
Marvel : Arkham Knight

Ethan Hunt is a boy from Earth who suddenly finds himself transported into the Marvel universe. He is determined to raise his own power and find a place in the new world he has found himself. In the world filled with Heroes and Villains, he chooses to stand at the middle as an antihero. An angel to one while being a demon to the other, this is his journey. This is Marvel's Arkham Knight.

Lust_Demon_Samael · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Chapter 16

"Be careful okay." Amelie said to him with a worried face.

"I will." Ethan said as he exited the house.

After that he went to the place picked by Maestro as he went there. It had a lot of security and many security checks were done on him to make sure that it was him. After it was done he met with the man himself who is in his usual dress as he welcomed the mercenary.

"I'm glad that you decided to come here." Maestro said to him with a smirk.

"Your offer is a good one so I thought why not." Ethan said to him as he looked behind the man.

There was a lot of equipment there and he spotted the four vials of the serum attached to the machine.

'That looks like the one Norman Osborne from Spiderman 1 used.' Ethan thought to himself when he looked at the equipment.

"So, that's where you will inject me with the serum?" Ethan asked the man as he looked at him.

"Yes. Don't worry, your life won't be in danger. I assure you. Especially since I have used considerable resources to train you." Maestro said to him with a smile.

"Okay then. So, what do I wear?" Ethan asked him as he knew that he had to disrobe for it.

"The staff will tell you. Go." Maestro said before he went and started to work on the computers.

Ethan then changed into black boxers and then laid on the metal desk and then his limbs were secured by the personnel as Maestro did checks on the computers and made sure that the systems were doing fine. He glanced at Ethan who is ready to get the serum injected.

"Serum insertion is about to start." Maestro said as the personnel started to work on their respective jobs.

Ethan looked at the man a bit weirded out by his wording but didn't say anything. He was covered by a mechanical covering which surprised him.

'And now it looks like Captain America's.' Ethan thought to himself as he looked at the covering.

Maestro then initiated the system as the vials of the serum were emptied and went through the tubes and went into Ethan's body through the needles as he felt the serum enter his body. His eyes widened as he felt the serum starting to affect his body.

His body went rigid when he felt it as he was bathed in Vita rays by Maestro who is keeping and eye on his condition and was happy that the serum is affecting him as intended.

'You really are a genius.' Maestro thought to himself as he remembered the doctor who had given Captain America his powers.

Ethan grit his teeth as he felt his body changing from the effects of the serum as he clenched his hands as he groaned in pain from the changes that are happening to his body.

"Uuughh! Aaaaaahhhhh!" Ethan started to scream from the pain that he is feeling.

"Hang on tight for a bit more Ethan." Maestro said to him as he looked at the readings.

Ethan screamed a bit more but he grit his teeth and held it in as he managed to persevere until the equipment was done with its job and stopped working as Maestro looked at his screen.

The rest of the room was silent as the people looked at the pod in which he is inside of as they didn't hear anything. Meanwhile Maestro looked at the screen and smiled at the results as he gave the order to open the pod.

The pod slowly opened and the personnel saw Ethan panting as he laid on the desk as his body has also changed. He now has become a bit larger and his muscles have become much more noticeable. But perhaps the most noticeable change on him is the large strand of yellow hair on his head.

His hand and legs were let free as he opened his eyes and slowly got off of the desk as he sat on it and panted a bit more as he got a bearing on himself. He then looked at himself as saw that he has become much more buffer and more muscular than before.

He heard footsteps and looked to his left and saw Maestro walking to him with a pleased expression on his face.

"Congratulations Ethan. You are now an enhanced." Maestro said to him with a smirk on his face.

"I sure feel like one." Ethan said as he looked at his arms which were now much stronger and muscular than before.

"You will need a few minutes to get adjusted to your enhanced body so take some minutes to rest. After that I will give you information about your new enhanced abilities." Maestro said to him as Ethan nodded to him.

After that Ethan got dressed again but found his dress a bit tight. He didn't mind it though and met with Maestro who is currently looking at a tablet.

"Here is your new abilities." Maestro said as he gave him the tablet.

Ethan looked at the information on the tablet as his eyes widened a bit.

"Physical abilities comparable to that of Spiderman, increased metabolism and regenerative factor. And Geokinetic abilities?" Ethan said as he looked at the screen of the tablet and then looked at Maestro.

"It's based off of the power of a mutant who can control Earth Energies. Of course, we decided to just call it as Geokinetic abilities. If you can use it correctly you can connect with the planet itself." Maestro said to him with a smile.

Ethan's eyes widened when he heard that.

'The ability to control and connect with the planet.' Ethan thought to himself as he looked at the screen.

He then looked at Maestro with a puzzled look as the man just gave a smile.

"And you're okay with me having this power? You're not afraid that I will turn against you?" Ethan asked him with a surprised look.

"I know that you're a guy who is quite honest and loyal. You aren't someone who will take the life of an innocent. And besides..." Maestro said with a smile.

Ethan looked at him confused before the next thing he knew he was slammed into the ground as it cracked as his face kissed the floor. His eyes widened by the immense pressure that he was feeling on his body. He tried to raise himself as he pushed on the floor, but he wasn't able to and he was only pushed further into the floor as he grit his teeth.

'What the hell is happening here? I thought he was a mutant who could control metal so how is he able to do this?' Ethan thought to himself as he grit his teeth.

A few seconds later he felt the pressure vanish as he gasped for air. He laid on the floor for a few more moments before he slowly got up and then slowly stood up. He panted a bit more before he looked at Maestro who still has a calm smile on his face.

"You're not strong enough to actually defeat me." Maestro said to him with a disarming smile on his face as Ethan looked at him shocked.