
Marvel: Abstract entity

Cover made by: Jhassi discord: https://discord.gg/YTwU6P4sn7 Description: Mc is originally from a possible future 2050 of our world where human beings were not able to commit to stopping climate change, he was chosen by an omnipotent being that MC likes to refer to as ×÷+- because of some reason. ×÷+- granted MC's 3 wishes and in exchange, he had to be transmigrated to a world of ×÷+-'s choice. Mc thought it was Dceu because he got reincarnated there but that was only because of the influence of the wishes he asked for and he had yet to be transmigrated to the real universe that ×÷+- chose for him. PS: As you may already guess from the title of the fiction, this book is a little bit influenced by my feelings towards maths which will be observed in MC's feelings towards ×÷+-. Just for fun at the start. trying my hand at writing something for the first time, I don't own dc-comics and marvel comics. Though I'm writing this fiction before that, I have to confess that im not that knowledgeable about MCU, just a fan of it so don't expect it to be completely accurate. update rate depends on my mood so there's that too and English is not my first language so I thought I should inform you about that too. thnx for reading until now.

Kitshaar · ภาพยนตร์
81 Chs

Chapter 38 I have come for peace

****The present

"You don't really need to be on edge with me. I'm not interested in unprovoked violence." Kar-el smiled.

"That would be the best outcome I was hoping for." Ancient One tilted her head a little while leaning forward.

"Really?" Kar-el asked in surprise.

"No. The best outcome would have been you never waking up but we can rule that okay."

'What did she mean by waking up??'Kar-el wondered inwardly to himself.

"So if you didn't come here to fight, what brought the sorcerer supreme to my humble apartment?" Kar-el asked.

"I did come here expecting that to be the worst scenario but now that is out of the table, I just wanted to know what's your agenda?" She asked him calmly.

"What do you mean?" Kar-el put up a serious face. Magic was still a major weakness of his and there are few beings in the 9 realms that know magic with as familiarity as the ancient one.

He was hoping that Ancient One doesn't abandon the path of diplomacy as it would be terrible for both of them if they fought.

He speculated that she would be wary of him if she doesn't know his full capabilities. While it would make her more ready to fight him, she would also try to talk things out first since she doesn't know who she is fighting against.

"My image of a primordial being does not match with you. You have been on this planet for years now and yet I don't see any major changes taking place on earth. Your kind is not known for much patience." She replied.

'Primordial being... Are we talking about the same person?' Kar-el wondered.

"Is that so? Considering that my kind has all the time in the world to do what we like, we are the impatience ones?" While he would like to ask why she referred to him as a primordial being, he thought it was better to not ask that right now.

"Indeed. Unlike humans, you have all the time in the world to do things your way but time is a tricky thing. Having too much of it doesn't necessarily mean it's good, right?" She smiled wisely before continuing," You have been absent from history for so long. Sleeping without care of consequences because you too experienced boredom or was it something else that made you asleep?" She tried to probe casually.

"It was just the boredom. When you have so much power at your hands, you tend to lose interest in things after a while. Things would finally be exciting now so I thought now is the perfect time to wake up." Kar-el remarked casually knowing that Ancient one likely didn't believe anything that comes out of his mouth and yet the conversation must go on to maintain peace between them.

"I see. Well, it was a pleasure meeting you. I am sure we will be seeing each other a lot in the future." Ancient one said as she summoned a portal beside her.

"I'm of the same mind. I hope things can still be peaceful at that time." Kar-el replied as she walked into the portal.

****Ancient One P.O.V

"How did it go?" Wong asked me as I stepped outside of the portal.

"Something was amiss, "I replied as I turned to walk into my cabin.

" He was brilliant control over his body including facial expressions but it was clear that he was lying about something," I remembered the recent encounter with the man who was not afraid of me even after knowing who I am.

"Do we need to be ready for war?" Wong asked me with a grim tone.

"No. Thankfully one thing that I can say from this encounter is that he doesn't want to break the present order of things," I replied to put him at ease before entering the cabin alone.

I checked the time stone which finally calmed down after I walked out of the portal. Thankfully it was inside the eye of agamotto which prevented it from creating inconvenience during our chat.

He clearly noticed it too as soon as he looked at me. That was the only time his expression was outside his control.

It's been a week since the possible timelines displayed by time stone vanished under fog.

I couldn't access the ability to look into the far future since the stone was still calculating new possible outcomes after the upheaval.

I had that ability, I wouldn't have met with him as I did moments ago. I clearly gave him more information than I received.

Thankfully what I received from the interaction makes up for all the trouble.

He clearly appeared to be either unaware of what he really is or he is not as powerful as he used to be.

*** Kar-el P.O.V.

'Why would she refer to me as a primordial being?' After she left, I was left to wonder about various pieces of information shared between us unintentionally.

The only link to primordial on me was the life equation. The first thing that came to my mind was ×÷+- but I denied the possibility of it being the reason for the ancient one referring to me as a primordial being since ×÷+- doesn't appear to be just that much powerful. Comparing ×÷+- to Dormammu was like comparing a star to an ant.

For all their godlike powers, Kryptonians still couldn't compare to Dormammu or Mephisto so the life equation was the only answer.

'Could she had misjudged the presence of life equation as the primordial presence?" I thought as I took a sip of orange juice.

'Time stone did react with hostility at the moment but that was understandable.' It was natural that as one of the original singularities of this universe, it would react with hostility to the foreign singularity.

Life equation does qualify as a singularity equal to the infinity stones and since its domain of power allows it to interfere with other's domain of influence, it is a serious force to reckon with.

'Wait.... Could it be because of the domain?'

Every singularity of the universe has its specific domain of influence that they preside on. Time stone has the domain of time for example.

The life equation's domain of influence is very special. It's called the domain of law. Basically, the life equation has the authority and control over the laws and regulations that govern the universe. (How does it work, how should it work, and how it used to work.)

Like how time stone can manipulate time, life equation can re-write the laws that govern the universe. That's what makes it so special, everything is governed by a law that allows life equations to make changes in domains of different singularities.

Meanwhile, primordial beings also have a domain of their own but they don't have absolute control over them like the singularities.

A living being with control over the domain of life equation does indeed fills the criteria of a primordial being since if the life equation can manipulate time, it can easily manipulate Dormammu's specific domain too since the time domain is higher in the hierarchy than any of the primordial beings specific domain.

"Sadly, while I do possess control over the life equation's domain of influence, I can't utilize it to do my bidding yet. It's hard to not feel sad when you have so much power and still you feel powerless" I lamented to myself before walking away.


The next chapter will be a side story and hopefully, it will be released in a few days.

This chapter was tough to write since I couldn't think how I should proceed with this meeting. 'Should there be a fight or not?' was the question that bugged me the most and in the end, I decided to make it a fight of minds instead of fists since the ancient one liked peace as the first option and I couldn't think of any reason that will make kar-el start a battle with her and destroy all the connections he has built over the years.

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