the best target for his plan.

Today was just the test run if he got caught then it really was all over. He saw a Walmart but that was way too crowded for a test run.

Finally, after walking around for a bit he saw the perfect place, Whole foods. It wouldn't be very busy at this time of day and there was much less security than at Walmart.

He walked in nonchalantly and walked through the aisles with a purpose. He occasionally stopped from time to time and for anyone else, it just looked like he was checking out the fruits and vegetables.

But as soon as Amir had the food in his hand he summoned the black smoke inside the arm of his hoodie. He transported half the food he picked up into his personal void making sure that the smoke stayed in his hoodie and didn't leak out.

Not that anyone would be able to prove that he was stealing anyway, if they checked him they wouldn't find anything on him. For good measure, Amir made his way to the meats and took enough to feed himself for a week.

Finally, after getting everything he needed Amir bought a pack of gum on his way out, he didn't know if it really helped but it did make him feel a little less guilty. Not that he felt very guilty anyway, if he remembered right Whole foods were owned by Amazon which was like a trillion-dollar company.

The sun had set by the time he left the store Amir walked through the streets of Queens looking for his next target.

Yea he had gotten all the food he needed and could probably keep doing this so he wouldn't ever have to pay for food again, but he wanted more.

But he wouldn't steal from any local stores no it would have to be a corporation, they might notice but it wouldn't really hurt them that bad. They probably had insurance or something anyway.

He made his way to the rich part of the city, Manhattan. Taking the train kinda sucked when you were about to make thousands of dollars but it wasn't like he had any other choice.

When he got to manhattan picked out the perfect store Tiffiny and Co. They had a few security guards on the outside and only a few staff inside the actual store, it wasn't a very big location.

Amir knew what he had to do and he had to be quick, unlike Queen there were always a bunch of supes running around manhattan just waiting until a crime happened.

Amir entered the store and security didn't even look twice at his wearing a face mask, thank you Covid-19. He acted like he was browsing the displays for a min before he jumped into action.

Emitting as much darkness from himself as possible Amir flooded the store with black smoke. The employees started shouting and the security rushed inside but it was too late, Amir had already absorbed half of the jewelry in the store.

The security, afraid to open fire into the store in case they hit the employees, helplessly tried to block the exit to try and stop Amir from escaping.

Amir grinned as he help out his right hand and whispered, "pull."

The glass doors of the store were torn off the hinges as they flew toward Amir along with the security that was behind them.

Amir wasn't sure if he actually absorb humans into his void so he just pulled the security in close and then changed the gravity to throw them into the wall of the store.

With no one left to stop him, Amir ran out of the store still emitting as much darkness from himself as possible. It had been leaking out of the store and now that Amir himself ran out of the store the darkness seemed to cover the entire block, making it impossible to figure out the origin.

Amir quickly ran away from the store and into the crowd of panicked people that were now running from the store furiously.

'If there's one thing New York does well it's being crowded,' Amir thought with a smirk on his face. That is why he chose this location in the first place, because of all the foot traffic he could blend into after his short heist was over.

After blending into the crowd Amir willed the darkness to dissipate, making sure that he didn't pull it back into his body so that it wouldn't be a dead giveaway as to who was the thief.

With his heart racing and his shirt sticking to his back from what he had just pulled off Amir left the area as casually as he could.

The job wasn't finished yet he had managed to steal the jewelry but it wasn't worth anything to him. He needed to sell it for cash and now that he was in Manhattan he knew the perfect place to do it.

If the theft had made his heart race in excitement this part would make it beat faster from fear. Amir resolved himself and started walking towards Hell's Kitchen, the territory of the biggest crime boss in Newyork.