
Marvel : Arkham Knight

Ethan Hunt is a boy from Earth who suddenly finds himself transported into the Marvel universe. He is determined to raise his own power and find a place in the new world he has found himself. In the world filled with Heroes and Villains, he chooses to stand at the middle as an antihero. An angel to one while being a demon to the other, this is his journey. This is Marvel's Arkham Knight.

Lust_Demon_Samael · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 15

Ethan returned back to one of Maestro's bases with the serum. When he reached deeper he saw Maestro sitting on a couch drinking wine as always. He opened his one eye and smiled at him as he placed the cup of wine on the table beside his couch as he intertwined his fingers in front of his chest.

"You managed to hold your own against Taskmaster, though you lack experience, your skills more than enough compensate for it. Of course, the only reason Taskmaster didn't go all out against you is because you had the serum on your person." Maestro said to which Ethan couldn't help but agree.

"Well, the important thing is that I managed to complete the mission and get the serum back. Here you go." Ethan said as he gave the box to Maestro.

Said man took the box and opened it and saw four vials of the serum inside it as he smiled at it before closing it and placing it beside him on the box before looking at Ethan.

"So do you have any other job for me or is that it for the moment?" Ethan asked him.

"At the moment, I don't have any job that requires your skill. You can go back to your house, Amelie will be there when you get there." Maestro said to him.

"Alright then." Ethan said as he turned around and walked away.

"By the way Arkham Knight." Maestro said causing him to stop walking and turn to look at him.

"Yes?" Ethan asked him.

"Do you wish to become an enhanced?" Maestro asked with a smile causing Ethan's eyes to widen under his visor as he looked at the man.

"Might I ask why you are asking this?" Ethan asked him as he fully turned to face the man.

"Well, the world has been filling up with one enhanced individual after another and now it has become a norm to have powers. You have great many skills, I won't deny that, however you are still human, and except for your close combat and Weapon Proficiency, you do not have other abilities. Those are given to you by the suit that you wear." Maestro said to him.

"I know." Ethan said to the man with a nod as he couldn't deny his words.

"That is precisely why I want you to take this serum. With it you become much stronger than before and I do mean in the superhuman sense. You are a very valuable agent for me who has the skills needed to do the job. And considering the ever growing amount of superpowered individuals on the planet and not counting whatever alien life which tries to invade the planet, having powers will really help you." Maestro calmly said to him as he sat on his couch.

'I won't deny that his words make sense. There are a good amount of enemies that I can defeat but against individuals like Spiderman, Iron Man, Captain Marvel, their abilities might be too much for me to handle. Not to mention powerhouses like the Hulk, Immortals like Wolverine and whatnot.' Ethan thought to himself at the man's word's.

"If I were to agree to it, I want to ask about if there are any side effects to the serum that might be detrimental to me." Ethan said to him.

"I assure you that there are none. I had managed to get a good formula of the super soldier serum and tweaked it a bit to become much more stronger and powerful. I'm sure you're going to enjoy it." Maestro said to him with a smile.

"Can you give me some time to think?" Ethan asked him after a few seconds.

"Of course, take your time." Maestro said calmly.

Ethan nodded before he left the room. Then he left the base and went to the house dressed in casual clothes while having his suit in a large suitcase. After he reached the house he walked out of the war and went to his door and rang the bell. He heard the sound of footsteps which went silent and two seconds later the door is opened by Amelie who is looking at him worried.

"Are you okay? You aren't too hurt are you? Do you want me to get some medicine or maybe make some food for you?" Amelie asked one after the other rapidly as Ethan shook his head.

"I'm fine Amelie. The mission went smoothly and I got the package. Though Maestro has given me an option." Ethan said to her as he entered the house as she closed the door.

Ethan then went to the hall and sat on the couch and placed his suitcase on the side as Amelie said beside him and looked at him worried.

"What option? Amelie asked him worried.

"He wants me to be part of an experiment which will give me powers." Ethan said to her causing her eyes to widen.

"Absolutely not! You mustn't take part in an experiment like that!" Amelie said immediately.

"But the pros do outweigh the cons." Ethan said to her.

"That does not matter. If you do this then you'll become like me!" Amelie said terrified.

'Oh so the trauma is causing her to act like this.' Ethan thought to himself as he looked at her.

"I know Amelie. I have been thinking about it for sometime now but considering the amount of superpowered individuals in the world I would feel much safer if I had a way to protect myself." Ethan said to her.

"Y-You have Maestro. He said it himself that you are a good agent for him." Amelie said to him.

"Yes but we do not know in what kind of situation I might be pulled into. Not to mention, Hydra has been looking for you." Ethan said causing her to be surprised.

"W-What!" Amelie said shocked.

"You didn't actually think that they would just let you go did you?" Ethan said to her with a small smile.

"I..." Amelie said but stopped.

"As far as HYDRA are are concerned you are their property and agent. And considering the amount of kills you had gotten for them they would want you back. Not to mention the resources they had expended to turn you into Widowmaker." Ethan said to her as he looked at her.

Amelie looked down at his words as she didn't know what to do or say. She hated HYDRA with all her being. They played with her mind and body, made her kill her husband and many more people. Even though she wasn't fully in control of herself, the fact remains that she killed them and she has to live with that guilt. And she couldn't forget how she had enjoyed killing people which disgusted her.

"Now, you know that's not true." A voice similar to hers is heard causing her eyes to widen.

She immediately started to look around alarmed surprising Ethan who also looked around but didn't find anything suspicious before he turned back to her.

"Is something wrong Amelie?" Ethan asked her.

"No, no. Just tired." Amelie said to him.

"Well, take some rest. But I'm thinking of accepting it. I think it will be a matter of time before HYDRA learns about you so I have to be prepared to protect you." Ethan said to her causing her eyes to widen as she looked at him.

"Ethan..." Amelie said as tears formed in her eyes.

"Amelie?" Ethan said only for her to hug him tightly as she cried on his chest.

Ethan just rubbed her back as a reassurance as they stayed on the couch.