
Chapter 2- Introductions

"Your late Amir, I hope you at least have a note," Mrs.Warren said as Amir tried to stealthily enter his science class. Well, it was a bit hard to sneak when you were a lanky 6 2" but Amir tried his best.

"Uhh, no note, Mrs.Warren. I just overslept a bit, you know with practice and all that." Amir replied.

"Since it's the first time I'll let it go, Amir, take your seat," Mrs.Warren said going back to focusing on teaching.

Amir quickly got in his seat next to his deskmate.

"What did I miss," Amir asked Peter.

"Nothing I think she was just talking about acceleration. Pretty simple stuff," Peter whispered back trying not to disturb the class.

Amir smiled wryly, Peter was still the same oblivious genius as before, nothing had changed overnight. Well, that was the difference for someone that got into Midtown high with an academic scholarship compared to Amir's athletic one.

"Yea simple sure," Amir muttered as he quickly started taking notes. If he let his grades drop too much then he might not be eligible to play.

"So class how do we calculate linear acceleration between points A and B," Mrs.Warren asked the class.

Flash put his hand up in a … flash. "The product of sine of the angle and gravity divided by the mass."

"Nope. Peter you still with us," Mrs.Warren asked getting Peter's attention. He had been looking at videos of the new supe that had been running around the city. A dude wearing a spider suit running around saving people, where has the world gone? What would be next a purple Alien coming down from space to destroy the Earth?

"Uhh yea, the mass would cancel out so it's just gravity times sign," Peter answered.

'Tch. Geniuses,' Amir couldn't help but think.

"See Flash being the fastest isn't always the best if you are wrong," Mrs.Warren said to Flash.

Amir thought it was a bit unnecessary but couldn't help the chuckle that came out at Flash getting mocked.

Of course, Flash wouldn't take that lying down. He turned back towards Peter and hissed, "You're dead Parker," in a way that made even my stomach turn a bit.

Well, Flash was a pretty intimidating guy, he had either matured early or lied on his birth certificate cause he was about as tall as Amir but seemed to have already filled out his form with muscle. No wonder he was the star of the football team.

"Just ignore him, Peter he's all talk," Amir whispered to his friend but was surprised to see that Peter didn't really look all that worried. He had been acting differently the past few weeks. Ever since they had gone on that field trip to Oscorp.

"Yea don't worry about it, I'll just avoid him. I don't think he has the mental capacity to remember this next week," Peter Whispered back and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Though it was quickly shut out by the glare Mrs.Warren was giving me.

After that, the class went by quickly while Amir furiously scribbled down notes trying to understand the material, and Peter checked out how the internet was reacting to the new superhero running around town.

The bell rang and Amir and Peter packed their things and walked together to their lockers.

"You been working out Peter? You look a little different, taller too," Amir asked as they got made their way through the crowded maze that was high school.

"Huh, workout? No. I mean, yes. Maybe a little bit. I just felt like a needed a bit of a change you know. What about you, what's the practice like for the Basketball team? I think I saw fliers saying the season is about to start," Peter stammered.

Amir noticed Peter acting a bit weird but ignored it, Peter was always a bit weird anyway.

"Yea the season starts next week, I'm going to be coming off the bench as the backup point guard. Hopefully, if I play well I can get promoted to a starter if I play well this season," Amir said.

"Well I don't know much about basketball but good luck, cya at lunch Amir," said Peter as he packed his things for the next class.

"Yea, cya later," Amir said as he left for his next class.

Thankfully, none of his other classes were as hard as physics and he cruised through them all the way to lunch.

He made his way to the cafeteria where he saw the mostly empty table with Peter and Ned and sat down next to them. They were gazing into the distance at Liz Allen who was helping put up homecoming decorations.

"We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy though," Peter said.

"Too late," Both Amir and MJ said at the same time. "You guys are losers," she added before going back to her book.

"Hey what did I do?" Amir muttered as he started eating his food.

"Well if we're losers why do you sit at our table then?" Ned asked.

"Because I have no friends," Mj said not looking up from her book.

After an awkward silence, Amir realized that she was just going to keep reading and didn't really care what they were talking about.

"So are you guys going to ask Liz out for homecoming? I think she still doesn't have a date," Amir asked his friends.

"Nah, she won't wanna go with a sophomore it'll be a little weird," Peter mutter looking dejected.

"Yea even getting into one of the parties that the seniors throw would be crazy," Ned added.

"What about you Amir are you going to ask anyone?" Peter asked.

Amir shook his head, "You know how it is Peter, I have practice then straight after that work. I barely even have time for homework sometimes."

Peter nodded in understanding. He knew how it felt to grow up without parents, and could relate to what Amir was going through. At least he had aunt May, Amir didn't even have someone like that in his life.

The rest of the day passed in a blur as Amir went through classes and practice before running to the dorm that came with his athletic scholarship.

He put on black sweatpants and a baggy black hoodie that concealed his figure. He put on a normal face mask and went outside seeing the sun starting to set in the distance. Amir took a deep breath as he prepared himself for the night.

Today he would either be a thief or in jail.

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