
Trick 7: Making yourself- Disappear!

At the apartment, Ace was packing his stuff.

He looked at Bruce and said "Pack up, we have to go." Bruce purred in confusion and Ace's face turned ugly as he said "Who's Kate? Don't mention her anymore, she got hit by a bus. Hurry up."

As he walked over to the rotary phone, making a call as Bruce hopped around.

Ace said "Bruce! Get your damn carrots and get over here!" Bruce looked at him and snorted before laying on his back in protest. Before Ace could commit animal abuse by kicking this damn rabbit out the window, the voice answered "Hello."

Ace glared at Bruce and said "My mark is complete." The voice was silent for a few moments before saying "Ace Brand, you have strayed from orders and disobeyed the Eye's will. You are hereby stripped from your Tarot Rank and degraded to recruit status until further notice."

Ace froze and squeezed the rotary phone, saying in a very low voice "Excuse me?" The voice was silent and Ace raised his voice saying "I have worked for the Eye for nearly 2 decades! I followed all the rules and never once stepped out of line! The only insubordination was not going to Kamar-Taj and you're going to strip me of my rank for that?! Are you joking?!"

The voice explained "Again, you have disobeyed the Eye's wil-" Ace shouted angrily, "For not learning new magic!? For sticking to tradition?! What does the Eye's Will represent?!" Before the voice had a chance to speak, Ace snorted, "Maybe there really does need to be change."

He pulled the rotary phone off the wall, saying "Wait for me." he tossed the phone into a hat and slapped the hat into a duffle bag before collecting his things, stopping at a watch hanging on a picture of him and 'Kate'.

He held the picture and stared at it for a few seconds as Bruce nudged his foot.

Ace had a complicated look in his eyes as he threw the picture into his duffle bag, slipping the watch on his wrist as he looked out the window to see police cars surrounding the area.

He snorted and lifted up his hood, slinging the duffle bag onto his shoulders, having it turn into a backpack as Bruce dove in, poking his head out from the top, purring.

Ace left the apartment and looked in the staircase to see men in suits, holding guns walking up the stairs, they shouted "Target's here!" before shooting as Ace pulled his head back.

He ran up the stairs to see suits coming down the stairs as well.

Ace clicked his tongue and looked around to see the fire escape out the window. He ran to the window and hopped out, climbing the fire escape to the roof.

He looked off the roof to see police everywhere, even helicopters on the horizon.

He frowned and counted on his fingers before taking a bunch of steps back.

The door to the roof was kicked open and men came out, shouting "Freeze!" Ace ignored them and ran off the roof, jumping to the next roof, rolling on the rooftop as he continued to run.

He pulled on a cloth in his shirt as a helicopter shone a spotlight on him.

He pulled on the never ending multicolored cloth before turning abruptly, jumping off the roof towards the street as the agents were shocked.

'Kate' gasped and shouted "ACE!?" as her eyes widened.

Ace suddenly exploded into multicolored cloth, disappearing instantly, stunning the agents into awed silence.

'Kate' was stupified but secretly relieved in her heart as she caught a piece of cloth floating down from the sky.

The other agents stared at the sky in shock, not even comprehending what just happened.

One guy said "Did he just…" another one swallowed, nodding, "That dude just straight up disappeared!"

'Kate' answered her ringing phone and the voice said "Agent 13! What in the hell is goin' on over there?!" she winced and replied, "Director… Well, he just vanished."

"What do you mean 'just vanished'!? He's an acting magician, not a real one!"

'Kate' didn't know what to say and simply sighed, "Sir, you really have to see it to believe it." another balding guy looked at her, pointing at the sky without words and 'Kate' sighed, shrugging her shoulders.

She was kinda upset with the situation.

First of all, they were already investigating Ace's magic a long time ago since it seemed impossible most of the time, but things went out of control today. The reason so many agents were around was because the day before another group of magicians had robbed a bank in France.

They were a bit alert to magic robberies.

Secondly, she really was supposed to monitor Ace unfortunately the situation got a bit out of hand…

She rubbed the cloth in between her fingers and sighed, looking at the night sky.

Ace looked out the window of a plane and rubbed his pendant, sighing to himself as he stared at the night sky.

He turned his head and closed the window, putting in headphones as his eyes sharpened slightly.

He scrolled through his phone, reading about England.

He didn't take betrayal no matter what.

He clenched his phone and narrowed his eyes, the Eye would pay.

He swore on it.

A few days later

Ace was walking around on the streets of London, wearing a black hoodie with normal jeans, and black sneakers. He looked around as he stood in a phone booth pretending to be on a call.

His eyes condensed and he focused on a little boy with glasses walking around with a huge man. There was something about these two that made Ace's skin crawl with goosebumps.

He got out of the phone booth and walked behind them secretly, tailing them.

The duo walked up to a bar and Ace saw clearly that the blank sign suddenly showed 'The Leaky Cauldron'. His eyes widened and he quickly followed them inside.

Ace seemed to have stepped into a different world, the people in here had old outfits!

He looked around to see people stirring tea and coffee with spoons that stirred by themselves as they twirled their fingers. There were posters on the walls with moving pictures and even the newspapers moved on their own!

Ace frowned and saw everyone pause as the huge man said "I'm here to get school supplies for our friend Harry here."

Someone gasped "Harry Potter?!"

Everyone turned to the boy, who looked around in confusion.

A man with a turban introduced himself, stuttering "Mr. P-P-P-Potter, charmed."

Ace looked at Harry and thought for a moment before walking to the bar counter beside the man with a turban, finding out that his name was Quirrell while the huge man's name was Hagrid.

Apparently they worked for a school named Hogwarts.

Ace turned to the bartender and knocked on the counter, saying "Boss." the man walked over and smiled, "How may I help you, sir?" Ace looked at Harry in the corner of his eyes and asked "Have you heard about the Eye?"

The bartender pursed his lips and thought for a moment before shaking his head, saying "'Fraid not, chap. Though, you might have more luck searching around Diagon Alley." Ace frowned and nodded, he noticed Hagrid and Harry leaving, saying "Thanks." before following after them.

The Bartender smiled and walked away as Ace disappeared out the backdoor.

He came to a brick wall only to see Hagrid tap on specific bricks, opening the wall to a bustling area.

Ace blinked and passed by the duo, nodding at them as he disappeared into the crowd.

Hagrid frowned slightly but Harry said "Wow! Amazing!" Hagrid smiled happily, saying "O'course, Harry! We only have to make a single stop at Gringotts!"

Ace heard this from a corner before walking away.